How to treat deforming arthrosis feet?


  • Ways for the treatment of deforming arthrome feet
  • Stop Loading at Osteoarthrous Foot
  • Arthrosis Foot Medication Treatment
  • Physiotherapy in arthrosis of the foot
  • Arthrosis feet: Surgical treatment

  • How to treat the deforming arthrosis feet?Health legs — One of the factors of the physical well-being of the body. Forming arthrosis feet — a disease that does not lead to disabilities, but significantly overshadows life. Already at the first stages of the disease, an increased fatigue of the foot is noted, pains appear, which, as aless progressing, is gaining strength and become permanent. The deformation of the PlusNef balance joint of the thumb, namely, the arthrosis of the small foot joints is most often developing, makes it possible to abandon the wearing model shoes, and the lack of movements in articulation and sharp pain cause lameness. To avoid the rapid development of events, it is necessary for competent treatment — Arthrosis of the foot does not tolerate amateur in terms of therapy.

    Ways for the treatment of deforming arthrome feet

    Therapy of arthrosis fingers is carried out according to the general rules for the treatment of degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the joints and begins with the use of conservative methods of impact on the pathological process.

    • Loading on the joint.
    • Medical therapy.
    • Physiotherapeutic procedures.
    • Medical gymnastics, massage.
    • Intra-articular administration of drugs.

    Stop Loading at Osteoarthrous Foot

    Stop Loading at Osteoarthrous FootLoading the load on the joint involves wearing a soft, comfortable shoe. Shoes should not squeeze a foot in the joint area, the sole must perform the effect of depreciation and evenly distribute the load between the heel, and the plantar surface of the tune-in-flagged joints of the first and fifth finger. The pronounced deforming arthrosis of the small joints of the foot requires the use of orthopedic stelks or special orthopedic shoes.

    Should be abandoned from long-range trips, eliminate the work standing, periodically give your feet.

    In the reduction of the load on the joints of the feet, the main role is played by maintaining the normal body weight, so a reduced diet is assigned to all patients with the arthrosis of the foot joints and overweight, the reduced diet in the complex with exercise, excluding the exercise with a support for a sore leg.

    Therapeutic gymnastics and massage allow you to suspend the development of the arthrosis feet. Treatment with dosage motion activates blood circulation in the joint, improves the nutrition of the cartilage and prevents the development of chiffing tissue dystrophy.

    Arthrosis Foot Medication Treatment

    Therapeutic gymnastics - method of treating arthrosis stopMedical treatment of arthrosis includes the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory funds, hormones, chondroprotectors and other drugs that improve the trophic of joint tissues.

    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory funds (NSAIDs) in the treatment of deforming arthrome feet are appointed in the stages of exacerbation, if there are phenomena of joint inflammation. Preparations such as indomethacin, orthophene, ibuprofen helps to remove pain syndrome and stop acute arthritis phenomena.

    In pronounced inflammation of the joints and the absence of the effect of the NSAID, use intra-articular administration of hormonal steroid drugs. Hydrocortisone, diprospan, kenalogue have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. Within a few days after their application, you can move to therapeutic gymnastics, massage and physiothereders, contraindicated in the period of sharp phenomena of arthritis and arthrosis of foot joints.

    Physiotherapy in arthrosis of the foot

    Arthrosis of the advantage of high-fingered foot joints is an indication for the integrated use of physiotherapy techniques.

    • Magnetotherapy.
    • UHF.
    • Laser therapy.
    • Electrophoresis and drug phonophoresis.
    • Ozokerite, paraffin.
    • Mudhello.
    • Baths with hydrogen sulfide, turpentar, radon.

    These procedures allow to improve the powers of the joints, eliminate muscle spasms, reduce inflammation and make it easier for pain, but their use is limited by a period of remission of the disease.

    Arthrosis feet: Surgical treatment

    Conservative events in arthrosis are effective only in the first stages of the development of the disease. Arthrosis of the foot at the third stage requires surgical intervention. The progression of the disease is no longer possible to stop the patient from permanent exhausting pain, the aquositation of the joint is often used, that is, its complete immobilization. Alternative to this method is the joint prosthetics operation.

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