Decoding tests toxoplasmosis during pregnancy


Analysis on toxoplasmosis during pregnancy

Decoding tests toxoplasmosis during pregnancy

Toxoplasmosis can seriously worsen the course of pregnancy, causing its various complications. Analyzing for this infection is included in the complex of mandatory surveys of each woman waiting for a child. Most often an enzyme immunoassay analysis.

The essence of an immunoferment analysis

An immunoassay analysis makes it indirectly to find out:

  • Whether contact with a toxoplasma has a woman;
  • When he occurred;
  • At what stage is the causative agent at the moment.

With the help of IFA, antibodies specific to toxoplasm — IgG and Igm. The presence of the latter testifies to contact with infection (first or re-). The presence of the first — that contact has happened recently.

Decoding analysis on toxoplasmosis

On both antibodies the result is given in the form «+» or «–», that is, either they are present or no. Various combinations of analyzing results are important for determining risk for pregnancy.
IgG is available, IGM — The patient was in contact with toxoplasm in the last two to six months. It should be visited a gynecologist or infectious. The risk of fetal infection is close to the maximum.

IgG available, IGM missing — infection occurred less than two months ago. We are interested in a visit to the gynecologist, infectious background. The risk of infecting the fetus maximum.
IgG is missing, Igm is available — persistent lifelong immunity. The risk for the fetus is minimal or missing.

IgG absent, Igm is missing — The woman did not in contact with toxoplasm, it defects before infection, but at the moment it is not infected. Make a re-analysis once a quarter.

Gynecologist Family Planning Cabinet, Infectness — Specialists who are guided by analysis and studying its results.

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