Breast Cancer: Deciphering Analysis


Mammography of the mammary glands

Breast Cancer: Deciphering Analysis

Mammography — X-ray method for diagnosing breast diseases. Worldwide, it is used for screening and early diagnosis of breast cancer. This is a quick and painless way, characterized in low cost and efficiency.

Mammography does not require special training, make it better in the interval between the sixth and twelfth day of the menstrual cycle.

The study determines:

  • Density of breast tissue. An increase in the indicator is often a sign of diffuse changes (mastopathy). Various density and asymmetry of the right and left mammary glands may be an option for a norm or a sign of the pathological process (cancer, benign tumors);
  • structure. Uniform structure without foci of increased or reduced density (in the picture — White and dark areas, respectively) reflects the structure of healthy breasts. Cysts have clear boundaries, dark color. Microcalcinates have bright white color, clear boundaries. Nodes and cones on the picture are light, with clear or blurry contours, with a homogeneous or inhomogeneous structure;
  • Visible Anatomical Education (Nipples, Leather, Reliable Fabric, Limph Nodes, Muscles). For example, a change in shape and deformation of a nipple, retardedness, uneven contours of the skin, depressions — frequent sign of cancer;
  • Detected pathological formations. They are described in detail (contours, structure, density, shape, dimensions, position in the mammary gland).

Mammography direction gives a mammologist, mammologist-oncologist or gynecologist.

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