Like all ingenious, effective means for the treatment of trophic and diabetic ulcers, simple and understandable. And what is important - invented and produced in Russia, so they have more than affordable price. Biologically active wound coatings of proteox-TM give hope even when the treatment conducted earlier was not crowned with success.
Any ulcer — This is a necrosis zone, and an indispensable condition for the successful treatment of such a wound is its complete cleansing from necrosis and suppuration, without which it is impossible to grow a healthy granulation tissue and, therefore, the closure of the wound.
Local antiseptics, draining bandages, surgical cleansing, exotic ointments, brought by friends because of the ocean, folk methods, leeches… Everyone who unsuccessfully treated a trophic ulcer can easily continue this endless and painful list.
Russian scientists did not invent a bicycle, and only focused on technology that allowed to open a powerful potential in long-known drug components. We are talking about proteolytic enzymes that quickly purify the wound from the purulent-necrotic masses and give a visible therapeutic effect in the treatment of trophic and diabetic ulcers, if used in the form of special means of prolonged action.
Proteox-TM «working» 10 times longer than fasteners based on enzymes
The use of enzymes has long known by world science, and it has long been known that if enzymes are used in the form of simple attacks, ointments and solutions, then they have a very weak effect and within a few hours lose their activity due to outolysis (t. E. self-sufficient), and therefore — cease to render the healing effect on the wound.
Wound coating developers Proteox-TM forced proteolytic enzymes to work not just for hours, but even for days through the use of molecular modeling technology, when enzymes literally «Embed» in the media material molecule. Therefore, the therapeutic layer of wound coatings proteoks-TM has no impregnation or ointment components. The active ingredients are gradually released from the therapeutic layer, exerting a long-term healing effect on an ulcer.
It is a long exposure to enzymes on the tissue of ulcers brings a pronounced positive result.
Wound coatings proteoks-TM reduce the timing of the treatment of ulcers in 2–3 times:
Very quickly cleanse ulcers from purulent necrotic masses and detritis, «Working» according to principle «Biological scalpel». Cleansing ulcers occurs without damage to living fabrics, eliminating the patient from moral and physical suffering.
- Stimulate the formation of granulation tissue and the beginning of the edge epithelialization.
The effect is noticeable from the first days of application, the healing of ulcers occurs in 2–3 times faster than when treating traditional ways. - Minimize the medicinal burden on the patient's body — Minimum side effects.
- Reduce the amount of free radical reactions in tissues, improve microcirculation and cellular breathing (due to the inclusion of mexidol into composition).
- Give inflammation, have a topistanisy effect.
- Atraumatic — do not stick and do not cause pain when changing bandages.
The production technology is patented by developers, the wound coatings of Protect-TM are unique and have no analogues among the means of domestic and foreign production.
And one more positive news!
Wound coatings of Proteox-TM in the last 20 years only surgeons and hospital specialists were available to them. N. N. Burdenko, Institute. N. IN. Sklifosovsky, other leading Russian hospitals and surgical departments.
Now the wound coatings of Proteox-TM can be purchased in a free sale in Moscow:
- In all pharmacies of the network «Samson-Pharma»
- in network pharmacies «Old tech»
- In health hypermarkets «Putting»
More information about products for the treatment of trophic and diabetic ulcers and other complex wounds can be obtained on the website