What is angina region? How the treatment and prevention of angina? Answers to these questions you will find in the article.
Bouts of sudden chest pain due to acute shortage
Bloodshop heart muscle is a clinical form of ischemic
Heart disease, called angina.
Angina in most cases, like other forms of ischemic heart disease, due to
Atherosclerosis arteries of the heart. Atherosclerotic plaques
Stenzardia narrow the clearance of the arteries and impede their reflex
Expansion. Which in turn causes heart deficiency
blood supply, especially acute with physical or (s) emotional
With angina region, pain is always distinguished by the following features:
- Wears the nature of the attack, t. E. It has a clearly pronounced time of emergence and termination, sinking;
- arises under certain conditions, circumstances;
- Begins to merge or completely stops under the influence of nitroglycerin reception.
Conditions for the appearance of the attack of angina
Most often - walking (pain in speeding, when lifting uphill,
with a sharp match wind, when walking after meals or with severe nonsense),
But also the attack of angina may occur with another physical
effort, or (and) considerable emotional tension. Conduct
pain physical effort is manifested in that when it is continued or
Increasingly increases the intensity of pain, and when
termination of effort pain eating or disappears for several
minutes. Called three features of pain are sufficient for setting
clinical diagnosis of the attack of angina and to deliberate it from
various pain in the heart and in general in the chest, not
who are angina.
Stenicardia often can be recognized at the first appeal
the patient, whereas for the deviation of the diagnosis of angina are necessary
Monastery monitoring and analysis of repeated data
Distrosions and surveys of the patient angina.
The following signs
complement the clinical characteristic of angina, but their absence is not
Eliminates angina diagnosis:
Localization of BR pain (most typical!), give away
she can in the neck area, in the lower jaw, and teeth, in hand, as a rule,
left, in the adapter and blade (more often on the left);
- Character of pain -
pressing, compressing, less often - burning (like heartburn) or feeling
foreign bodies in the chest (sometimes the patient may not have painful, but
a painful feeling behind the sternum and then he denies the presence of itself
- Simultaneous with an attack of angina increase hell,
Pallor of Pokrovov, Haprin, Pulse Frequency fluctuations, appearance
Feelings of hearts in the heart. All of the above
characterizes the so-called angina stress, that is, the option
angina arising during loads.
Thoroughness of medical abrasion
Determines the timeliness and correctness of the diagnosis of angina.
It should be borne in mind that often patient angina testing, experiencing
Typical sensations for angina, does not report them to a doctor as about «not
Related to heart», or, on the contrary, fixes attention to
diagnostically secondary sensations «in the field of heart», what
Comprehensive diagnosis of angina.
Angina People Unlike angina stress occurs outside
Communication with physical effort, more often at night, but otherwise saves everything
The features of heavy attack of chest toad and is often accompanied by a feeling
lack of air intake.
It should be borne in mind that angina attack may be the beginning
Development of such a formidable IBS form as myocardial infarction. Therefore, the attack
Stenzardia, tightened by 20 - 30 minutes, as well as increased or amplification
Stenicard attacks require an electrocardiographic examination in
coming hours (day), as well as medical supervision for further
Development of the process of angina. To ensure all this, you need
Patient indispensable hospitalization.
Treatment and prevention of angina
The first thing is to make a person in
Time attacks of angina, it is calm, preferably
Sitting position. The second equally important condition in the attack
Anglady is a receipt of nitroglycerin under the tongue (1 tablet or 1-2 drops
1% solution on a piece of sugar, on a validol tablet), repeat reception
drug in the absence of effect in 2-3 minutes. For the purpose of calm
The patient is shown Korvalol (Vocalockardine) - 30-40 drops inside. Raising
blood pressure during the treatment of angina does not require
emergency measures, as its decline comes spontaneously in most
patients with angina when stopping the attack of angina.
suffering from the attacks of angina sufferers are needed:
Avoid loads (both physical and emotional) leading to
row of angina, use nitroglycerin without fears,
take it «Prectuct» In the foresee of voltage, fraught
Attachment of angina. The treatment of concomitant angina
diseases, especially digestive organs, prevention measures
atheroscperosis, preservation and gradual expansion of the limits of physical
In addition to the reception of nitroglycerin, the acting short
time, it is important to constantly take long-term preparations, so
Called, prolonged nitrates (nitrozine, nitrosorbide,
Trinitolong and others.). They should be used systematically, and
cessation of angina attacks (flow stabilization) - only before
loads (ride around the city, emotional stresses and t. NS.).