Pellets from pressure


Pellets from pressure
Arterial pressure indicators characterize
work of the circulatory system and the condition of the body as a whole. Norm value
blood pressure is individual and directly depends on
age, lifestyle, health and personal features. Average
An adult indicators (up to 40 years) are 120 (130) / 70 (80) mm
RT.Art. There are the concepts of arterial hypertension (high pressure) and
hypotension (low pressure). Hypertensive include people with arterial
pressure greater than an average of 140/90 mm RT.Art. Hypotoniki — people with
Blood pressure testimony less than 110/70 mm RT.Art.

For diagnosis and treatment of problem pressure better
Contact cardiologist and neuropathologist. To begin with, you can consult
His therapist.

High Pressure Preparations

Arterial hypertension is widespread and
Requires careful observation of specialists (therapist, cardiologist). Attending
The doctor selects medicines based on your individual
Characteristics. Best in the treatment of hypertensive states showed itself
The following groups of drugs:

  1. Diuretics
    — Dorganic drugs lowering blood pressure by elimination
    from the body of chemicals and extra liquid. For fast diuretics
    actions include furosemide (Laziks), softer diuretic is considered
    hydrochlorosticiazide, and a representative of a diuretic means of a long action
    Is Indapamide (Indap, Arifon).
  2. Pellets from pressureBab
    — Beta adrenoblockers reduce blood pressure due to the reduction of heart rate
    cuts, load on the heart and thanks to the extension of vessels. Reception
    Beta blockers are often combined with the use of diuretic agents and
    Blockers calcium channels. Among medications in long therapy is good
    Seliopropol, metoperopol and bisopropol. For the treatment of people with sugar
    Diabetes use beta-adrenobloclars with a vasodilative effect and
    the smallest negative metabolic effect — Carvedilol and Nebivolol.
  3. Blockers
    Calcium channels showed their effectiveness in arterial therapy
    Hypertension in the complex with angina and rhythm disorders. Successful drugs
    of this group: amlodipine, verapamil, diltiazene (the action of the latter begins
    a little later than the previous funds).
  4. Bra
    — Angiotensin II receptor blockers control blood pressure indicators in
    For a day. Among the drugs of this group you can allocate Valsartran,
    Eprosartan and Lozartran.
  5. Funds
    Ambulance — Kozoten and Corinthar.

Treat arterial hypertension during pregnancy
must exclusively qualified cardiologist. High pressure is dangerous in
Pregnancy period and fruit and mother. Many drugs are contraindicated
For reception. In such cases, the optimal choice is the means of methyloft, but also
Its use must be controlled by a gynecologist.

Funds to enhance arterial pressure

Arterial hypotension lowers mental and
physical performance and worsens the overall quality of life. A good choice
For the treatment of hypotensive states are:

  1. Vegetable
    Adaptogens, the action of which is aimed at stimulating the CNS, cardiovascular
    Systems, removal of drowsiness and constant fatigue — Eleutherococcus extract,
    Limondure tincture, Pantokrin, Saparal.
  2. At
    The presence of orthostatic disorders, hypotensive crises and fainting successfully
    Alpha adrenomimetics are used — Milodrin, Mefenthermin, Meston and
  3. Stimulators
    Central nervous system: adrenomimetics with indirect, mixed action and
    Analeptics acting at the level of respiratory, vasomotor centers and
    spinal cord. These include caffeine gas station Atry, Ethylefin, Simptol,
    Acricor and Securine, for example.
  4. Anticholinergic
    Funds, like Bellataminal and Bellapp.

Remember the need to consult
Neuropathologist, cardiologist and therapist and inappropriateness and danger

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