Treatment of bronchitis

«And your coughing again?» - sighs milf. «And mine, too, they needed tortured, do not know than to treat this cough». Such conversations can be heard very often. Sick bronchitis and children and adults. But how to treat this disease correctly and how to prevent it, will be prompted by our site.

The beginning of the disease is very similar to a number of other diseases of the respiratory organs, so an inexperienced person can miss it and the disease will go into the chronic stage. What is bronchitis? Bronchitis, this is when the mucous membranes of the walls of the bronchi are inflated. Most often, this disease does not occur in an even place, but develops after a respiratory viral infection. It may occur by this disease and then when infectious bacteria are joined against the monastery.

How to recognize

Diseases, bronchitis, throat, cough, cough treatment, folk remedies, nebulizer

Bronchitis, like a lot of colds, begins with a classic picture: a headache, a man worries cough, the body temperature rises, a man feels weakness. Self understand whether it really is bronchitis - a person will not be able to consult a doctor. But still, before the doctor puts an accurate diagnosis and prescribes treatment, adhere to the basic rules.

  1. If you feel ailment - stay at home.
  2. Better relax and spend time in bed.
  3. The room in which you will be, should be cool, the room temperature is about 20-22 degrees.
  4. The humidity in the room should be about 50-70 percent.
  5. High air temperature is unacceptable, above 25 degrees.

What it happens

Bronchitis is divided into categories and forms. It happens bronchitis of acute form and chronic. When sharp - bronchitis develops quickly and can last for several days and even weeks. Cough It can be both dry and wet, and also change and be deep, then go to the wet, with a strong wet wet.

During the disease, depending on how the bronchi is amazed and their permeability is broken, this disease is divided into obstructive and unstructive bronchitis.

In the first case, small bronchi is subject to the disease, the sputum increases and the mucous membrane swells. Cough at this type of disease intense, with a specific sound - whistle. Such a cough is very dangerous for young children, since because of spasms in bronchi, breathing makes it difficult and even a stop of breathing may occur. Most often, the disease flows into a chronic form.

In the second case - from the diseased frequent cough, which is especially disturbing man in the morning. It is aggravated upon the occurrence of a new season, especially when it gets cold on the street, and when it is hot on the street and dry air - the cough temporarily retreats. If the cough is not treated, it becomes parole and literally exhausts man. Among the main symptoms also allocate general weakness, sweating, the color of expectorant sputum can change.

Causes of bronchitis

Diseases, bronchitis, throat, cough, cough treatment, folk remedies, nebulizer

First of all, the patient of any age needs to pay attention to the maximum and fulfill the following general recommendations:

  • moisturize the room;
  • give a patient a lot of warm tea;
  • provide bed regime;
  • With high Temperature give a drink antipyretic drugs;
  • If the bronchitis of an infectious nature is better to leave in the hospital, under the supervision of doctors.

If a person is sick with sharp bronchitis, then treatment with antiviral drugs is necessary. If a bacterial infection has joined - you need to assign Antibiotics. To facilitate coughing attacks to take expectorant drugs, drink herbal infusions, make inhalation, chest and back massage.

In the treatment of bronchitis in children, you need to know exactly what kind of child's disease. If it is allergic - to treat drugs against allergies.

We treat Kashel grandma

Simple medicines - Infusions of herbs will help to cope with such a serious illness as bronchitis. Special herbal infusions help improve sputum, possess anti-inflammatory action. And along with compliance with all recommendations and drug treatment, herbal informas significantly improve the patient's condition.

Maintenance of herbs can be purchased at the pharmacy - it will be specially selected ready-made fees that need to be pouring boiling water and insist. Main herbs include licorice, chamber, linden, mint and calendula. It must be borne in mind that it is necessary to take herbal fees freshly.

Recipe 1.

Cough can be cured by a simple agent - take fresh carrots, and squeeze juice out of it. The resulting juice is warm with warm water, one piece of juice, one part of the water, add sugar or honey - teaspoon and drink one spoon 3 tasks in day before meals.

Recipe 2.

