Treatment of toxocaroz

Toxocamos - one of the numerous types of helminthosis. Its causative agent is a parasite of toxocard, which falls into the human body from an infected animal or soil.

Carriers of dangerous helminth can be both dogs and cats. Parasite lives in feces and on wool stray sick animals. Toxocaras and ascarides have a lot in common, however, the actuator of the toxocaroz is difficult to call a typical helminth for a person. In our body there is no suitable environment for normal livelihoods and reproduction of toxocaras, so it is not transmitted to man to man. Despite this, in Russia about 45-50% of the children of preschool and younger school age infected by a parasite. Adults are sick, but the kids are for Helmint a more affordable target due to their careless contacts with street animals, the pastime in the infected sandboxes, as well as the absence of hygiene during walks.

Options for infection toxocamism

Helmintes, treatment of toxocaroz, parasitosis, parasites, toxocamos

Figuratively speaking, you can get a dangerous disease by negligence and frivolity:

  • Powing the patient a stray dog ​​or a cat;
  • Esieving badly washed fruit or vegetable;
  • Drinking a glass of noncompressed infected water;
  • without washing your hands after a walk, before meals.

Parasite larvae is surprisingly easily tolerated all negative environmental manifestations: cold, heat, drought, dampness, so the risk to infect toxocamism is all year round. The greatest number of larvae Toksokar in the soil is observed in warm wet weather - it is not difficult to guess that the most dangerous for infecting this disease is summer and autumn.

The most unprotected from helminthosis are considered:

  • branches and workers of nurseries for animals;
  • Little children who love to tinker in the sand and earth;
  • Hunters who spend a lot of time with their dogs;
  • Vegetable and fruit sellers;
  • Farmers.

Symptomatics of toxocaroz

Helmintes, treatment of toxocaroz, parasitosis, parasites, toxocamos

The following drugs use the following drugs in the treatment of toxocaroz:

  1. Vermoks. Means are assigned 100 mg for reception 2 times a day. The treatment period ranges from 2 weeks to 1 month. Daily dose of the drug for an adult patient can be increased to 300 mg. The advantage of Vermoks is that it does not cause side effects (diarrhea, nausea, pain in stomach) inherent in other anthelmintic drugs.
  2. Mitzol. The medicine is taken by 25-50 mg per 1 kg of patient body mass per day. Treatment lasts from 5 to 10 days. The drug quickly applies to the body from the gastrointestinal assembly and is displayed out through the kidneys. Mitzola has one significant drawback - side effects in the form Head pain, nausea, decline in appetite, drowsiness, painful discomfort. True, all unpleasant consequences are short. In defense of the drug, it is possible to note its loyal attitude to the respiratory organs and the cardiovascular system.
  3. Dratosine citrate. To achieve the therapeutic effect, 2-6 mg of medication per 1 kg of patient body mass per day. Treatment can continue from 2 to 4 weeks. Among the side effects of the drug can be noted dizziness, nausea and urge to vomiting.
  4. Albendazole. The drug is prescribed at the rate of 10 mg per 1 kg of patient weight per day. Take the drug for 10-20 days. Nausea, headache, painful sensations in the stomach, diarrhea, the appearance of which can provoke albendazole, are observed quite rarely and pass immediately after the cancellation of the means.

MPsovets reminds that, depending on the severity of the patient's condition, it can be appointed an individual course of treatment with doses of the drug, exceeding those that usually indicate in the instructions. The appointment of anthelmintic drugs is still a controversial issue due to their high teratogenic action.

In general, the prognosis of treating toxocaroz can be called favorable. The main thing is not to tighten with the beginning of treatment, since especially severe cases of parasites are sometimes complete due to death.

Popular treatment against toxurgas

Helmintes, treatment of toxocaroz, parasitosis, parasites, toxocamos

Taking a decision on independent treatment of the house with the help of folk remedies, remember that it will not help get rid of the disease completely, but only reduce the sensitivity of the body to the aggressive influence of parasites.

  1. Throw a big head of garlic into the milk and bring it to a boil. The decoction is used for enema for 5-7 days.
  2. Many positive feedback on puff scales. 1 Art. L. Flowers Plants Welcome in 1 cup boiling water. Warm decoction is used for enema. This treatment is categorically contraindicated to children!
  3. 1 Art. L. Honey Connect from 1 st. L. seed wormwood and mix well ingredients. Divide the mass on 3 reception - Morning, day and evening. Means are used between meals.

Prevention of the disease

Helmintes, treatment of toxocaroz, parasitosis, parasites, toxocamos

Recently, the cases of infection with Toksokar larvae frequent. Meanwhile, each conscious person who follows his health can withstand a dangerous parasite. For this you need:

  • beware of stray animals;
  • regularly subjected to homemade pets of degelmintion;
  • Thoroughly wash your hands after walking, working with land and contact with animals;
  • Wash fruits and vegetables before you can enjoy them;
  • tell your children about the possible ways of infection with parasites and ways to avoid «acquaintance» With helminths.

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