Almonds - one of the important immune human bodies. They are the first to meet the pathogenic microorganisms falling from the outside and provide protection against infection.
Why we strive to preserve the almonds?
Almonds are located in the Rotohlotka. Diseases are subject to B
Mainly sky almonds (this is clearly visible through open mouth).
Outdoor of almonds «Watching» oral cavity and pharynx. Almonds
have a porous structure, they are permeated with special tubes - lacunas.
Lacuna - traps for microbes and viruses and peculiar «polygon», where
The immune system is learning to fight these microbes and viruses.
The inner part of each almond is connected to the fabric of the pharynx and
The lymphatic duct that provides the connection of the almonds from all over
immune system.
Therefore, the removal of almonds can become a blow to protective forces of the body.
What is chronic tonsillitis? Why almonds are inflamed?
If the general immunity is reduced and / or the body had to face
Powerful infectious attack (angina), in the lacuna, the almonds unfold
This battle between the immune system and microbes.
As a result, a large amount of pus accumulates in the lacuna,
consisting of dead microbes, white blood tauros, cells
(purulent casomic tubes). Middlely scored by pus almonds cease to work
as an immune body, and in purulent content lacuna perfectly
Feeling and multiplied pathogens microbes.
Hence the characteristic symptoms of chronic tonsillitis:
The products of the life of microbes from the tonsils fall into
Blood and other liquid mediums of the body, poisoning it (tonsillogenic
intoxication); Hence fatigue, pain in muscles and joints, head
pain, decline in mood, and even, in some cases, long
increasing body temperature;
- Almonds become a reservoir of infection (staphylococcus,
streptococcus and other microbes) where it can spread
the body and be the cause of inflammatory processes in the first place
it is acne; Prostatitis, adhesitis, dysbacteriosis, inflammation
Occolone sinuses, joints;
- Organic substances decomposed in lacunas may have a strong unpleasant odor (bad smell of mouth);
- Almonds cease to work as an immune body, moreover,
they themselves turn into a source of infection, which leads to frequent
- Frequent diseases further weaken immunity, which leads to the further development of tonsillitis.
What is dangerous chronic tonsillitis?
Chronic tonsillitis primarily dangerous with its complications,
associated with the spread of infection by the body.
Among the complications
Tonsillitis as follows:
- Rheumatism of the heart and joints;
- Glomerulonephritis;
- The formation of the prolaps of the heart valves;
- Purulent inflammation of the tissue of the oralogloty (paratonzilor abscess);
- Pneumonia;
- Inflammation of the middle ear, reduced rumor on this soil;
- Exacerbation of allergic diseases.
Why in chronic tonytail often sick?
Frequent diseases in chronic tonsillitis occur for two reasons:
- Almonds cease to work as an immune body, immunity
Reduced, and the slightest provocation (supercooling, overwork,
mental stress) leads to an even greater decrease in protective forces, and,
therefore, the microbial attack;
- Almonds containing purulent occasional corks themselves
turn into a source of infection that, in combination with a reduced
immunity leads to self-excitation.
Why worsen overall health, head, muscular and articular pain appear?
As already mentioned, microbial life activity products
Almonds fall into blood and other liquid media, poisoning
his. This condition is called tonsilogenic intoxication.
Often, not detected tonsilogenic intoxication puts doctors in
Tupik, T.To. Causes persistent depressive states, headaches,
Break, fatigue, pain in muscles and joints, long-term
Increased body temperature, changes in blood tests (raising,
Reducing hemoglobin content).
Toxins produced by some microbes have
property damage the ligalar and cartilage tissue, cause their inflammation,
as well as pain in the joints and muscles.
As chronic tonsillitis affects the heart?
Finds in the study of the heart in suffering chronic tonsillitis.
The fact is that the protein of beta-hemolytic streptococcus group A,
often parasitic in almonds, similar to the connective protein
Fabrics of the heart and joints of a person. Therefore, response aggression is possible
the immune system not only in relation to streptococcus, but in relation
own hearts and joints. This is also explained by chronic
tonsillogenic intoxication (action of toxins on
Connectant Heart Structures).
The most terrible complication of chronic tonsillitis – rheumatism, dangerous disease, affecting the heart and joints.
Sometimes there is enough one course of treatment of tonsillitis to
«Magic» Allergic rashes, itching and even attacks
Bronchial asthma. The fact is that the long availability of infectious
The focus in the almonds not only reduces immunity, but also perverts it
Reactivity, causing allergic shifts.
How do we treat chronic tonsillitis?
Task number 1 – Restore the work of almonds as an immune authority. For
This we thoroughly wash out a purulent-occasional mass of lacuna. For
washing a special preparation containing seaside salt and
Herbal extracts. After the course washing the ability of Lakun to
self-cleaning is restored, tonsilogenic stops
Task number 2 – reveal the suffering link of immunity and bring it to
Proper condition. For this, immunological
blood tests and subsequent treatment with various immunocorrectors;
If necessary, the doctor is attracted by a doctor immunologist. This allows
achieve persistent treatment results.
Task number 3 – Avoid exacerbation. The doctor recommends that you
Preventive measures. Well proven prophylactic
washing lacun 1-2 times a year (incidence is reduced in cold
The time of year, the exacerbations of allergies, bronchial asthma cease).
When it really is necessary to remove almonds?
First of all when the almonds are so damaged
inflammation that your protective function will never be able to perform
(Being, at the same time, the hearth infection).
Secondly, it is complications from the heart and joints (rheumatism, system arthritis).
And thirdly this is the ineffectiveness of conservative treatment, especially in combination with gross violations in the immune system.
What is an alternative to removal of almonds?
With significant almond damage to infection when lacuna in
the result acquire the form of pockets, expand and cannot
Clean, we use electronoplasma coagulation. This procedure
Performed only after full cleaning Lakun Almond.
Electric plasma coagulation seals deformed lacuna and
prevents sacrifice microbes in them. Wherein
workable lacuna do not coagulate and they save their function.
After the electoplasma coagulation, the need to remove almonds as a rule disappears.