Symptoms and signs of ischemic heart disease


  • Symptoms of Ischemic Heart Disease.
  • Angina.
  • Myocardial infarction.
  • Cardiosclerosis.

  • Symptoms of Ischemic Heart Disease.

    Symptoms and signs of ischemic heart diseaseThe first signs of IHD, as a rule, become painful sensations – that is, signs purely subjective. The earlier the patient will pour attention on them, the better. The reason for appealing to the cardiologist should be any unpleasant feeling in the field of the heart, especially if it is unfamiliar to the patient and did not have experienced them before. However, the same applies to «Familiar» sensations that have changed their character or conditions of occurrence. Suspicion of IHDs should occur in the patient and in the event that the pain in the bladed area occurs during the physical or emotional load and go alone, have the nature of the attack. In addition, any progressary pain of monotonous nature also requires immediate reference to the cardiologist, regardless of any of the power of pain, nor from the old age of the patient, nor from his well-being in the rest of the time.

    Ubs usually flows wave: periods of calm without manifestation of severe symptoms are replaced by episodes of exacerbation of the disease. The development of IBS lasts decades, during the progression of the disease, its forms and, accordingly, clinical manifestations and symptoms may vary. It turns out that symptoms and signs of IBS – These are symptoms and signs of one of its forms, each of which has its own characteristics and the current. Therefore, we are considering the most common symptoms of IBS. However, it should be noted that about one third of patients with IBS may not have any symptoms of the disease at all, and not even know about its existence. This is especially true of patients with solemn myocardial ischemia. The rest can disturb such symptoms of IBS as pain in the chest, pain in hand, pain in the lower jaw, back pain, shortness of breath, nausea, excessive sweating, heartbeat or heart rate disorders.

    As for the symptoms of such an IBS form as a sudden heartfelt death, it can be said very little about them: a few days before the attack, a person appears, the brediction of the unpleasant sensations in the procured region appear, psycho-emotional disorders are often observed, fear of close death. Symptoms of sudden cardiac death: loss of consciousness, stopping respiratory, no pulse on large arteries (sleepy and femur); lack of heart tones; Expansion of pupils; The appearance of a pale gray skin shade. During an attack, which often takes place at night in a dream, after 120 seconds after its start, the cells of the brain begin to die. After 4-6 minutes, irreversible changes in the central nervous system are occurring. After about 8-20 minutes, the heart stops and death occurs.


    Symptoms and signs of ischemic heart diseaseThe most typical and common manifestation of IBS is angina (or breast toad). The main symptom of this form of ischemic heart disease is pain. Pain during the attack of angina is most often localized in the progreded area, usually on the left side, in the heart area. Pain can spread to the shoulder, hand, neck, sometimes in the back. With the attack of angina, not only pain, but also a feeling of squeezing, gravity, burning sternum. The intensity of pain may also be different – from light to unnecessary strong. The pain is often accompanied by a sense of death fear, anxiety, general weakness, excessive sweating, nausea. Sick pale, it decreases the body temperature, the skin becomes wet, breathing frequent and surface, palpitis.

    The average duration of the attack of angina, as a rule, is small, it rarely exceeds 10 minutes. Another distinctive sign of angina – The attack is pretty easy to fasten with nitroglycerin. The development of angina is possible in two versions: stable or unstable. For stable angina, pain is characterized only when loading, physical or neuropsychic. In peace of pain quickly pass on themselves or after receiving nitroglycerin, which expands the vessels and helps to establish normal blood supply. With unstable angina, the stubborn pains arise alone or at the lowest load, shortness of breath appears. This is a very dangerous state that can continue for several hours and often leads to the development of myocardial infarction.

    Myocardial infarction.

    According to the symptoms, the attack of myocardial infarction can be confused with the attack of angina, but only at the initial stage. Later, the heart attack develops quite differently: this is an attack of the zealous pain that does not subscribe for several hours and does not borne in the nitroglycerin intake, which, as we said, was a characteristic feature of the attack of angina. During the attack of myocardial infarction, the pressure is often significantly increased, the body temperature rises, the stratification may occur, the heart rate interruptions (arrhythmia).


    The main manifestations of cardiosclerosis are signs of heart failure and arrhythmia. The most visible symptom of heart failure – This is a pathological shortness of breath arising from minimal exercise, and sometimes even at rest. In addition, reinforced heartbeat, increased fatigue and swelling, caused by excessive fluid delay in the body. Symptoms of arrhythmias may be different because it is a common name for completely different states that combines only what they are associated with interruptions in the rhythm of heart abbreviations. Unifying different types of arrhythmias symptom – these are the discomfort associated with the fact that the patient feels like «not properly» His heart beats. At the same time, the heartbeat may be rapid (tachycardia), regenerated (bradycardia), the heart can fight with interruptions and T.D.

    It should once again recall that, like most cardiovascular diseases, ischemic disease develops in a patient for many years, and the earlier the correct diagnosis is made and the appropriate treatment has begun, the greater the sick chance of a full-fledged life in the future.

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