Children's nose


  • Rubber in the child
  • Recipes of traditional medicine

  • Rubber in the child

    There are diagnoses,
    who pursue our children constantly, and there
    seasonal diseases that are repeated from year to
    year with tedious constancy. And we must try
    be ready to know in advance how
    the best neutralization of the consequences, even if «diagnosis» It seems empty.

    In the fall and in winter, the runny nose becomes, perhaps,
    The most common childish disease:
    yourself or as a symptom of other colds
    Diseases (influenza or acto). He delivers a lot
    troubles and the children themselves, and parents who
    Sometimes do not know how to get rid of it. After all
    Long runny nose and its improper treatment
    may cause chronic diseases
    nasal mucosa and apparel sinuses.

    Children's nose
    Nose, as you know, plays a significant role for
    Human Respiratory Health. Hair
    nostrils delay large dust particles, and
    Small particles and bacteria «adhere» To
    mucous membrane nose. In addition, the mucous
    The shell is equipped with a multitude of blood
    vessels that heat passing through the nose
    air, as well as moisturizes it. Naturally, that
    With a cold, the work of the nose is disturbed that
    affect bronchi and lungs.

    In addition, the use of vesseloring
    funds are fraught with edema, the difficulty of nasal
    breathing. Especially dangerous long-term use
    such drugs for chronic
    Diseases, such as chronic hymorite.
    The result can be a medical rhinitis and
    even atrophy of the nasal mucosa. And that's
    Create problems for a child for many years

    Learn to use drops correctly or
    Spray from a runny nose. Initially ask the child
    Pretty clumsy. Drops: Let him be lying;
    Slowly dig medicine and give a child
    lie for a few seconds. Spray: The child sits,
    slightly trapped your head; Insert the spray in the nostril and
    Click quietly - let the child breathe

    The use of thorough preparations more
    three days most dangerous for children. WITH
    one hand forming a children's body
    extremely susceptible to potent
    funds and quickly get used to them. With another
    Parties like «Push out»
    Development of immunity, and there is a risk that in the future
    The child will often stick. So
    short-term positive effect can
    Wrap serious trouble in the future.

    That is why more secure for treatment
    Rudeness homeopathic medicinal
    Means and phytopreparats. They contain only
    Natural components of vegetable, less often -
    animal or mineral origin. They are not
    Call addiction, do not drown the mucous membrane
    nose, almost do not have contraindications.
    Doctors believe that homeopathic and herbal
    medicine «Trade» Immune system,
    Therefore, first of all shown to children.

    Recipes of traditional medicine

    The most gentle and effective them:

    • Divide into 100 ml warm
      waters of the full spoon of cook salt, wet in
      this solution tampon and enter it alternately
      Every nostril of a child - Salt shoots swelling
      Nose mucosa.
    • Thoroughly
      Mix 30 g of sea buckthorn oil, 20 g of fresh juice
      Calendula, 15 g of melted cocoa oil, 10 g
      Honey, 5 g of propolis. Enter the Vatka,
      wet in this composition for 20 minutes.
    • Region
      Gaimar sinuses warm up boiled screwed
      eggs, applying them in the shell on both sides
      The nose as hot as possible and keeping up to complete
    • Apply
      for 10 minutes to the nostrils of the onion and garlic kashitz in
    • At
      rheuble hard garlic water helps.
      Garlic crowed, pour warm boiled water,
      To strongly tongue, add aloe juice, honey - in equal parts. Pour 3-4 times a day by 1/2
    • Prepare
      Decoration from gardening wets (2 teaspoons of grass
      brew 1 glass boiling water, insist 1 hour,
      strain). Let the child pulls into the nose warm
      decoction - this procedure quickly expels the sputum and
      stops tear.
    • Healthy
      chew the eucalyptus leaf or conduct steam
      Inhalation with decoction or essential oil
      Eucalyptus, «Potato skins» with
      adding chopping mint or validol tablets.

    Many of these procedures are quite unpleasant,
    so try to do them in the game
    form by creating some role situations, analogies
    with fairy tales (remember the Molding Apples,
    Magic Elsiers, Live Water).

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