Zhanna Friske: Diagnosis - Gyoblastoma


Zhanna Friske diseaseA few months after childbirth, in August 2013, Zhanna was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor — Gyoblastoma. For a long time, the singer's family kept this sad news in secret, but when her sudden disappearance began to grow rumors, civil husband and relatives of the singer were forced to officially confirm the guesses of journalists about illness.

GILIBUSTOMA brain — Malignant tumor, developing from intermediate glial cells of nervous tissue capable of independent division. Violation of the processes of the reproduction of these cells leads to a fast-growing tumor, squeezing the neighboring brain departments and impede their normal functioning.

The causes of glioblastoma lies in the hereditary predisposition, congenital and acquired genetic defects, harmful effects of the environment. The development of cancer at Zhanna could be associated with the long exposure to solar radiation, the singer has long been on the shooting in Mexico for a long time, then moved to Miami before. There are rumors that the tumor could arise as a complication of rejuvenating procedures using stem cells.

Gyoblastoma — The most common primary malignant brain tumor is often diagnosed in late step. According to the famous neurosurgeon doctor,. M. N, Igor Bryshchenko, Zhanna found a non-metering tumor in the fourth stage of its development. Why is the disease been found so late, because the singer always watched his health?

It turns out that the tumor may not yet be manifest. The appearance of symptoms depends on the lesion zone. If the formation is located closer to the core of the brain and affects the nervous centers responsible for speech, rumor, coordination of movements, people quickly turn to doctors and the disease is revealed at an early stage. If the tumor is in the deep structures of the brain, then it does not cause noticeable violations for a long time. The first signs of its signs may be headaches, nausea, vomiting in the morning, smelling and these symptoms can imitate other states, in particular, may be associated with pregnancy. Perhaps in the case of Jeanne and it was.

Primary glioblastoma differ in the degree of malignancy, but almost never give metastases. Treatment is aimed at eliminating the education itself. In the initial stages, the tumor is amenable to surgical treatment, in the future — Doctors resort to radiation and chemical therapy. Now Zhanna Friske is in treating in one of the clinics Miami or Germany. Doctors do everything possible to stabilize its condition and achieve the necessary remission.

According to the producer of Andrei Shllykov, Zhanna in consciousness, she has a good mood, she is configured to fight a poor and believes. The best that can be done now, with words and prayer to support your favorite singer, charming and wise woman Zhanna Friske, wish her a speedy recovery.

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