If the kidneys hurt: diet


  • Diet
  • Recipes

  • Diet

    The most significant diet with renal failure. In medical directories, the kidney diet is indicated as «Therapeutic table number 7». Strict diet is also appointed by patients with such kidney diseases, such as glomerulonephritis and nephrotic syndrome.

    With other kidney ailments, the diet, as a rule, differs little from the usual. The main limitations relate to sharp dishes, spices and alcohol.

    Subject to observance «renal» diet is important to limit the amount of protein in food. From the protein toxins are formed, which should neutralize the kidneys. Therefore, the decrease in the diet of protein leads to improved well-being. The degree of protein food limit depends on the stage of the disease and the method of treatment. IN «renal» Diet are allowed such sources of protein as eggs, low-fat varieties of meat, birds, fish. But the number of these products in the daily diet should strictly regulate the attending physician. Meat and fish dishes are best prepared in boiled form, and then bake or fry.

    In renal failure, high calorie diets is very important, at least 3500 kcal per day. With a lack of calories, the metabolism changes. Start «to burn» not only own fats, but also proteins. Therefore, when weighing, the number of toxins increases, and the meaning of a low-blooded diet is completely lost. It is advisable to take 4-6 times a day.

    If the kidneys hurt: dietAnother important point in the diet for the kidneys is the restriction of the cook salt. So, with renal failure, no more than 2-3 g of salts are recommended per day. High arterial pressure patients need to be prepared at all without salt.

    The content in the food diet of minerals - phosphorus, potassium and others - is selected individually. Some patients are not recommended to abuse products with excess phosphorus and potassium. Phosphorus sources are cottage cheese, cheese, liver, legumes, nuts. Kaliyat rich dried fruits, bananas.

    Well fit patients with patients with kidneys All dishes based on croup, pasta, potatoes and other vegetables. You can boldly eat fruits and berries: they contain vitamins and are very valuable for kidney. In renal illnesses, you can practically eat any unsightened vegetarian soups.

    Kefir, prostroprious, sour cream, milk, cottage cheese need to be used in the amount recommended by the attending physician. Creamy and vegetable oil.

    From the spices you can use only the bay leaf, cinnamon and slightly roasted bow. Pepper, mustard and other spices contain essential oils, irritating kidneys.

    From drinks in diet №7 Compotes, kissels, juices, decoction of rose hips, faded tea with lemon, fastening coffee. Unwanted cocoa, mineral sodium-containing water.

    You can eat almost all sweets: jam, jam, marshmallow, sweet dough dishes. Will have to abandon only chocolate.

    Especially it should be said about bread. Patients with renal failure can not eat ordinary bread, as it contains a lot of salt. For them, special bakingbirds are baked, pancakes and pancakes without salt.

    Harmful to sick kidney bean, onions, radishes, garlic, sorrel, mushrooms. It is necessary to completely eliminate meat, fish and mushroom broths. It is advisable to maximize fatty grade meat, fish and birds. Due to the high salt content, smoked meats, canned food, salt fish, sausages, sausages and sausages, cheeses of all varieties. In case of kidney disease, salted, pickled and sauer vegetables are also not recommended.

    Sometimes for the appointment of a doctor in diet number 7, various unloading days are used.

    Fruit or berry day is that the patient is given 5 times a day 300 g of ripe raw fruits or berries: apples, pears, grapes, strawberries. The appropriate season is especially recommended «Watermelon day». If you wish the patient, you can add sugar to fruits and berries.

    Vegetable day consists of 1.5 kg of various vegetables. Of them prepare salads and give 300 g every 3 hours. Sheds add a bit sour cream, or vegetable oil. Salads are not solid.

    From vegetable days especially useful for kidney cucumber unloading day. 5 times a day you need to eat 300-400 g of fresh cucumbers. Cucumbers can add 100-200 g sour cream.

