Treatment of Larygita


  • What is laryngitis
  • Treatment of Larygita

  • What is laryngitis

    Treatment of Larygita Larygitis - Inflammation of Laryngitis (Laryngitis, Greek. Larynx, Laryngos Largest + -tis). Distinguish acute and chronic laryngitis. Most often, it is one of the symptoms of ARVI, flu, scarletin, cough. Voice bundles with laryngitis lose their ability to vibration, a person's voice becomes hoarse or lost at all. Breathing becomes difficult and whistling and a painful cough appears. Burning the respiratory tract can sometimes be very serious, especially in children in these cases talking about the so-called false croup. It may occur both as an independent disease - when a voice overwhelding, inhalation of dusty air, irritating vapors and gases, smoking, abuse of alcoholic beverages. With acute laryngitis, the mucous membrane of the larynx hyperemic and edema, thickening and incomplete closure of voice ligaments (voice folds) are marked. In the influenza, hemorrhages in the mucous membrane of the larynx (hemorrhagic laryngitis) are visible.

    The inflammatory process can cover the entire mucous membrane of the larynx or its separate sections (isolated laryngitis). Patients with laryngitis complain of dryness, allocating, in the throat, sometimes on pain when swallowing. Cough, first dry, and further accompanied by the disorder of sputum. The voice becomes hoarse, rough or disappears. Acute laryngitis can proceed with headache, a small increase in body temperature. Its duration usually does not exceed 7-10 days. Danger represents acute laryngitis of the drowsy (pierced) space accompanied by stenosis of the larynx. Some chemicals inhalation can also cause inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx.

    In the early age of young children, inflammation can flow so rapidly that the swelling of the mucous membrane overlaps the air access to the larynx (false croup). In these cases, inhale: breathing becomes noisy, the child cries, worry. In severe cases, the lack of oxygen may cause a violation of the brain, up to coma.

    Of course, such a state requires urgent hospitalization in the ENT or pediatric hospital.

    Treatment of Larygita

    Treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause caused by laryngitis. The patient is not recommended for 5-7 days to talk loudly, it is forbidden to smoke, drink acute dishes from food.

    The patient should take care of his voice, for some time not to talk and try so that the inhaled air is warm and wet; Typically, in this case, steam inhalations are recommended, which must be made for 15-20 minutes every 2-3 hours. It should also be avoided to be in the cold air or in a smoked room and go out during the fog.

    Prescribed warm drinks (milk, borzhomi), rinse throat chamomile chamomile or sage, warm alkaline inhalation, dressings and warming compresses on the neck, hot foot bath. Approach antitussive tools, as well as physiotherapeutic treatment (UHF, Novocaine electrophoresis on the region of the larynx). In chronic hypertrophic laryngitis, hyperplasted areas of the mucous membrane are influenced by a 3-5% solution of silver nitrate or removed surgically. With chronic atrophic laryngitis, alkaline and oil inhalations are used, lubricated the laryrs with a lugol solution in glycerin. For better death, crusts are prescribed proteolytic enzymes (Himopcin, Hymmotrypsin and DR.) in the form of aerosols.

    Prognosis for acute laryngitis favorable; Sometimes possible transition to chronic laryngitis. The outcome of chronic laryngitis depends on its shape. With hypertrophic and atrophically chronic laryngitis, complete recovery does not occur. Prevention is aimed at eliminating causal factors.

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