Very often we forget to take care of your own health and such «trim», as nasal congestion because of polyps just do not pay attention. The author of this article warns: the polyps are not a joke, and the delay in the visit to the doctor can lead to very unpleasant consequences.
Postulate first: NOS polyposis needs treatment

What do we do with such symptoms? Usually, we try not to pay attention to the symptoms, until it grabs on the full program and one way out will remain: cut. Sounds like a sentence, but nothing can be done. Then we fall out of the labor series. PC - the thing is very unpleasant.
If nose laid, do not get carried away by vasoconducting drops. Perpetrators of hurt nasal breathing is a lot. With a tightened cold, it is worth consulting from the ENT doctor. If it detects the polyps during the examination, do not delay the treatment. In addition to the difficult breath, the polyps are able to deliver many other troubles. It can be a signal of development of bronchial asthma and hearing disorders.
More other risks to extrude polyps:
- Those who have chronic diseases of the incomplete sinuses, allergic rhinitis (runny nose).
- Southerners moving to northern countries.
- People living in ecologically unfavorable terrain.
Postulate second: nose polyps can be cured
What to do in such cases? Until recently, the polyps were removed only with the hinge. Such an operation required regular repetitions every 6-12 months due to constant relapses and reproduction of polyps until the previous sizes. In addition, in patients with bronchial asthma, such an operation often led to the attack of bronchial asthma or even the formation of asthmatic status (a whole series of seizures that practically impossible to stop). It is because of this that the removal of polyps is currently being carried out only in the hospital.
Despite the development of a number of methods for removing polyps in the last 10 years, the period between the recurrences of the disease remains almost unchanged for each particular patient regardless of the method of surgical treatment of the disease. All this leads to the failure of patients from continuing treatment. The fact is that the nose polyps are formed under the influence of a number of factors, some of which means of modern medicine to eliminate almost impossible. In addition to well-known allergies and violations of the hormonal background, such patients have genetic disorders that lead to an infallible synthesis of protein compounds, of which the base of the mucous membrane of the nose. As a result, the mucous membrane begins to sign, and special cells begin to gather in this place - eosinophils, of which the polyp is. Just a nightmare!
I hope the above examples are convincing enough to understand - with difficulty breathing, headaches, bad dream, the absence of ears, you need immediate treatment.
Today, the treatment of nose polyps is carried out using laser technology. The advantage of this technique is that the laser allows you to provide the greatest cleanliness of the surface of the nasal mucosa after the operation. This prevents further growth of polyps. The operation is carried out outpatient under local anesthesia. The quality control of the removal of polyps is carried out using endoscopic examination of the nose and nasopharynx. Additionally, prescribed drug and homeopathic courses of treatment. Let the joy of life return to you again! After all, now there is a slight decision.