Today we will talk about the preparation consisting of plant components that are an alternative to synthetic tranquilizers, but not possessing side effects, for them characteristic. Readers Our site will learn more about perception - its composition, therapeutic properties, indications and methods of application. This drug can be bought in pharmacies without a doctor's recipe.

Stress in everyday life
Alas, but each of us is familiar with stress. Stressful situations in our turbulent time became part of everyday life. Stresses pursue a person at work, at home, on vacation, when communicating with neighbors and relatives. The cause of excitements, anxiety, irritation can be any events - terrorist acts, plane crash, accidents, loss of documents, dismissal from work, problems with children, conflicts with neighbors, poor-quality repairs, treason, betrayal, insults in transport or other public places ... Concept «stress» For the first time, a Canadian endocrinologist Hans Selleg was formulated in 1936, which then became a laureate of the famous Nobel Prize. Selman experiments have shown that the cause of pathological changes in the body after external contact with stress factors (stimuli) is not stressful itself as such, but the reaction to him of the person himself and its further behavior. Incorrect attitude to external stimuli may result in hair loss, impaired menstrual cycle (in women), ulcerative processes in the digestive tract, Hypertension, heart disease, skin, falling immunity, infertility, impotence, Oncology. Not always the body is independently able to cope with stress-taught. Sometimes it is necessary to resort to the help of drugs to cope with excitement, irritation and other symptoms of stress to avoid serious diseases and health problems. Moreover, drugs are now produced, the basis of which are medicinal plants. Their timely acceptance is able to return harmony into your inner world, relations with people and everyday life.
What is part of the medicine?
So let's get acquainted with the drug Persene, able to calm our nerves produced in Slovenia. It is a tablet shaped round, double-screw, covered with a shell having a dark brown color. What inside such a pill?
- 50 mg of dry extract valerian root.
- 25 mg of dry extract of sheet of peppermint.
- 25 mg of dry leaf leaf extract.
This is our site listed active substances. There are also auxiliary: corn starch, cellulose microcrystalline, lactose, crosspovidon, talc, colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, povedium, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, sucrose, sodium carboxymethylcellulose, calcium carbonate, glycerol, dyes.
40 tablets are put in packing.

In pharmacies you can meet more perrsen forte, produced in capsules. They are reddish brown. Inside the capsule has a compressed mass with splashes or granules having a brown color. Note that the active substances are the same as in Pisso, but the amount of one of them is different. In one capsule, this is the composition:
- 125 mg of dry extract from Valerian root;
- 25 mg of dry extract from peppermint leaves;
- 25 mg of dry extract from leisse leaves.
Auxiliary substances Next: lactose, Talc, magnesium oxide, colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, dyes, preservatives.
20 capsules are placed in cardboard packaging.
pharmachologic effect
This vegetation preparation has sedative (soothing) and antispasmodic effects due to its components - Valerian, Melissa, Mint.
When you can take perrsen?
Indications for the use of Persene can be:
- often arising increased nervous excitability, hot temper, irritability, fiscalness, the inability to cope with emotions, control their behavior;
- anxiety, concern in behavior;
- insomnia, Fucking difficulty, restless sleep.
Are there any contraindications and unwanted effects?
Sometimes there may be allergic reactions in people who receive drugs, and with long-term reception there are constipation. Although the drug is made on the basis of herbs, but the manufacturer indicates the following contraindications to its reception:
- Increased sensitivity at least one of the components of the drug;
- hypotension (constantly reduced blood pressure in the patient);
- Tablets should not be given to children if they are under three years;
- Capsules can not be given to children if their age under twelve years.
The use of perrsen in women during pregnancy and breastfeeding is not studied enough, so this drug is very rarely appointed in these periods of women's life. The question of appointment solves only the attending physician.
Method of reception
One-time dose in adults or adolescents who are older than twelve years, ranges from 2 to 3 tablets (or 1-2 red-brown capsules. The number of receptions per day can be from two to three.
With insomnia, the method of reception is somewhat different: you need to drink two or three pills to sleep, if you purchased capsules, they are enough to swallow one or two.
Children whose age from three to twelve years, prescribed medicine only in tablets, treatment is carried out under the supervision of the doctor. The dose depends on the weight of a small patient, on average it is usually one tablet from one to three times during the day.
Restrictions in the duration of reception of this fund.
special instructions
When a person stops receiving this medication, the abolition syndrome does not arise, as often happens after the abolition of tranquilizers or other psychotropic drugs.
Doctors recommend during long-term courses of treatment with the drug still do after a half or two months of reception of breaks.
If parents believe that their child should drink persen pills, then surely advise them before buying them with a pediatrician who will give the necessary recommendations, will pick up the dosage.
If you observe the dosage, then the perrsen does not affect the ability to control transport or other mechanisms that require special attention.
Personen with simultaneous reception with hypotensive, sleeping bags, analgesics can increase their action, so it is required in some cases a decrease in their dose.
Overdose is possible only when a person accepted a 39 capsules at once or 103 pills. Then there may be spasms in the stomach, feeling fatigue, expansion of pupils, dizziness, trembling limbs. All this goes through the day. If you seek medical help, it will be washed with a stomach, and is assigned symptomatic therapy if necessary.
Do not forget that it is necessary to store the medicine in a dry place that is not available for young children. Try to reassure the nerves and prevent the effects of stress without resorting to serious drugs. Contact for help to floral.