Symptoms of Menieral disease


  • What are the symptoms of Meniere disease

  • What are the symptoms of Meniere disease

    Menieret's disease - under this title implies
    Certain symptom complex, described in 1861 by French
    Medico Prosper Meniel. Disease manifestations are described by Merper on
    so much exhaustingly that for the subsequent century only a few
    Invulusized information relating to the characteristics of the hearing lesion and
    vestibular functions.

    Meniery's disease Characterized by classic triad:

    • Symptoms of Menieral diseaseAttacks of systemic labyrinth dizziness, accompanied by nausea and vomiting
    • decline of hearing for one ear
    • noise in the same ear.

    Dizziness attacks arise among full health,
    accompanied by nauseous, sometimes vomiting. As a rule, at the time of the attack
    There is noise in the patient ear, there is a feeling of stations and
    Stunning. An objective sign of the attack is a spontaneous nastagm,
    which disappears shortly after the end of the attack. At the moment of attack
    equilibrium is broken, often significantly, patients try to accept
    horizontal position, more often with eyes closed. Any attempt
    Change the posture leads to a deterioration in the state and strengthen nausea and

    Attacks arise at any time of the day, but more often at night or in the morning.
    Provoking moment can be physical or mental
    overvoltage. Sometimes patients feel the approach of the attack for
    a few hours or even days. His harbingers is often
    Strengthening noise in the ear or easy balance of equilibrium. Attacks can
    be repeated with different frequency.

    Most patients clearly trace the phase of the disease:
    Alternation of frequent attacks with well-being periods. In phase
    exacerbations for several weeks attacks can be repeated
    repeatedly; In the intervals between them vestibular disorders
    do not completely disappear, but only subscribe. During the remission,
    continued for several months and even years, condition
    Improves and patients become able-bodied. However, with the flow
    time attacks are harder and even during remission
    Moving weakness, light equilibrium disorders, feeling
    Gravity in the head.

    Three distinguish Severity of Meniere Diseases:

    • severe - attacks are usually daily or weekly,
      Duration of more than 5 hours flowing with the whole complex
      disorders, disability is lost
    • Average - attacks are also frequent, duration up to 5
      hours, disability after the attack is lost at how long,
      Permanent hearing loss
    • Easy - attacks can be frequent and short, in
      in some cases with long, in several months or years,
      breaks; disability between attacks is not reduced.
    None of the signs of the Meniere disease is not characteristic only for this pathology.

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