    When kidney illnesses, it is recommended that the juice day. 4 times a day drink 150-200 ml of vegetable or fruit savory juice diluted with water and decoction of rosehip. Just day - 600 ml of juice, 200 ml of water, 600 ml of ragger rosehip. Before holding the juice day, it is necessary to consult with the doctor: in some states it is contraindicated.

    During oat discharge day, the body is saturated with vitamins of the group B, and intestines and kidneys are cleaned. During the day you need to eat 700-750 g of oatmeal on water from 200 g of oatmeal. Daily portion divide on 5 parts. In oat day you also need to drink 1-2 glasses of ragger rosehip.


    Buckwheat pancakes

    Ingredients for 4 servings

    • Flour buckwheat - 1.5 glasses
    • Wheat flour - 1 cup
    • cream


    In a glass of warm milk breed buckwheat flour and yeast. After 1-1.5 hours of fermentation add yolks, crawled with butter and sour cream, wheat flour, the rest of the milk, salt, sugar. Mix everything thoroughly to the shovel until the dough is lagging behind it, put in a warm place for 1.5-2 hours. Separately beat proteins and cream and connect them. Put this mixture into the dough, carefully stir, give to stand 10-15 minutes and bake pancakes.

    Potato «Karmushki» with vegetable filling

    Ingredients for 10 servings

    • 800 g of boiled potatoes
    • 1/2 cup of flour
    • 1/2 Glass of Manka
    • 2 eggs
    • 1 small kochan cabbage
    • 2 boiled carrots
    • 2 Lukovitsy
    • 100 g of butter
    • 1 Art. Spoon fat
    • Salt - 1 h. spoon for the entire volume of dishes.


    Boiled carrots cut into cubes. Onions finely cut and slightly fry. Clear cabbage, chop, omit into boiling unsalted water, peak 5 - 7 minutes, throw back on the colander, cool, mix with carrots and onions, salute. Hot boiled potatoes to smoke brush, add 1 egg, salt, flour and semolina, mix thoroughly. Potato dough roll out, cut into squares, to each put the cabbage filling, on top - on a piece of butter. Edges squares connect and compress. «Karmushki» lay on a baking sheet. Lubricate the egg and pour 50 g of melted butter. Bake the oven until readiness.

    Carrot Souffle

    Ingredients for 4 servings

    • 200 g of carrots
    • 100 ml of milk
    • 20 g cereals manna
    • 1 raw egg
    • 20 g of sugar sand
    • 20 g of butter cream
    • 50 g of low-fat fruit yogurt
    • Bread crushers for shape.


    Clear carrots, cut into pieces, put into a saucepan with a non-stick coating, add 50 ml of milk and 10 g of oil and grieved on low heat until ready (10-12 minutes), tightly closing the lid. Remove from fire, cool, skip through a meat grinder, connect with the remaining milk, semolina, sugar, egg, add 50 g of melted butter, and all thoroughly. Put the resulting mass into the mold, lubricated with oil and sprung by breadcrumbs, to dissolve, cook in a water bath until ready (10-15 minutes), cool, file, watering yogurt.

    Zucchini soup with cabbage and rice

    Ingredients for 4 servings

    • 500 g Kabachkov
    • 2 carrots
    • 300 g of white cabbage
    • 1.5 liters of water
    • 3 st. Spoon rice
    • 2 st. Spoons of creamy oil
    • 1 Lukovitsa
    • 1 Art. Spoon of vegetable oil
    • 1/2 C. Spoons of salt
    • 1 laurel sheet.


    Zucchini and carrots wash, clean. Zucchini cut into thick straws, carrots - thin, chopping cabbage. Onions finely cut and fry on vegetable oil to light yellow. Bay leaf pour boiling water, bring water to boil. Washed rice fall asleep in boiling water. In 5-6 minutes add carrots and cabbage, cook on weak fire. 5 minutes before the end of the cooking add sliced ​​zucchini, roasted bow and salt.

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