The healing power of plants is great, it helps people solve health problems without harming individual bodies and systems. Depending on the properties, some plants are used directly for treatment, others - as prevention in order to prevent diseases. Today we will talk about diuretic herbs called more vegetable diuretics. Readers Our site will recognize which plants have diuretic properties when they can be used in what quantity.
How are plant diuretics?
Diuretic herbs help to remove excess fluid from the body, prevent and remove the edema. Some plants also have a disinfecting effect, that is, destroy pathogenic bacteria that have fallen into the urinary system. At the same time, the inflammatory process is fixed, the urinary tract is cleaning from the products of inflammation. The mechanism of action of diuretic substances is varied. Strengthening urine release can occur when suppressing the activity of such an enzyme as carbaneshydrase, in the synthesis in the organism of acidic products, as a result of a change in osmotic pressure, which will weaken the reverse absorption processes in the renal tubules. Sometimes exposure occurs directly on the hormonal regulation of water and salt metabolism processes.
Indications for the use of diuretic herbs
- edema associated with renal failure;
- edema and shortness of breath arising from heart failure;
- prevention of re-formation of kidney counters after surgery for crushing and removal (lithotripsy);
- urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis and other urinary system infections flowing both in acute and chronic form;
- chronic glomerulonephritis (during the remission);
- hypertonic disease, accompanied by a fluid delay;
- After various poisoning (food, toxic products) to remove toxins and poisons from the body.
Some Rules for Reception of Diuretic Herbs
Convenient for many scheme of acceptance of infusions or brazers twice a day (in the morning and in the evening) in this case does not fit. Diuretic herbs better drink until 16 o'clock in the evening. If you drink herbs later, that is, the risk that all night you will be lifted from a warm bed inner «alarm». Then during the night you will not be able to rest, you will feel broken and sleepy.
It is required to correctly pick up the dose to achieve a better result. Currently, with interruptions, so that the effect does not weaken and there was no peculiar addiction.
With long-term use of diuretic herbs from the body goes and potassium, so try to eat avocado, diopathy, raisins, kuragu, baked potatoes and other products rich in this element.
Treatment must be carried out under the supervision of the doctor, if necessary, pass the necessary analyzes, do surveys.
With serious diseases, do not cancel the use of herbs without instructions to the doctor so as not to worsen.
With nephrosis and jade, it is allowed to use only those herbs that do not irritate the kidney parenchyma.
The greatest effect is achieved when applying fees consisting of several components.
Is there any contraindications in diuretic herbs?
We list the states under which you need to limit the reception of diuretic agents:
- allergy on herbs;
- Children's age up to six years;
- Caution must be observed with urolithiasis, since there is a danger that the stones will begin movement, and the renal colic will arise;
- Lack of potassium in the body;
- BPH In men to avoid acute urine delay.
In addition to the listed, pay attention to other individual contraindications available in plants.
Acquisition of medicinal herbs
If you do not have sufficient knowledge or opportunities to handle medicinal plants yourself, then the question will arise - where to purchase them? Grass sell grandmothers on the market, calling themselves herds, many sites die by ads about what they can send to your postal address of phytogencies. And even in each pharmacy there are showcases with packages containing drug plants already proven in all required indicators. So where to make a purchase? Try to protect yourself from poor-quality, dubious raw materials, collected and dried with deviations from the rules, as well as fakes. Better buy medicinal plants in a pharmacy. If you decide to order on sites, pay attention to the reviews of those who have already used this proposal.
Examples of diuretic herbs
I will list the most commonly appointed diuretic herbs.
Kidney and Leaves of Birch will help relieve even strong echoes of renal and cardiovascular origin. From the leaves prepare infusion, and from the kidneys - decoction. It is only necessary to take into account that their composition includes resinous substances that can be a little annoying kidney fabrics.
A decoction made of juniper fruits, removes the edema. But it should not be used with the inflammation of the kidneys, in order not to annoy them.

Lamberry leaves remarkably offer excess liquid, they are shown even with stones in the bladder. The decoction of them will also have a disinfecting effect.
Tolokniki leaves also contain glycoside waterbutin, like a lingonberry, so they are used to enhance diuresis and removal of inflammation in the genitourinary system. Leaves in Tolokniki and lingonberries leathery, so for better extraction of healing substances prepare.

Highlander bird (Speech) - this grass can be used for various edema, for the treatment of urinary tract and even with urolithiasis. That's just hypotonikoms need to be vigilant, this plant reduces pressure. It is impossible to apply it when thrombophlebitis.

Diuretic properties and the grass of the horsetail of the field. In addition, it has another painful effect, is used with the illness of the kidneys, bladder, pathological incontinence of urine, water.
Soft diuretic action has a drink from a rose hips, enriching the body with useful vitamins and microelements.

Powerful diuretic is a kidney tea, the scientific name of which the strain. Infusion of his leaves helps to cope with the eats and hypertension. It is also shown when goug. With extra liquid, chlorides, urea and uric acid are derived, urine test indicators are improved. This medicinal plant is prescribed during heart failure.
In traditional medicine, beautiful flowers of blue cornflower are widely used. They can be brewed with urethritis, pylits, cystitis, nephrosis, urolithiasis, ethimony.
For long-term treatment, fees will be effective, which includes listed herbs.
A diuretic properties are also among the seeds of flax, the grass is the goldenfall, roots of the burdock, roots of parsley, greenery of dill.
Dosage and methods of cooking DISTRICATION or BADARY are specified from the doctor or on the package, each plant has their own characteristics.
Often on the Internet you can find recipes with diuretic herbs. But be careful, sometimes there are errors in the dosage and the number of techniques. In addition, these diseases are not indicated in which the plant may harm. Therefore, before the treatment of MPsovtsov, recommends that its readers consult the phytotherapist or the attending doctor to avoid side effects.
Pregnant women need to be even more attentive to their health and brewing herbs to prevent swellings only with the permission of a doctor who watches your condition and the course of pregnancy.
We hope that read recommendations will be useful for readers. Let herbs be good allies to eliminate arising health problems.