
The main feature of children's colitis is the trend towards the development of combined
The lesions of the thick and small intestines (enterocolitis). Pathological process
often develops against the background of intestinal infection or functional disorders
digestive system arising from the period of the child's intrauterine life.

Colitis in an infant: symptoms


Children colitis proceeds with frequent joins, a tendency to meteorism, constipation,
alternating with diarrhea. Often parents in the fear of newborn
Determine the presence of pathological impurities: blood, mucus, pus. On the background
Development of the inflammatory process almost always increases temperature

Studies arises, which in early childhood quickly leads to
Dehydration. On the background of abundant diarrhea and vomiting the skin of the child and mucous
become dry, pale. Facial features kid sharpen, he looks
Lifeless and exhausted.

often occurs on the background of dysbiosis. At the same time in the intestinal mucous membrane
areas can occur with altered mucosa, scar deformations that
Subsequently, lead to perforation and development of a very dangerous urgent
State — Peritonitis.

Kid usually
concerned about how much crying, refuses to eat and sleeps badly.
Panish-necrotic forms of colitis often provoke the appearance of septic
infectious foci and development of meningitis or pneumonia. If anyone occurs
suspicion and first symptoms of colitis in children
treatment should begin immediately.

Treatment colitis in infants

As colitis or enterocolitis in an infant are dangerous to life diseases,
often complicating bleeding and infectious lesions, their treatment is necessary
Conduct only in the hospital, under the supervision of professional pediatricians,
infectiousons, immunologists and gastroenterologists.

Therapy should
Be comprehensive including:

  • Strict
    diet observance: if the baby is on artificial feeding, then
    Doctors pick up a hypoallergenic mixture for him that does not load
    The digestive tract and does not irritate the inner walls of the intestine; for children
    After 6-8 months, you can give low-fat chicken broths, rubbed mucous membranes
    porridge and soups, kisoney.
  • Antibacterial
    Therapy: Antibiotics are selected after the preliminary detection of the pathogen and
    determination of its sensitivity to a particular drug.
  • For
    Improving the functional state of the intestine and prevention of development
    Dysbacteriosis specialists prescribe probiotics, enterosorbents.
  • Usage
    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, anesthetic medicines,
    who are struggling with unpleasant colitis symptoms
    in children do treatment more
    Effective and normalize the condition of the kid.

On everything
Treatment period Parents must comply with all medical recommendations. New
Foods are entered only with Doctor's approval. The first days the kid can
give up food at all — Do not force him to eat through strength.
The immune system of the crumbs actively opposes the disease and the baby is better not to spend
Extra forces for digestion. The inflamed intestine requires rest.

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