Delay Delay (mental retardation)


  • First chamber to victory development delay
  • Mental retardation
  • Oligophrenia oligofren Rotn
  • Do not declare me with imbeyl...
  • The main thing is not harmful

  • Rejoicing on her baby, parents sometimes do not notice that he is different from the peers. For example, other children in two years always talk and the poems are read by heart, and your silent: at three years old did not say a word. Or someone's kids from plasticine are slaughtered, the designer is collected, drawn, and your pencil does not hold in your hand, and the designer is incomprehensible to him, and indeed it is some sluggish, low-lifting. Or, on the contrary, too smart - spinning like a yula, never sit on the spot. All these are explicit signs of the delay in the development of the child, in short, ZPR (impaired mental function). About why development delay arises and how to identify it in time, we asked to tell a doctor-neuroreabitologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Academician A. Efimova.

    First chamber to victory development delay

    According to some data, children with mental violations every year becomes more and more. Some of them differ in the unbridled behavior, aggressiveness, proceeding. As a rule, it is bad to learn, they cannot focus on the study of the material. Others, on the contrary, afraid, depressed, are unsuccessful, all do to the coercion of adults. Low activity suppresses intellectual development. Parents and other children often disagree with the fact that their baby has a delay in development. They believe that it will come around, he will recover: it will become, as they say, normal. In fact, if he does not help him, he will not be normal. Parents need to be realized and still understand: it is such children when they grow up, the number of mentally retarded people replenish.

    Mental retardation

    Delay Delay (mental retardation)This is a delay in the development of the psyche, which is usually detected under the age of three years, and often only for younger school age, when logical and abstract thinking begin to form. The absence of such thinking or disadvantage of its development is detected at school, as a rule in mathematics lessons. Early childhood impaired mental function can manifest itself in the underdevelopment of speech and inability to perform subtle movements, in limiting communication, in a weak ability to learn.

    The causes of mental retardation may be internal, that is, congenital, genetically determined, and external. With congenital mental retardation, everything is clear - improving the condition of such a patient is almost impossible. It is as they say, given to him from nature.

    But if the child was born with a developmental delay due to the fact that his mother had a viral disease during pregnancy, then such a child can be treated. The reason for his mental retardation is obtained from the outside: toxins produced by viruses could affect its central nervous system. This impact on the future child sometimes has the potent medicines taken by the mother during pregnancy, as well as its diseases associated with the metabolism.

    The outer cause of the delay in the development of the child may be injuries during childbirth, and baby brain injuries, as well as the disease encephalitis under the age of 3. By the way, the cause of violations in the field of logical thinking is most often transferred by a child during childbirth oxygen starvation of different duration - hypoxia or anoxia.

    Oligophrenia oligofren Rotn

    Under the influence of external reasons in the structures of the cerebral of the child, metabolic processes are violated and mental retardation may develop, or oligophrenia. Development delay is three degrees of severity.

    The first is light, so-called debt. With this degree of mental retardation, the child is able to achieve complete independence in treating himself, acquires homework skills. Main difficulties will begin at school: such children are not able to successfully learn from the program provided for healthy children. Still, they can learn to read, write and count. They are able to master some simple craft and fulfill a simple job.

    The average degree of oligophrenia is moderate mental retardation, or immibilities. This is a child, self-service skills are already given with very great difficulty. He is well mastered even the simplest movements, does not always understand. In childhood and adolescence, necessarily needs special pedagogical attention and training. In adulthood, people suffering from immibilities require a serious supervision.

    And finally, the last, deep stage of mental retardation is idyatics, in which a person does not develop above the level of a three-year-old child. Such patients are not very unable to understand and fulfill the requirements, rules, instructions. They are inherent in gross violations in the motor sphere. Often incontinence of urine and feces happen. May be severe neurological disorders. The causes of idiotia are mainly organic, that is, genetic, hereditary, although sometimes this state occurs after very severe brain injuries.

    Do not declare me with imbeyl...

    Mental retardation is usually considered incurable. However, my perennial observations allow me to conclude that it is not possible to cure only those children, based on the defect of which are genetic or severe social reasons. And such among all children with a delay of development of approximately 30%, the remaining 70% suffer from bodily (somatic) causes. And these children can be treated. They are healing.

    Unfortunately, the doctors, and teachers of all kids with a delay of development declare morons, directing them to special schools for underdeveloped, the rapid number of mentally retarded. And thereby cripples all their fate. In fact, the majority of such children delamination in development is temporary. First of all, it is necessary to deal with the delay in the development of the kid. If, for example, it lies in heredity and the child is like an earlier stage of development, reminding young children, is one conversation. Such a baby really needs special training. But if the delay of development is caused by any diseases, such as chronic infections, allergic conditions, heart defects, etc., then the child's body turns out to be weakened. This naturally reduces its activity and, as a result, causes violations in the development of mental functions. To such a child - a different approach. It will be necessary to cure it from the underlying disease, strengthen the immune system, to create a favorable environment in the family and school and relaxing with him to engage in the secondary program.

    Very often, development delay occurs due to adverse social conditions, in which the child's psyche is injured. For example, due to neglect and lack of education, intelligence does not develop, the ability to cognitive activity. Conversely, with an excessive care, an imperative education is being formed by indifferent, an incominitative, irresponsible, egostic person who needs permanent assistance and care.

    With such causes of development delays, it is enough to change the conditions of education, and the psyche of the child will recover.

    Correction of development delay arising due to brain diseases, which preceded a complicated pregnancy of mothers (heavy toxicosis, infection, poisoning, injury), violations of the child himself (nearestness, suffocation, generic injuries), as well as diseases of the first years of life.

    The main thing is not harmful

    The main thing for any form of development delay is to diagnose the disease as soon as possible, reveal its causes. The treatment of mental retardation must be comprehensive: with the inclusion of medicinal therapy and medical and pedagogical work with the child and parents.

    The use of electric furnaces, manual therapy, visits to sports sections, and in some cases of physical education lessons. Strongly contraindicatedly fashionable treatment with stem cells (fetal therapy).

    The task of caring parents is attentively treating their babies, to observe them, and if you suspect a job in their development in a timely manner to appeal to an experienced doctor. And most importantly - never, under what conditions do not lose hope for success.

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