What is laser correction of vision, or it is a mounted word «laser»...


  • Myopia and her shape
  • Types of treatment of myopia
  • Get rid of glasses at any cost?

  • Myopia and its shape

    What is a laser vision correction, or this is a mounted word & laquo; laser & raquo; ..Myopia is called such a condition of the eye in which the refractive ability of the eye media is greater than is required to build a clear image at a given length of the optical axis of the eye. In short, if you feel bad items at a distance, it is she who.

    It should be noted that the peculiarities of the state of the peaceful eye in the household sense and in the sense of medical, medical – These are different things.

    Myopia for man – This reduced vision of the distance, the increased dimensions of the objects of view when viewed near, and, of course, the need to use points or contact lenses to consider everything that is far-in. In addition, at myopia, the eyes are much slower adapting to changes in lighting.

    Myopia in the sense of medical is subdivided into two forms. First – This stationary form of myopia. Gradually increasing from children, myopia by 18-25 acquires a certain amount, and then «Thinks» On this value of twenty years – As long as we do not affect the age changes of the organ of vision. In addition to those factors that are known for its owner, it does not have any other negative consequences.

    The second form of myopia – Progressive, malignant – Much less noble for. With it, the eye media does not acquire significant excess optical power, its growth is associated with an increase in the sizes of the eye due to stretching of the shells. But every stretching has its permissible limits.

    So, this limit of portable stretching can be exceeded. And then under the action of whether spontaneous stretching, or thanks to the insignificant additional injury, some shells that make up the frame of the eye can be broken. The degree of tragedy in this case depends on what kind of shell and in what kind of place it was born. When breaking the vascular shell, hemorrhages occur when the retina is broken – retinal detachment. Almost all complications of progressive myopia are treated with surgical path and, unfortunately, not always cured. Note here – the complications are treated, not my ownership itself.

    Types of treatment of myopia

    Now consider the treatment. It is clear that, since there are two forms of myopia, there must be a minimum of two types of treatment. So there is really. But only a word «treatment» It does not fit a bit.

    Almost all surgical ways to eliminate myopia are ways to create a corrective lens from the shells of the eye itself, hence the general name of this group of treatment methods – Refractive surgery. To such ways you need to count the following.

    • Keratomylez – cut off the corneal layer, on the turning (special, do not be scared) the machine makes a correction lens from this layer and sewn (glued) into place.
    • Keratotomy – put on a certain depth of the cornea of ​​the eye, relaxing its strength. In the future, intraocular pressure stretches the cornea, reducing its curvature, and hence the optical force. The more notches, the higher the operation effect.
    • Photorefractive keratotomy – The excimer laser will evaporate to a certain depth of the cornea of ​​the eye, thereby giving it a smaller curvature.
    • «Lasik» (Lasik, Lasic) – Surgical paths remove the surface layer of the cornea, under it the laser evaporates to a certain depth of the cornea of ​​the eye, giving it a smaller curvature. Flap gluit.

    What the listed methods differ? Yes, only an applied tool, which allows the surgeon to more accurately dose the volume of intervention.

    What are the disadvantages of all listed methods? For them all the characteristic disadvantage is the possibility «Promaha» Ultimately the result. With all operations in one way or another, the fabric defect is created, the body, naturally, tries to cope with it. Therefore, the result of the operation, ultimately, depends on the properties of a particular body, since medical methods affect the regeneration of tissues until they leave to be desired.

    The higher the initial myopia, the less likelihood of obtaining the desired result. In some countries, the law is forbidden to resort to excimer surgery, if the myopia is higher than a certain level.

    From centuries-old medical practice is known – expect a stable state of the cornea during its deep injuries it follows no earlier than six months later. Here is this period and you need to go through after the lightning operation. Only then can we talk about the result of the transferred operation.

    Get rid of glasses at any cost?

    What is a laser vision correction, or this is a mounted word & laquo; laser & raquo; ..Is the desire to get rid of glasses at all justive? Probably not.

    Let's, at least, we define a possible age when you can resort to such an operation. Up to 18 years old can not – The stage of formation of refraction. Up to 30 years risky – The period of intensive viewing work (studies), such work will provoke again formation of a minor. After 40 years most of us will wear reading glasses – This will lead to age features.

    So it is evil or benefit? It seems to me that everything depends on the patient, from his reasonable look at the need to use an irreversible way of correction. I can quite imagine a situation in which a person goes to a certain risk, because he otherwise loses a lot of what they have acquired in life. Say, myopia arose, and he could not use contact lenses due to profession, and because of this, his family will suffer, and so on. I have the very myopia, and quite strong, and it causes many inconvenience even in everyday life, not to mention the work. But if the whole need is reduced to the reluctance to wear boring glasses or spend money on contact lenses...

    In addition, there are some cases where the previously performed surgical treatment makes no further optical vision correction. These are astigmatism of high degrees, incorrect astigmatism after injuries, rooting the cornea due to injuries, burns and diseases. And, although all this is much more rare cases, as a rule, a doctor recommends that the operation recommends that all «per» and «against».

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