Treatment of purulent jams in the throat

With purulent traffic jams in the throat faced almost every person at least once in his life. Treatment, as a rule, appoints a doctor after inspection. There are folk remedies for the fight against this ailment.

Reason for the formation of purulent traffic jams

Diseases of the throat, pus, purulent plugs, throat, almonds

As a result of inflammation of almonds in the throat, purulent traffic jams are formed. They consist of lipid tissue, which protects the body from infection. To make a diagnosis of accurately, you need to take a smear from the larynx.

Most often, purulent plugs are formed as a result of frequent, protracted or non-dulged angine. If a child or adult is constantly becoming colds, it is sooner or later, he will face such a complication. Note that this is the first «bell» that almonds do not cope with their functions.

In children, purulent plugs are most often symptom of angina, accompanied by a disease of high temperature, pain in the head, weakness and reluctance to eat. The number of lymphocytes increased dramatically. Such children are urgently hospitalized, since the danger of this disease lies in complications. Treatment in this case appoints only a doctor.

In adults, purulent plugs may arise due to the decrease in immunity, pharyngitis, angina, self-medication. Sometimes the patient prescribe almonds to save it from constant inflammatory processes.

Symptoms of purulent traffic jams

The main symptoms of the disease include such:

  1. From mouth appeared specifically smell of pus. For the first time it is difficult to feel this smell, but if you have already been hungry angina, then you will not confuse it with anything.
  2. When swallowing the patient has difficulty, discomfort in the part where there are purulent plugs. Usually this symptom says that traffic jams have already achieved impressive sizes. This happens if there is no timely treatment.
  3. White spots appear on almonds. With a simple traffic inspection, as a rule, are not visible. They can only be noticed when examining a doctor. Since they are located in the depths of the folds. But sometimes it happens that purulent plugs are visible when inspection in the form of white spots.

If you notice at least one of these symptoms, MyMedinform.COM recommends that you immediately consult a doctor.

Treatment of purulent jams in the throat

Diseases of the throat, pus, purulent plugs, throat, almonds

If the doctor makes a decision to remove almonds, then it should have good reasons for this. And the main one - in the body takes paratonzillar abscess. Fabric that is located around the almonds has a dangerous continuation. It passes inside the chest near the heart and lungs. And if the purulent process, which began in the throat, will go on this path, it can be considered a sentence.

Along the almonds are removed when there is no improvement after conservative treatment. Healing courses should be held 2 times a year, and include antibacterial therapy, washing, general strengthening the body. By the way, in women, purulent traffic jams can even lead to infertility. Since the toxins of microbes weaken the action of the genital hormones and violate the development of the egg. Therefore, if a woman can not get pregnant and at the same time sicks an angina at least two times a year, she will be shown operation.

Remove almonds in different ways. Used to use only scalpel. Now they are burning with a galvanokauter. You can freeze them and liquid nitrogen, but it will be fully getting rid of only after three procedures. And in the interruptions between them the cloth will be sick and smell bad. It is best to remove almonds ultrasound, radio waves or laser.

Treatment with folk remedies

Diseases of the throat, pus, purulent plugs, throat, almonds

There are many ways to treat purulent jams in the throat. The most efficient helps rinse:

  1. Take the color of the pharmaceutical chamomile and lime color (6: 4). 1 Art. L. Mixtures pour a glass of hot water. Leave it for 20 minutes and then strain. Wait until it cool down, and rinse in warm form. Course of treatment - week.
  2. Take the grass of the souls, the root of Altea and the oak bior (4: 1: 5). 1 Art. L. Mixtures make a brew in a glass of boiling water, let it brew 20 minutes, then strain. After the infusion cools, they can rinse the throat.
  3. Take 3 pieces of peppermint, 4 pieces of sage leaves, 3 pieces of black elderberry flowers. Displays, and add a spoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water, cover the lid, let it be. Then rinse the throat 3 times a day.
  4. Such a recipe is suitable for rinsing the throat: you need to take 3 parts of the althea of ​​the medicinal, 4 parts of Sage, 1 part of Fennel fruit.

Mix and 1 st. L. brew 0.5 liters. Insist half an hour and warm rinse throat.

For inhalations you can use such tincture:

  1. Add crushed aboe leaves in a bottle, fall asleep with sugar (glass), to insist for 3 days, and then add alcohol to the edges of the bottle and another 3 days insist. Add 3 drops on half a cup of warm water.
  2. Mix 20 g of leaves and from a 0.5 glass of alcohol. And insist 2 weeks and then strain. In a glass of water add 40 drops of infusion.
  3. You can buy a finished pharmaceutical tincture of eucalyptus and add 1 h. L. on a glass of warm water.

Diseases of the throat, pus, purulent plugs, throat, almonds

For lubrication, almonds can use such oils:

  1. Sea buckthorn oil - it is applied three times a day for 2 weeks.
  2. Fir oil - his cotton swab or syringe is applied to almonds. Do it you need five times a day. Not less than 2 weeks.

Well help in the fight against purulent traffic jams. Bee products:

  1. Rinse the throat three times a day divorced in a glass of warm water 1 st. L. Honey.
  2. Keep pieces of propolis in the mouth during the day, and you can just put on the cheek. This is the treatment, and prevention.
  3. For rinsing, use the alcohol solution of propolis. Take 10 g of propolis, add 100 ml of alcohol and insist the week.

You need to use this tincture with tea (a few drops), add and add honey.

Sometimes in folk councils you can meet the lubricants of purulent corks with keracin and formalin. Remember what it is impossible to do this. Since lymphoid fabric can be painted into malignant. This is confirmed by clinical observations. It is better to once again advise with the doctor.

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