Causes and meaning of noise in ears and head. Diseases that Tinnitus can speak, and how to get rid of the stall in the ears and head.
Noise in ears and head, or Tinnitus, — This is not a disease,
And symptom. It occurs in the absence of external sound stimuli and accompanies
Many diseases in adults and children. He can manifest in the form of a whistle,
Iron, hissing and hums, both in one ear and both in both. With this
Symptom Be sure to visit the otorhinolaryngologist or neurologist. Similar condition
violates normal human life and makes a certain discomfort. The reasons for the appearance of noise in the ears are numerous and diverse: they can speak
about age-related changes, and may indicate serious diseases, including
The number of patient's life (hearing nerve tumor).
There is an objective and subjective noise.
Objective noise — This is the sound of our body, it arises mainly when
muscle and vascular pathologies. The doctor can diagnose availability
objective noise by means of a simple phonendoscope. Subjective noise
Distributed. It is called the ringing, whistle, buzzing, crash and hum or
same term «Tinnitus». Such noise arises in cases of violation of work
Human analyzer and snail pathology.
Causes of noise in the ears and head
Noise B
Head may appear due to drug use (gentamicin,
streptomycin, furosemide and others.), due to the presence of sulfur traffic jams, with differentials
atmospheric pressure and under stress. Tinnitus can cause a foreign object in
cavities of ear. Ringing in the ears can occur not only in adults, but also in children. Melomanans,
not parting with headphones, it will be useful to know what to listen to
Music at high volume not more than 4 hours a week. Athletes love
train with musical players, but it also harms health: when
physical stress blood varies from the head, and ears become vulnerable.
Badly affect the rumor sharp sound drops (sudden change of loud sound silence).
Frequent conversations on a mobile phone may well provoke a hum in
Head and ears.
What diseases say
Tinnitus can act as a symptom
Next diseases:
Meniere;- Card-brain
injury; - Arterial
Hypertension. If, in addition to Tinnitus, the headache is observed, flickering flies
before eyes and pain in the heart area, then it may well go about
hypertensive crisis and stroke development; - atherosclerosis
Brain vessels — Sound interference in the ears are provoked by turbulent
blood flow in narrowed arteries; - otitis
— noise in the ears accompanies itching and redness of the ear; - Diseases
metabolism, such as diabetes; - migraine
— Together with the ringing in the ears there is severe pain in one half of the head; - Otosclerosis
— the growth of bone tissue at the junction of the middle and inner ear; - scattered
sclerosis — In addition to Tinnitus, dizziness, paralysis of the limbs, is observed; - tumor
Hearing nerve — can lead to deafness causes a violation of coordination and
goosebumps on face; - Degenerative changes of the cervical
Treatment of noise in ears and head
For productive treatment, it is necessary as possible
Before paying attention to the appearance of noise in the ears and find the reason for this
Phenomena. It is the elimination of the main reason and your doctor will be engaged.
There are noise-canceling drugs, but choosing them
must implement the attending physician. The most common reception of Beaser and Tanatana.
If the noise in the ears has been provoked by the stressful situation, it is worth starting with therapy
psycho-emotional disorders. Special auditory are effectively used
Apparatuses and Tinnitus masquera. For a more successful result, you can combine
Medicinal treatment with physiotherapy, psychotherapy and use