Ovarian cyst - reason for concern


  • What is the ovarian cyst?
  • The main causes of the development of the cyst of the ovary
  • Manifestations of ovarian cysts
  • What happens if not treated ovarian cyst?
  • How to treat ovarian cyst?

  • What is the ovarian cyst?

    The ovarian cyst is a neoplasm in ovarian fabric filled with liquid. The ovarian cyst itself is usually small, and in most cases does not cause physical discomfort and pain. There are several types of ovarian cysts, some of them can be reborn in a malignant tumor.

    Ovarian cyst - reason for concernThe main causes of the development of the cyst of the ovary

    There are a lot of reasons. Gynecologists allocate five main:

    • the presence of abortions in the past;
    • early start of menstruation;
    • Endocrine disorders;
    • hypothyroidism (reduction of the function of the thyroid gland);
    • Violation of ripening follicles.

    The ovarian cyst is usually found during the gynecological inspection based on the results of the ultrasound. Therefore, preventive and regular visits to the gynecologist are so important!

    Manifestations of ovarian cysts

    Any types of ovarian cysts cause a slight increase in body temperature, and sometimes a disruption of the menstrual cycle. Of all the types of ovarian cysts, I would especially like to highlight those that grow out of the inner layer of endometrial (that is, the inner sheath of the uterus). It is these cysts that cause a constant, new abdominal pain, which is enhanced before and during menstruation. And it is often accompanied by infertility, and also cause constipation and stripped urination. Also possible asymmetric increase in abdominal nose.

    What happens if not treated ovarian cyst?

    Of course, complications arise! If the ovarian cysts noticed late if it was not treated at all or carried out irregular treatment, then a gap or the suppuration of cysts may occur, which is expressed in the following symptoms:

    • Temperature of the body rises to 38-39OWITH;
    • Front abdominal wall is constant stress;
    • severe pains appear during sexual intercourse or exercise;
    • Possible nausea and vomiting.

    Ovarian cyst - reason for concernHow to treat ovarian cyst?

    Examples of treatment of ovarian cysts There are several. It all depends on the size, such as cysts, age and health of women, from the severity of symptoms and disease. Treatment, of course, should be carried out only under the control of a gynecologist, after passing all the necessary analyzes and careful inspection.

    In addition to the traditional methods of treating the cyst of the ovary (from drug-to-physiotherapy), there is also another, quite effective method – Hirudotherapy. Perhaps someone will cause surprise at some time, however, it is necessary to assure that the hirudotherapy has proven itself in the treatment of gynecological diseases.

    Feature of hirudotherapy as a method of treating the ovarian cyst lies in the intrafinal production of leeches, as well as in strict control and taking into account the level of genital hormones. Treatment of ovarian cysts leeches is carried out only under the control of the gynecologist!

    To avoid many gynecological troubles, including the cysts of the ovary, should be regularly walking towards the gynecologist, fulfill all the recommendations of the doctor, and simply take it in everyday life. Remember, the main thing in the treatment of the ovarian cyst – Do not miss the time. This is especially important for those women who are still going to become a mom!

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