Sweet Qincke

Among many there are erroneous opinion that allergies are although an unpleasant disease, but quite harmless. But, unfortunately, such allergic reactions in which there is a real threat to human life arises quite often. And if the surrounding will not give the right assistance to such a person, for example, at the post of quinque, the consequences may be irreversible.

Among people who do not have basic medical knowledge, there is an erroneous opinion that allergies are, although an unpleasant disease, in which it is in many ways to limit itself, but quite harmless. After all, it is possible to restrain yourself in desires - do not eat strawberries, oranges or red apples, if there are rashes on the skin. Do not sniff a flower if you cough or sneeze from his aroma without stopping. But, unfortunately, there are also such quickly and suddenly occurring allergic reactions, under which a real threat to human life arises. And if the surrounding will not provide the right assistance to such a person, for example, at the post of quinque, then the consequences may be irreversible ..

So it is necessary to know about this disease, which take action in the current situation in order to protect themselves or close and relatives from complications? About how to recognize swelling of quinque, the reasons for its occurrence, first aid and recognize the readers our site from this article.

Brief information about the disease

Synonyms for swelling of quinque are giant urticaria and angioedema swelling. This is a suddenly emerging and rapidly occurring allergic response of the body to the impact of chemical or biological factors, at which skin swelling, fatty tissue under it, mucous membranes. In most cases, such edema occurs on the face, neck, the back area of ​​the hands and footsteps. Less often the defeat of the joints, brain shells and even internal organs. The most dangerous form of the disease arising from each fourth patient is the edema of pharynx, trachea, larynx, which can lead to critical complications. For the first time, this disease was described in 1882, German Dr. Heinrich Queenka. Doctors have noticed that the giant urticaria is much more likely manifested in children and women than in men. Since this is an instantaneous response of an organism on an allergen, so it is most dangerous. Upon exposure to a person of any allergen, in response, the organism of histamine, leukotrienes, prostaglandins and other mediators causing edema due to improving vascular permeability occurs in response.

Causes of occurrence

Swinke swelling, symptoms and first aid
The culprits of such a quick allergic reaction can be:

  1. Accepted drugs - most often it is sulfonamides (Biseptol, sulfadimetoxin), Antibiotics (for example, penicillins), vitamins from group B, bromides, iodides, Aspirin, Anesthetics.
  2. Food Products - Milk Protein, Eggs, Fish, chocolate, Fruits, Peanuts or Other Nuts. In my practice there were cases when the boy had a giant wretcher after he bit off a piece from the cake, in which there were nuts. The same reaction occurred at a small girl in kindergarten after she ate a piece of fish for lunch.
  3. Food additives, such as dyes, emulsifiers, preservatives, taste amplifiers. And these substances can be in those products that we do not even suspect - in sausage, sausages, ketchups, candies, cakes, cakes ..
  4. Insect bites - bees, OS; poison snake.
  5. Flower pollen in the period of fragrance of plants, adhesive substance when uncovering kidney some trees.
  6. Household and Production Dust, Penicles in Pillows, Building Materials.
  7. Cosmetics - creams, perfumes, varnishes and paints for hair, mascara.
  8. Washing powders.
  9. Physical factors - bright sun or cold.
  10. Hereditary features of the organism. This is the so-called pseudo-allergic form at which there is an innate shortage in the body of a number of enzymes, necessary to prevent the development of tissue edema. Usually, with a hereditary variety, a painful edema of the stomach, intestines, leather, respiratory tract occurs. The aggravation occurs in strong stress, acute diseases of other origin, sharp differences in ambient temperature ..

Each organism is individual, as allergens can be different substances. Recently, my friend went down to the basement, my house to bring order there. After contact with mold and basement, she began the strongest edema. And only urgently spent medicinal assistance helped prevent the edema of the larynx.

Doctors noticed that the largest number of edema occurs in spring, in summer and during the holidays - abundant food, taking alcoholic beverages provoke disease.

Characteristic swelling symptoms

Swinke swelling, symptoms and first aid
Most often there is a swelling on the face, mucous membranes of the oral cavity, neck, outdoor genital organs, limbs. A person suddenly increases swelling on her lips, cheeks, with the back of the hands, stop. Sometimes join itching, stupid pain and a feeling of cutting and burning. When the edema applies to the esophagus, stomach and intestines, then pain in the opposite region, vomiting, diarrhea, is difficult to swallowing. Dangerous and swelling of brain shells. For such a state, it is characteristic: dizziness, sharp as if driving headache and other distinctive symptoms of brain lesions. Temporarily violates the kidney function and urine selection.

