Decoding tests on toxoplasmosis


Analyzes for viruses and their decoding

Decoding tests on toxoplasmosis

Viruses — This is a special type of microorganisms penetrating the cage and affecting it from the inside.
Materials required for analysis:

  • blood;
  • spinal fluid;
  • zasples from the mucous membranes of various organs (nasopharynk, oral cavity, mouth of the urethra, cervix and t.D.)

With the help of modern research methods, most of the known viruses are revealed:

  • Simple herpes,
  • hepatitis A,
  • HIV,
  • rubella,
  • Epidemic parotitis,
  • Epstein Barra,
  • measles;
  • Influenza,
  • Papillomavirusa,
  • Cytomegalovirus and T.D.

The most common method of immununimal analysis and polymerase chain reaction.
An immununimal analysis is carried out to detect antibodies in the blood or other biological environments to the corresponding virus. For this, a special response of the interaction of the antigens of the virus contained in the reagent, with antibodies in the blood. Decoding the results of the study is simple — either antibodies are found in the material or not.

PCR analysis allows you to identify in the test material DNA or a RNA of a virus, the presence of which is suspected of a patient. Through an amplifier (special reactor) in which special enzymes are loaded, the DNA (RNA) of the pathogen is copied to such quantities that can be identified with modern methods. Decoding occurs by comparing the results obtained with special databases. PCR response is given in two types — DNA or detected, or it is not in the material under study.

On the analysis directs the most often infectious person, less — gynecologist, urologist, oncologist and others.

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