What to do if diagnosed «diabetes»? How to behave further, how to be treated, what to do that the disease does not affect the quality of life? The Virtual School of Diabetes is designed specifically for people who have fallen into a similar situation and is responsible for all questions.

Every person knows what medicine to drink if headache, throat, belly
Or pressure rose. Recipes for recipes in such cases are widely known and
Approximately understandable: medicines, bedding, peace. But what to do if
Diagnosed «diabetes»? Having learned about such a diagnosis for the first time
It is not clear how to behave further, how to be treated, what to take to the disease
did not affect the quality of life. With whom to consult and who ask questions to
Get reliable and qualified answers?
People ingun
In such a situation, it becomes more and more in Russia, and in connection with this pharmaceutical
Sanofi, together with the Russian Diabetic Association (RDA), has created a virtual
«School diabete».
Diabetes» Includes knowledge of leading experts in the field of endocrinology, experience
thousand people who live with diabetes many years, as well as recommendations
those who only get used to a new way of life. Online consultation
specialists will help get clear and reliable answers to exciting
Every patient questions.
Children sick diabetes can not only fill the gaps themselves
knowledge of diabetes mellitus in children, but also to start talking to a child about how
properly eat and behave so that life is as colorful as before
Diseases. For this B «School diabetes» There is an animated children's section.
Especially for
Teenage «School Diabetes» Offers a youth website.
Here you can watch the video interview with their peers living with sugar
diabetes, play games, and, of course, learn how to manage the disease and
control it.
In the end
Each section «School diabetes» There are tests, passing, students
virtual school can understand how good and right they have mastered the course. The control
Above the disease begins with awareness of the patient need to get about it
Maximum full information.
Diabetes» does not make diagnoses and does not heal remotely. She answers your
Diabetes Questions.