Symptoms and treatment of paraffimose

Parafomoms - this squeezing the genital head of the man shifted back of the extreme flesh. This condition is not considered an independent disease. Most often it is a complication after transferred phimosis or other dangerous diseases that were not treated in a timely manner. In addition, the development of the state is strongly affected by the dismissive attitude of a man to their health.

Because of which this state occurs?

Diseases of men, paraffoms, genitals, phyms

This dangerous pathology can manifest itself during intercourse, as well as when performing some hygiene procedures. The severity of the consequences depends in many respects from how soon the flesh was eventually in the right place. The longer it does not go, the hardest complications. In particular, the finishes of the tissue of the penis head, as a result of which it is subject to a speedy amputation. In addition, ulcers leading to general inflammation can continue to appear on it. Impossible to predict the latter.

Often, paraphomosis occurs after the last disclosure of the head, which is done when inspecting the penis from a doctor. It is also possible when conducting cystoscopy in people with phimos or catheterization of urethra. Therefore, doctors should be especially careful when conducting these procedures.

The earlier the diagnosis is set, the better. At an early stage, the problem can be eliminated using manual techniques that are combined with other conservative methods. With a complex protracted process, conservative methods, as a rule, do not help. In these cases, an urgent dissection of the narrowed extreme flesh is carried out. The patient may be appointed standard Circumcision, which is also effective for the treatment of this pathology.

Symptoms and signs

Diseases of men, paraffoms, genitals, phyms

Measures to refuel the penis head must be taken as soon as possible. Treatment of paraffimose usually depends on the stage of the disease and the severity of symptoms. At the same time, both conservative and operational methods of therapy are effectively used. Of the conservative most often used simply on the right of the head of the genital organ. If it reached the stage, when surgery is already required, then the incision of the foreskin of the penis is made in the area of ​​infringement. If the treatment is not carried out on time, then the consequences can be very heavy, up to the final color of the head of the head.

To prevent the formation of edema in the first minutes of the development of this dangerous state, you should try independently to correct the head of the penis. To facilitate this manipulation, you can use vegetable oil, vaseline, any cream or other oily substance. They are applied to the damaged part of the organ. Then carefully, squeezing the head, you need to try to push it back under the extreme flesh. This action can be quite painful. If this fails to do during the first pairs of minutes, then you need to quickly contact the surgeon. In order not to increase the likelihood of penal death, you need to catch the head for ten minutes. As noted above, this time is critical.

Surgical intervention is carried out as follows:

  1. Under the skin in the field of genital base, local anesthetic is introduced. Anesthesia can use novocaine, lidocaine or other drugs. Children are recommended to do general anesthesia.
  2. When anesthesia will work out, the surgeon takes some attempt to correct the head manually. If this fails, then they are resorted directly to surgical methods of treatment of paraffimose. At the same time, the disadvantaged part of the extremely flesh is excised either.
  3. The resulting wound should be processed using antibacterial ointment. Over the first time it is necessary to impose an anti-inflammatory dressing.
  4. In the future, the patient will need to regularly wash. These procedures can be done at home.
  5. In some cases, it is necessary to remove too much of the fabrics. As a result, antibiotics are appointed. Patient is recommended to undergo hospital treatment.


Diseases of men, paraffoms, genitals, phyms

Since the main reason for the occurrence of this disease is a dismissive attitude to health, male kids should be regularly shown to the doctor and perform all the recommendations received.

A children's doctor must definitely tell the parents of a boy about procedures that can help independently eliminate the narrowing of the foreskin. So, during the bathing of the baby, it is necessary to carefully, without any sharp movements and attempts to violence, move aside the extreme flesh. These actions should be immediately discontinued if physical resistance is felt.

In two or three years of age, the penis head should already be freely open. If the narrowing of the extreme flesh is preserved and at this age, then the boy is recommended to show the urologist. Some parents because of the fear of surgical intervention do not decide to take on to solve this problem, which can lead to paraffimose development. Although especially in childhood, the operation is quite fast and simple. Therefore, you do not need to be afraid. Walk out the consequences that may arise due to the deposit of the treatment of the narrowing of the foreskin.

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