Treatment of eczema by folk remedies

Eczema is a chronic allergic reaction that manifests itself in the form of a rash of small bubbles. If it does not diagnose the disease in time and do not take appropriate measures, guns will be replaced, and shrama will be left on the skin. How to avoid crying consequences and keep smooth healthy skin?

Causes of the appearance of eczema

Dermatology, skin diseases, traditional medicine, eczema

Eczema - extremely unpleasant disease not only because it causes discomfort to man. It can spoil appearance, especially if manifests itself on her face or hands. Why, it would seem, completely healthy people suffer from such a skin disease? The causes of the eczema are so different that only units are insured in the modern world.

Causes of the appearance of eczema:

  1. Interaction with dyes, flavors, household chemicals of vegetable or chemical origin (food, body care products, washing powders, air fresheners, etc. D.).
  2. Clothes or attributes made from allergens materials.
  3. Uncontrollable drug reception.
  4. Allergen Food (Chocolate, Citrus, Acute, Salt or Smoked Food).
  5. Biological stimuli (pollen, poplar fluff, animal wool, mold and t. D.).
  6. Chronic diseases or weakened by seasonal media immunity.
  7. Stress.

It is clear that eczema may appear literally for any occasion, so if you have a tendency to appear allergies, it is important to not allow even the slightest provocations.

Types of eczema

Dermatology, skin diseases, traditional medicine, eczema

You can get rid of eczema by integrated treatment. This means that in any case it is necessary to consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary drugs or injections. Also from the diet should exclude any food and drink with a pronounced taste, including alcohol. Appeal to a specialist will detect the nature and nature of the disease. In other words, you can find out what caused the appearance of eczema, therefore, what you need to fear. So, if the reaction provoked a pet, you need to limit contact with it. If you work in a household chemical store, it makes sense to think about changing work.

Treatment of eczema by folk remedies will help maximize the recovery, without applying harmful chemicals. But only in the complex with the diet and the recommendations of the doctor, it will bring the desired result.

Our site has prepared for you an extensive list of personal non-traditional medicine, however, before proceeding with treatment, consult your doctor. All recipes are aimed at treating disease, but some plants can have a detrimental effect on weakened organs. So, in the disease of the kidneys, it is impossible to take Red Kalina, cardiovascular diseases also put certain frames and T.D.

Recipes for the treatment of eczema:

  1. Grinding oak bark pour boiling water at the rate of 1 cup of raw materials per 1 liter of water. On low heat to bring to a boil, add 0.5 glasses of a turn and yarrow, turn off the fire, cover with a lid and insist 15 minutes. As soon as the decoction cools up to the temperature of the temperature, lower the hand to it and keep it to a complete cooling. After the procedure, the hand does not wipe the decoction to dry yourself.
  2. Five percent ointment of sea buckthorn oil quickly removes swelling, burning and itching. Acceptance of sea buckthorn oil inside 2 ml a day will speed up recovery.
  3. Vintage recipe «Yellow ointment» Many helped get rid of eczema. Weld the booze eggs (the greater the area of ​​the affected area of ​​the skin, the greater the eggs need). Remove the yolk, put it on the knitter or fork and start quarreling the candles over the fire. The liquid will be distinguished from the yolk, which must be collected in a separate container. This «Mazus» and you need to process sore places, cover top paper from above, so that the bandage does not absorb healing fluid, and keep the bandages. Change the bandage better every two days before full recovery.
  4. Get rid of eczema and deprived her herbal collection. Mix one part of the dandelion root, dill seeds, chicory root, add two parts of the cortex of the crash. Memore the tablespoon of the mixture and pour the glass of water. Bring to a boil, reduce fire to a minimum and tomit under the lid of 20 minutes. Then turn off the fire and leave another 10 minutes. Straighten the decoction, add water to get a whole glass and take a glass three times a day. For taste you can add a spoonful of honey.
  5. Especially for cases of highly running eczema Miscelves, it recommends using the following fee: 30 grams of black currant berries, 30 grams of blueberries berries, 20 grams of forest strawberries, 10 grams of young goat Waway shoots mix and thunder to grind into a homogeneous mass. Berries must be fresh and ripe. Apply to the affected areas of the skin and keep the bandages for the night.
  6. To cure a wet artwork, you will need to spend the following cooking therapy: three times a day for half an hour before eating, take a teaspoon of the healing mixture. Mix 500 grams of honey, 50 grams of peeled sulfur and 250 grams of chickpea, flew into powder. Then after 10 minutes it is necessary to drink 75 ml of rage. To prepare a decoction, mix 50 grams of dandelion, plantain, hunter, gold cake, dispatch, princess, chicory, hops and 100 grams of reurenik root. Grind the mixture, measure 2 tablespoons and fill with 500 ml of boiling water, cover with a lid and tomit 10 minutes on weak heat. Straighten up cool and take before eating.
  7. Mocking eczema will disappear faster if he is treated with its special emulsion. Mix the liter of wine vinegar with a frozen icing (150 grams), shake, put on a slow fire and boil 15-20 minutes. Then let the mixture cool and drain the clean part without precipitate. Then pour 250 ml of olive oil into a separate saucepan, put on a weak fire and add an acetic mixture across a tablespoon until a viscous emulsion turns out.
  8. Dermatology, skin diseases, traditional medicine, eczema

  9. Very good from eczema helps fragrant baths with herbs. Make a decoction of pine twigs, elderberry, yarrow, dispatch, geranium and plantain and add it to a warm bath at the rate of 1 liter of decoction on 10 liters of water.
  10. A special recipe for the treatment of eczema from healer and propheted Vanga: Collect young birch sprigs with kidneys and leaves, pour with water and bring to a boil. Cool the decoction and lower the affected places. Repeat the procedure three times a day, heating the same decoction. Almost all varieties of eczema, according to Vanga, can be cured by a special liquid. In May, a liquid that needs to lubricate problem areas appears in MAE.
  11. Old recipe for deliverance from eczema and deprivation - «Newspaper resin». Take the usual newspaper, tighten it tightly, google and keep under the cold plate (it is better to cool in the freezer in advance). Smoke from paper will rise up, condensed on the cold surface of the plate, turning into a black viscous substance. This «resin» and you need to lubricate sick places.

Any of these methods will help get rid of eczema, but remind once again that illiterate self-treatment can aggravate the situation. Consult a doctor, pass the tests and find out the cause of the eczema. If you have successfully got rid of irritation, you should not immediately disrupt the dietary nutrition mode, as this may cause recurrence of the disease. It's best to eat balanced, «Baloia» yourself harmful food and drinks only on big holidays.

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