Do or not make baby vaccinations? On this question, parents, armed with knowledge of vaccination, should answer themselves. The main thing is that these knowledge is not based only on rumors and misconceptions. In this article, its authors are trying to dispel some myths about vaccinations existing in the midst.
There is contact
Many believe that there is no real possibility to avoid infectious disease, if contact with infection has already occurred. But it is not.
Some vaccinations make it possible to raise immunity to the disease so quickly, that when a virus or a microbe breeds to the causing amount of the amount developed in response to the antibody vaccination, diseases will not allow. For example, if a person talked with sick corther, and then during three days managed to make a vaccination from her, he won't get sick. This method of vaccination is called post-exposure immunization and is not suitable for all infectious diseases.
Re-vaccination against measles and vapotitis enhances specific immunity. - It's a delusion.
When introduced into the body of living weakened viral vaccines (against measles, rubella, parotitis), a child in light, often imperceptible even to him shape with these diseases and acquires persistent lifelong immunity. Revaccination is not done in these cases in order to raise immunity, and in order to protect the child, the first immunization of which for some reason turned out to be ineffective. If parents do not want to carry out a revaccination of a weakened viral vaccine - measles, rubella, steaming - you can check blood for the presence of antibodies to these infections and make sure that the child is protected.

The pertural component of the vaccine is indeed the most reactive, that is, the reaction to the vaccine - the increase in temperature, redness and pain in the injection site, long irritated crying, as a rule, arise because of it. But it is also known that the cough component has an adjuvant action, that is, it enhances the immune response to other components of the vaccine, therefore, a healthy child to do an ADC vaccine to the healthy child and only if there is a pronounced complications after the first injection, go to an ads vaccine (without pectum).
That before aluminum contained in the DC vaccine, this is not an extra component at all, as many consider.
The affecting force of the microorganisms of diphtheria and tetanus is reduced by the introduction into the formalin vaccine, cough - heat treatment, and the hydroxide and aluminum phosphate administered to the vaccine in minimal doses - are adjuvants, that is, the components of the vaccine near the injection site so that they do not dispel the blood flow the body did not bring the kidneys with urine while immunity did not have time to work out.
It is not true that children with allergies are better not to vaccinate, but at the risk of tetanus or diphtheria, enter the appropriate serum.
In children with allergies, the danger of the development of serum disease and anaphylactic shock - especially formidable allergic reactions to the introduction of serum reaches 15%, so it is obviously safer to carry out planned immunization.