The use of KARANTIL during pregnancy

Pregnancy planning is a very responsible period in the life of the future mother, and all possible problems of doctors try to warn in advance. For example, often a woman is prescribed not only a course of hormone therapy and vitamins, but also a kuraltil, a drug to reduce the risk of blood cloves.

The effect of the drug before conception

Pregnancy, Vitamins for pregnant women, Oxygen, Kuraltil, Pregnancy Planning

In order for the future embryo to receive high-quality food and a sufficient amount of oxygen, Kuraltil is prescribed in advance. The tool satures the blood of the tissue, tones the walls of placental vessels and protects them from the formation of thrombov.

The main advantage of the drug is its ability to improve the microcirculation of blood, on which the conditions for the development of the fetal egg will be. If the future mother has broken blood coagulation, the mucous layer of the uterus (endometrium) does not develop so much so that the embryo is reliable implantation. This, as a rule, ends with a fading of pregnancy or infertility. Kuraltil helps to warn such trouble.

In addition, Kuraltil is known for its immunomodulatory properties: it helps the body to deal with infections. When pregnancy planning, the prevention of various diseases is of paramount importance, and the reception of this drug will go to the future mother only.

The effect of the drug during pregnancy

Pregnancy, Vitamins for pregnant women, Oxygen, Kuraltil, Pregnancy Planning

Take the Kuraltil exclusively for the purpose of the attending physician, which individually determines the dosage and duration of the course of treatment.

The maximum daily dose of the drug (from 75 to 225 mg) is divided by 3-5 receptions. If a woman takes a kuraltil not for treatment, but as prophylaxis, the daily amount of the drug is 25-50 mg. In general, more than 600 mg of KARANTIL Never prescribe: high doses of drugs are used to treat obvious blood coagulation pathologies. You can take a drug during pregnancy for a long time, right up to recent weeks «Interesting» Regulations.

Tablets are taken before meals or an hour after meals, wash with plenty of water.

Most often, during pregnancy, Kuraltil 25 is prescribed. Dragee is taken on an empty stomach: the tablet should be swallowed, not chewing. 25 mg of the drug are used after awakening, in the afternoon and before going to bed - this is the most common treatment regimen.

In the KARANTILE 75 of the active substance of dipyridamol by 50 mg more, this dosage is used to adjust the acting pathologies in the body. Under pathologies, signs of heart failure, violation of the blood circulation of the brain, increased thrombocyte aggregation.

It's important to know

Pregnancy, Vitamins for pregnant women, Oxygen, Kuraltil, Pregnancy Planning

Our site draws the attention of its readers for the features of Kurantil. Tea, juice, coffee - not the best drinks to drink the drug, as they can reduce its effectiveness. Aspirin, means of lowering pressure, and drugs that dilute blood under the influence of Kurantyl enhance their action.

Side effects of the drug during pregnancy

The risk of the use of Kurantyl is associated with the presence of certain side effects:

  • The appearance of a rapid heartbeat, heart rate failures, a decrease in pressure, the feeling of heat;
  • pain in the stomach, disorders associated with the work of the gastrointestinal tract (dyspepsia);
  • hematomas on the body, deterioration of blood coagulation;
  • Appearance migraine and noise in the ears;
  • allergy, rash on the skin;
  • The feeling of general weakness, painful sensations in the muscles and joints.

All side effects are reversible, that is, completely disappear after the abolition of Kurantyl.

Features of Kurantyl reception in early pregnancy

Pregnancy, Vitamins for pregnant women, Oxygen, Kuraltil, Pregnancy Planning

In the trimester, the drug is used to normalize the blood supply to placental tissue. Especially needed by Kuraltil women who have too viscous blood. The fruit in this case does not affect the nutrients for development and lack oxygen.

If Kuraltil acts as an immunomodulator, the likelihood of side effects, of course, is preserved, but the future mother needs to be aware that the harm caused to her child with viral infection can be disproportionally large than the effects of receiving this drug.

Practice shows that Kuraltil has proven itself as reliable protection against ARVI, Influenza and ac. At first, after conception, the embryo does not yet have a placental shell that would protect it from pathogenic microorganisms, so viruses will not be much difficult to disrupt the intrauterine development of a new life or «push» Pregnancy for spontaneous interruption.

Pregnant woman need to discard all doubts about Kurantil and trust a doctor, because a specialist with the help of this drug is preparing a strong foundation, on which all 9 months of pregnancy will be based. The main thing is to strictly adhere to the dosage and comply with the drug reception scheme. On the appearance of unpleasant sensations after taking medication, immediately reports to the attending physician.

Features of Kurantyl reception in late pregnancy

Late toxicosis - a non-uncommon complication of the completion stage of pregnancy. Gestosis can have difficult consequences for a woman and her baby. This condition overshadows the last weeks of the baby.

Speaking about the factors of the development of late toxicosis, doctors refer to primarily on the disorder of blood circulation and blood supply processes in the future mother. In small capillaries, problems with microcircular bloodstream appear, as a result of which the blood becomes more viscous, while vessels are subject to frequent spasms. In addition, the woman's body begins to test the oxygen deficiency. Because of this, serious swelling appear, liquid accumulates in the tissues, and the situation is further aggravated.

Fortunately, such a position can be corrected using KARANTIL. In addition, timely reception medication prevents development Gesto: Liquets blood and removes spasms, at the same time toning the walls of the vessels.

Specificity of the medication in the late launches

Pregnancy, Vitamins for pregnant women, Oxygen, Kuraltil, Pregnancy Planning

34 week of pregnancy.

At this time, the kid occurs the final formation of the brain, in connection with this, the full amount of incoming useful substances and oxygen is vital to the child. Improving the quality of blood flow, Kuraltil provides a small little man with the most comfortable conditions for its development.

35 week of pregnancy.

Extras of the development of the development take place with lightweight child, its fat layer is fully formed. By this time, the baby grows noticeably, but still can not resist hypoxia. Starting from 35 weeks, a woman can feel like «ikat» her baby, and this is, by the way, a confirmed sign of oxygen starvation of the fetus. To facilitate the condition of the child, the doctor will appoint a future mother of Kuraltil.

36 week of pregnancy.

The kid has already grown enough to exist outside the mother's body. All completion development processes are gaining rapid momentum. In this period «Interesting» The positions of the Koraltil are prescribed, mainly to avoid unnecessary delays in the formation of the child's mental abilities.

37 week of pregnancy.

Generic activity can begin whenever you like - this is the most exciting period for «Five minutes» Mom. Kuraltil is now not particularly important for a child, but for a pregnant woman: the medicine reduces swelling, regulates the nutrition of tissues and organs, which during this period experience the maximum load.

38 week of pregnancy.

With the help of the drug prevent preeclampsia in the future mother, reduce swelling, support the normal power of the placenta, so as not to let it be premature.

So, the KARARYALT can be safely called a universal drug, because it is used both to prevent the development of diseases and to facilitate states that threaten their health. If the future mother fears to take a medicine, on this occasion it can consult not with one doctor, but with several. Independently cancel the reception of the drug is categorically prohibited.

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