Myocardiodistrophy is disorders of metabolic processes in the heart muscle. Depending on the cause that caused these violations, several types of myocardiodyatrophy are distinguished.
Myocardiodestrophia is reversible processes in myocardium due to biochemical and often structural disorders at the cellular level in the heart. This is not inflammatory and not vascular lesion of myocardium due to the impact of non-verbal factors and is characterized by a violation of metabolism in the heart muscle.
As a result of the action of any factors or diseases of other organs in the heart, changes arise, but they are visible only in the electron microscope. These changes at the cellular level - an increase in the ceremonial cores, swelling of mitochondria, the destruction of cell membranes, reducing the number of ribosomes, intracellular edema.
This is a very important point - this reversibility of changes in the heart when eliminating the cause. Thus, the mechanisms for the development of myocardiodistrophy are the occurrence and progression of the energy deficiency and dysfunction of the heartcard.
There are three stages of myocardiodistrophy:
- Myocardial hyperfunction: long-term heart pains, not related to physical activity, poor portability of physical exertion, dissatisfaction with inhalation. There are no objective changes.
- Exhaustion of compensation mechanisms: shortness of breath with physical exertion, violation of the heart rhythm, at the end of the day there may be small edema on the legs. Atypical changes appear on the electrocardiogram.
- Total heart failure for the exchange type: constant pain in the heart, shortness of breath during exercise and alone, edema on the legs, pronounced changes on the electrocardiogram.
Views of myocardiodestrophia
Dzormonic myocardiodistrophy It is found in women of 45-50 years and due to disruption of the estrogenic function of the ovaries, in men 50-55 years and due to disruption of testosterone production. Two groups of symptoms prevail: General and heart. In general symptoms, elevated irritability prevail, emotional instability, sleep disorder, dizziness, feeling of air shortage. From heartfall - stitching or noving point pain in the top of the heart. Often wears a long time, it is intensified by excitement, deep breathing is not related to physical activity. There may be violations of rhythm.
To the same group of myocardiodistrophs include diseases of the heart associated with the impaired of the function of the thyroid gland. Reducing the function of the thyroid gland - hypoteriosis, manifests itself with a decrease in metabolism, a sense of iron, the appearance of edema, a decrease in pressure, permanent greying pain in the heart region.
The increase in the function of the thyroid gland - thyrotoxicosis is manifested by increasing metabolism - weight loss, thirst, increased nervousness, bad sleep, with heart pain, violation of the rhythm of the heart.
Tononic myocardiodistrophy develops as a complication of tonic. The reason is streptococcus, causing chronic tonsillitis, that is, the inflammation of the almonds. With long-term tonsillitis, the general weakening of the body occurs, the constant sense of fatigue, the decrease in the tolerance of the physical activity, constant overtakers in the heart, sometimes - interruptions in the work of the heart.
Myocardial dystrophy due to physical overvoltage It occurs if the body makes a physical activity, inadequate physical capabilities. Fatigue is the physiological response of the body for the load, overwork - the extreme degree of fatigue is a background for the development of the disease. Overwork can be acute and chronic. In acute situations, the spasm of coronary arteries, which can lead to severe violation of rhythm and sudden death. Chronic heart surge develops gradually. Most often it causes all kinds of gymnastics, swimming, figure skating. Manifested by staring pain in the height of the load, or for the next day after the load, interruptions in the heart, shortness of breath.
Alcohol myocardiodestrophia develops with systematic use of alcoholic beverages. Ethanol, circulating in the blood, damages the muscle of the heart, that is, destroys cell membranes, reduces the amount of potassium and fatty acids inside the cell. Potassium deficiency leads to a violation of rhythm. A variety of this disease is cobalt myocardiodestrophia - jam beer disease (cobalt is added to the jam beer). The process is more severe and fast progressive. With this form, the disease in the first place there is a violation of the rhythm in the form of frequent nehydramichny heartbeat and shortness of breath. Pain in the heart may not be.