How to diagnose thyrotoxicosis? How is the treatment of this disease? I read the answers to these questions in the article.
How to diagnose thyrotoxicosis
Hypothyroidism, symptoms of increased thyroid joleza activity are more specific. but
not always these symptoms are pronounced, especially in old age.
In addition, there are no cases when the patients themselves belong to what
or pathology, but to age-related changes in the body.
For example,
Feeling heat, «riding», Classic symptoms
thyrotoxicosis, often regarded as manifestations of the coming
menopause. In other patients, the disease is often confused with various
mental disorders, heart disease, etc.
Like I
In hypothyroidism, patients with thyrotoxicosis sometimes it is difficult
remember all the available symptoms because the inability
concentrate or irritability are one of it
Symptoms. In this case, it is convenient to keep a diary and write down everything
disturbing the symptoms or questions you want to ask a doctor.
An objective examination doctor should pay attention to your view,
body weight, skin condition, hair, nails, eyes, manner of your communication
or conversation. For example, a hurried and fast statement of complaints can
Cut a doctor for thought about thyrotoxicosis. Next, the doctor will spend
Examination of the whole organism. Mandatory is the definition
The states of the thyroid gland, calculation of the rate of the pulse, measuring blood pressure.
Depending on the results of hormonal analyzes, the doctor can also assign you some additional research:
Ultrasound - The method based on the formation of the picture
The underlying organ based on the ultrasound structures
wave. The method is safe for both the surveyed and the doctor. At
Diffuse toxic goiter is determined by the diffuse increase in the thyroid
glands, with a nodal and multi-nominal goiter can be determined
Number and size of nodal formations.
- Scanning (scintigraphy) thyroid gland S
application of radioactive iodine or technetium - a method based on
Evaluation of the capture of the radioactive substance thyroid gland. Indications
To carry out this study is detection when
thyrotoxicosis of nodal formations in the thyroid gland. Besides,
The method is widely used in the nodal formations of the thyroid gland
To eliminate their offline functioning.
- Thin game aspiration biopsy (Tab) of the thyroid gland - the cells of the cells from any part of the thyroidity by the use of thin needle with the purpose
subsequent studying them under the microscope. The procedure is painless I
informative in the hands of an experienced specialist. Indication for holding
This study is the discovery of nodal education in
thyroid gland that is well palpable or exceeds by
Ultrasound 1 cm in diameter.
- Computer or magnetic resonance tomography - Diagnostic methods, usually carried out in the presence of endocrine ophthalmopathy, or when suspected the disease of the pituitary.
How treatment is carried out by thyrotoxicosis
Treatment of patients
thyrotoxicosis is much more complicated than the treatment of patients with
Hypothyroidism. There are three basic methods of treatment of thyrotoxicosis. On the
The first stage, the doctor will most likely assign you one of the thyroidostatic
drugs. For many patients, it is sufficient to
eliminate symptoms of the disease. However, when canceled
thyaretic drugs even after a long course of treatment
The recurrence frequency of the disease reaches 50%. In such cases, patients
Specified operational treatment or radio poodery.
Preparations overwhelming the activity of the thyroid gland - thyroidity preparations -
is the method of choice in the treatment of diffuse toxic goiter in our and most countries
Europe with first identified diffuse toxic goiter small
Sizes. In the treatment of thyaretics, it is very important
properly and take the drug in a timely manner, as well as regularly