The most dangerous is the swelling of quinics in the field of nasal moves, pharynx and respiratory tract. The voice of man becomes hoarse, it is difficult for him to breathe, the barking cough occurs. The victim covers panic, anxiety, fear. The face acquires blue shades. Everything happens in a matter of minutes, the sky and almonds are scattered, the gossip of the ZEE. If language and mucous respiratory tract huses, then air access to the lungs almost stops, which can lead to death, if you do not receive medical care. Sometimes severe angioedema edema can be the beginning of anaphylactic shock - an even more dangerous allergic reaction.

First aid

All actions are sent to suppressing a strong allergic reaction. And it is necessary to remember that the edema can go to the respiratory tract and cause a suffocation. And if you see in a patient the development of symptoms that are characteristic of damage to the larynx, pharynx, trachea, it is necessary immediately call «Ambulance». Immediately explain the dispatcher that there are signs of the edema of the respiratory tract, then the brigade doctors will come to the victim first, because the road every minute. Such patients require intensive therapy and resuscitation activities.

Algorithm of the correct actions:

  1. If possible, immediately eliminate contact with the substance that caused such a reaction of the body, that is, allergen. For example, you should remove the sting of the insect, stop the reception of the drug or food provoked Allergies.
  2. It is important to calm the patient, because with nervous and emotional suspenses, negative processes are exacerbated.
  3. Open windows so that fresh air well penetrated the room. Unbutton upper buttons on a shirt or blouse, remove the tie, weaken the strap on the waist or belt.
  4. On the edema area to reduce its intensity to attach a cold compress.
  5. If the cause of allergy was the introduction of an injection of a drug or insect bite in hand or leg, then you need to lay a harness above this place. When biteing to other parts of the body, it remains to attach to them only cold.
  6. Be sure to give a patient with an antihistamine drug - diazoline, ketotifen, fencarol, suprastin, Tueva, Claritin (Loratadine). Most often, it is these means, tested by time, are found in Home first aid kits.

Swinke swelling, symptoms and first aid

Diazolin, Dragee

Swinke swelling, symptoms and first aid

Ketotifen, tablets

Swinke swelling, symptoms and first aid

Fencarol, tablets

There are modern, more powerful funds: Desloratadine (Erius, Eridez); Cetirizine (Zetrin, Zodak, Zirtek, Zetetinax); Fexofenadine (Telfast).

Swinke swelling, symptoms and first aid

Erius, Tablet

Swinke swelling, symptoms and first aid


Swinke swelling, symptoms and first aid

Zoda, drops and pills

Swinke swelling, symptoms and first aid

Tserin, tablets

Swinke swelling, symptoms and first aid

Cetirizin Hexal, Tablets

With a slight form of the disease, you can do and pills. But with severe forms, it is necessary to introduce intramuscularly as soon as possible or intravenously antihistamines.

Swinke swelling, symptoms and first aid

Suprastin, tablets and ampoules

People prone to allergic reactions must certainly be wearing a preparation in a handbag that recommends the doctor to avoid serious complications.
  • To prevent the respiratory edema experts from «Ambulance» Glucocorticosteroids will be introduced - hydrocortisone, prednisone or dexamethasone. If trachea (tracheotomy) is required, then the patient is hospitalized. If blood pressure drops in severe conditions, the adrenaline solution is introduced.

  • Swinke swelling, symptoms and first aid

    Adrenaline, ampoules
  • With the puffiness of the nasal sinuses, it is permissible to bury the vesseloring droplets that have a local action (naphtizin).
  • If all measures are taken in a timely manner, the gigantic urticaria will be held in a few hours or days, not leaving the trace.


    In order to avoid such rapidly developing organism reactions in the future, it should be aware of what substances and factors need to beware. Sometimes to establish the cause of the doctor assigned to the doctor allergic samples. When substances will be detected, the doctor will appoint antihistamines, will tell, at what time to take them. If Allergy to pollen, That will indicate plants and period of preventive course of treatment. In the event of a drug allergen, the patient will be banned to take such funds and will enact data in his medical card. In food allergens will give a list of foods that will have to be excluded from their diet. And even such people must certainly treat all potential foci of infection, for example, chronic angins, tonsillitis, bronchitis, helminthoses and teeth so that there is no Caries. All these states can provoke swelling of quincquin and its complications. For faster removal of allergens and toxins, it is recommended to take activated carbon or other adsorbents, and the polysorb also applies to them. And Folk Medicine advises to drink courses tea from black currant leaves, which has a diuretic and anti-allergic effect.

    MirSoveto hopes that knowledge of this information about the father's edema will help readers not to be lost and adopt the necessary measures to render one's assistance, if suddenly in life will have to face the episodes of instantaneously developing allergic reactions in the surrounding people.

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