No ovulation, or anointulation - a serious problem for any woman of childbearing age. Every third case of infertility arises precisely for this reason. What is the reason why the ripening process and the exit of the egg leaks with failures?
- A little physiology
- When anointulation — norm?
- Hormonal causes of anovulation
- When ovulation interferes with lifestyle
Ovulation — This is the process occurring in the ovaries, in which the mature egg leaving the burst follicle and goes to «free swimming» in the cavity of the pelvis.
After the egg cell is free, it is captured by the dump trucks and heads along the ovage in the direction to the uterine cavity, in the path, fertilizing spermatozoa. Once in the uterus, fertilized egg is introduced into the mucous membrane and gives rise to pregnancy.
A little physiology
The process of ripening follicles, ovulation and subsequent formation of yellow bodies are controlled by hormones of pituitary — Endocrine gland located in the heart of the brain. Cyclic changes in the work of the pituitary gland, in turn, are subordinated to the hypothalamus, which is also the department of the nervous system. Any failures that arise in the functions of these regulatory centers are reflected in the ovaries and can cause anneviation. In addition, the ovarian themselves may prevent acquisition «freedom» egg cell: if their shell is too tight, then the follicle may not burst, and hence ovulation will not happen.
A healthy woman of childbearing age ovulation occurs every 21–35 days, in terms of time it coincides with 10–17 day of the menstrual cycle, if you count from the beginning of menstruation. The process of exit an egg takes a time about a day. And at this time, a woman can feel gravity or short-term pain at the bottom of the belly. You can detect ovulation by measuring basal temperature, blood tests for hormones, using a special test or ultrasound.
When anointulation — norm?
- Anguulatory menstrual cycles are considered normal for a girl during puberty when the hormonal system becomes becoming the operation and the operation of its central and peripheral links is debugged.
- Anovulation accompanies pregnancy. It is quite natural when a new life is born in the body of a woman, all the forces are focused on maintaining and developing.
- Ovulation may be absent during the first three months after childbirth during lactation, which is associated with hyperprolactineia.
- Anovulation occurs during the reception of hormonal contraceptives and some drugs.
- The progressive increase in the number of anovulatory cycles is the harbingers of emergency menopause, and this is also an absolute norm for women aged 45–50 years.
Hormonal causes of anovulation
The most common cause of annovulation, of course, are hormonal malfunctions in the body. They may have the most different origin, but, as a rule, are expressed in the change in the absolute or relative number of female and male germ hormones, thyroid hormones and adrenal glands.
Violation of the ratio of pituitary hormones responsible for cyclic changes in the ovaries, ovulation and synthesis of estrogen and progesterone. Often, hyperprolactinemia becomes often the cause of anointing, that is, an increase in the synthesis of the prolactin hormone, which is hampered by the ripening of follicles. It is prolactin that restrains the occurrence of menstruation and partly prevents pregnancy in women feeding breastfeeding. The pituitary dysfunction can be caused by a brain injury, tumors, circulatory disruption in this area.
- Excessive formation of male genital hormones also interferes with ovulation. Men's sex hormones in the body of a woman are produced mainly by adrenal glands and ovaries. The diseases of the adrenal glands, leading to an increase in their activity, as a rule, are accompanied by an increase in the synthesis of male genital hormones. They, in turn, delay the production of hormones of the pituitary gland responsible for ovulation. Very often, angulation accompanies the polycystic ovary syndrome characterized by increased production of androgens.
- Thyroid diseases accompanied by disruption of its hormone production. Hormonal imbalance leads to the failures of the pituitary gland, braking the formation of hormones responsible for the ripening of follicles and ovulation.
When ovulation interferes with lifestyle
The cause of the ovulation of ovulation may be the following factors.
- Body weight deficit caused by compliance with strict diet, anorexia, digestive disorders or severe diseases. When the body is experiencing acute need in nutrients, but in defensive purposes it turns off the sexual function by terminating ovulation.
- The shortage of adipose tissue, which is most often found in athletes participating in marathons, in those who are professionally engaged in bodybuilding and «dries» your body before competition. Since adipose tissue is hormonally active, its rapid destruction and the resulting deficit leads to a violation of ovulation.
- Excess body mass and obesity Very often combined with anneviation and infertility. The adipose tissue becomes the source of additional portions of estrogen and inhibits the synthesis of hormones responsible for the ripening of the egg.
- Chronic stress, reflected in the work of the nervous system, can cause hypothalamus and pituitary dysfunction.