Excellent cough remedy This is onions along with honey. All that is needed is to crumpled onions, mix it with honey in equal proportions (honey is liquid), and take after having got three times a day.

Also onions can be welded in water or milk, add a little sugar there and take several times a day. Good tool when starting cough.

You can alternate these funds with another - aloe juice with honey and water - peak to thickening and insist.

Recipe 3.

Take in equal proportions (for example, a cup or glass) honey, butter, vodka, carrot juice and beets, 3 eggs. All this mix and insist in a warm cool place for two weeks. Take on a tablespoon every four hours.

For children.

Not all children want to be treated and taking tasteful bitter medicines. Prepare a sweet medicine for kids. You need to take an ordinary chocolate, mix with butter, cocoa and fat (pork). Fat predeterfall and mix with chocolate and cocoa. Take bread or a sweet bun, smear it with butter, and top covered with a chocolate mixture.

All known means from cough - radish with honey. You need to take black radish, cut it in half and clean the middle, put honey and leave for several hours.

Treatment of chronic cough.

Scarlet juice, honey, fat, butter and cocoa melt and mix, fold in dishes. Cold medicine. Can be used to prevent colds.

Mustard pieces. We put the right

Diseases, bronchitis, throat, cough, cough treatment, folk remedies, nebulizer

Mustic workers help well in the complex treatment of bronchitis. The main thing is to know when it is impossible to apply:

  • during asthma;
  • high temperature;
  • tumors;
  • skin inflammation;
  • Children up to seven years.

Before you put the mustard, consult your doctor.

Mustard chips need to be able to put correctly. First check the packaging integrity, then follow the instructions. Put them in the back (between the blades), chest.

  1. Wipe with a damp cloth that place where you plan to put mustard.
  2. Lay the patient on the bed.
  3. Lower the mustard pieces in warm water, hold and impose them on the skin.
  4. Light water with a towel and bite the patient.
  5. Gently turn the person from the back on the stomach and continue the procedure.
  6. Leave the mustarder for 5 minutes or more, everyone transfers burning in different ways.
  7. Remove the mustard and wipe the place with warm water.
  8. Wrap a patient with a blanket.

Treatment of cough nebulizer

Recently, the compact nebulizer has become widely used at home. The doctor prescribes the necessary medicines to add to the nebulizer and conduct procedures at home. Among the most effective drugs for the treatment of bronchitis, doctors note Lazolyvan and Ambroben.

Treatment with the help of a nebulizer gives positive results.

Bronchitis during pregnancy

Due to weakened immunity, the future mommy in the cold time can get bronchitis. Treatment in this case should be selected individually. It is good to carry out inhalations, brew herbal fees, a lot of drinks liquid: Raspberry tea, tea with lemon, honey, milk.

Cough treatment during pregnancy:

Dry cough:

  1. Take a warm decoction of the root of Altea.
  2. Two teaspoons of syrup root licorice add to warm tea and drink.
  3. Drink crunchy tea 2-3 cups per day.

Wet cough treat the syrup of thermopsis and other drugs that the doctor will appoint.


  1. Do not use iodine-containing drugs.
  2. Tetracycline antibiotics.
  3. It is impossible to take aspirin, codeine.


There are a number of exercises with which you can help the body faster get rid of cough. Gymnastics is also performed only by the testimony of the doctor.

  1. Pump. Lean down and make a sharp breath in the nose, exhausted - lift a little. Perform 8 inhales, then break.
  2. Eight. Will help rapid sputum. Lean forward and quickly inhale the nose, delay your breath. Count up to eight and relax. Make 8 inhales.


Diseases, bronchitis, throat, cough, cough treatment, folk remedies, nebulizer

People who often suffer bronchitis should know what to handle their body, avoid sharp hypoints. If bronchitis is a consequence of permanent contact with various chemicals, you need to change the place of work, place of residence. Try to avoid the places of large cluster of people, especially during the epidemics.

If you treated bronchitis correctly, they were patient and recovered, remember the simple rules that will help you to remain healthy. Spend more time in the fresh air, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, stop and clean the physical education.

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