Hormones thyroid gland


Hormones thyroid gland
Analysis on the hormones of the thyroid gland is one
from the main surveys with a comprehensive verification of the functions of this authority.
Thanks to such analyzes, doctors can recognize in the early stages many
Diseases, as well as adjust the functions of the thyroid lines affecting
many organs and body systems.

For analysis on hormones of the thyroid gland required
Viennic Blood, before examining doctors recommend limiting smoking,
Alcohol use, the use of hormonal drugs and severe physical

The values ​​of the analysis on the hormones of the thyroid gland

Analysis on thyroid hormones includes
The level indicators of the following hormones:

  • T3 free — This hormone is responsible for stimulating the absorption and
    Oxygen exchange in cells and tissues. Its level helps in diagnosis
    thyroid diseases;
  • T4 free — responsible for stimulation of protein exchange. Increased
    The production of T4 free accelerates the metabolism and the absorption of oxygen. Level
    This hormone may indicate hypothyroidism, thiosodites, toxic goiter, etc.;
  • TTG (hormone
    pituitary — responsible for
    the production of T3 and T4, allows you to determine hyper and hypothyroidism;
  • Antibodies K
    thyroglobulin — The presence of the blood of these antibodies signals the autoimmune disorders (illness
    Hashimoto, diffuse toxic goiter, etc.);
  • Antibodies K
    Thyroid peroxidase — These are antibodies to the foaming gland, its presence indicates
    autoimmune diseases.

About what
Talk analyzes

Analyzing indicators are used to determine
Development of one or another hormone of the thyroid gland. Hormone level
Specifies to hyper- and hypothyroidism - extensive or reduced mining of hormones.

assign analyzes

Hormones of the thyroid gland affect the normal
work of many organs and human systems, so to assign the analysis of the cause
There may be a variety of:

  • the control
    effectiveness of treatment of hypothyroidism;
  • Suspected by
    hypo- and hyperthyroidism;
  • goiter;
  • delay
    sex or mental development in children;
  • baldness;
  • Violations
    cardiac rhythm;
  • Impotence or
    Reducing libido;
  • amenorrhea;
  • infertility.

Norms in Hormone Analysis

Absolute rate of level of thyroid hormones
differs depending on the floor and age of the patient, so evaluate
Analysis results can only an endocrinologist for determining the exact
diagnosis, therapy efficiency or choice of further diagnostic methods.

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