Acute purulent middle otitis. Treatment Otita


  • What Sack Otitis, Otita Symptoms
  • Treatment Otita

  • What is otitis, otitis symptoms

    In most cases, Otitis occurs as a complication of acute respiratory disease (ORZ) and proceeds in two forms: catarrhal and purulent. The most common cause of middle otitis – ordinary runny nose. A weak immunity of a child, a tendency to allergic reactions, the presence of adenoids in the nasopharynk, the inability to blow the nore and t.D. lead to the fact that infected mucus from the cavity of the nose and nasopharynx via the hearing tube penetrates into the middle ear.

    Acute purulent average otitis. Treatment Otita
    The widespread view that infection penetrates the ear outside, through the auditory passage erroneously, and the famous phrase that «In ear pine», essentially does not make any sense. Precautions are also meaningless as a permanent wearing of a hat or, for example, stuck with wool's ears. «Infected otitom» Also impossible. Otitis Prevention is the warning and competent treatment of conventional colds, especially accompanied by a strong rhino.

    The disease begins, as a rule, sharp, often at night, after the child was laid in bed. The main symptom is the ear pain that can be very strong. Typically, the temperature is simultaneously rising, the overall health is worse. In children of breasts, the disease is manifested by a sharp concern, crying. The child pulls his hand to the sick ear, refuses the nipple. Sleeping, appetite, often a liquefied chair appears.

    Further development of the disease leads to the fact that a pus is formed in the cavity of the middle ear, which breaks through the eardrum and begins to flow from the auditory pass. Otitis catarrhal is replaced by purulent. Sometimes, especially in children of breasts, it happens very quickly. With the advent of poverty, the pain in the ear, as a rule, decreases or stops completely, the temperature is reduced, the child's well-being improves.

    Unfortunately, such a fairly favorable development of events is not always. Sometimes the pus does not break through the eardrum, but begins to spread to the neighboring parts of the temporal bone, which leads to such formidable complications as, for example, meningitis.

    Treatment Otita

    So what to do if the child got sick? The first and most important rule: as soon as possible Show the child with an otolaryngologist. In such a situation, only the ENT doctor can put the correct diagnosis, evaluate the gravity of the disease and appoint adequate treatment. With proper medical control, most uncomplicated otites can be cured at home.

    Treatment, as a rule, includes the course of antibiotics. Usually in the form of tablets or children's syrups. At the same time, drugs are prescribed by normal intestinal microflora, antiflare preparations. Areas are subject to certain ear drops, drops in the nose.

    If the child complained about the ear, do the following. Measure the temperature, if necessary, give the antipyretic. Do not lay a child forcibly into bed, in a horizontal position, pain, usually enhanced. Cut the nose vasoconstrictor drops (naphtizin, galazoline, vibration and t.D.). Dripping, for example, in the left nostril tilt the head of the child to the left and vice versa. In the patient ear need to drip ear drops. It is better to choose those in which an anesthetic includes, for example «Otipax». Drops should be body temperature, so welcome the bottle in the palms or in a cup with warm water. Put a child with a sick ear up, pull out the ear shell a little back and up. Kneak 4-6 drops in the auditory pass, ask the child to lie down a few minutes, then close your ear with a cotton ball. Take measures to show the child to the doctor.

    Now a number of typical errors or what you do not need to do. At high temperatures, it is impossible to make a warming compress on the ear. It may seriously worsen the condition of the child. If from the ear started to flow the pit, do not try to brush deeply into the ear rod. At best, this will not give anything, at worst - a drumming injury will occur. Do not give an antibiotic or other medicines without consulting a doctor.

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