At the moment, science is not yet able to clearly describe all possible factors leading to the development of diabetes. However, some reasons have already been identified. Moreover, every person is able to avoid most of these reasons.
At the moment, science is not yet able to clearly describe all possible factors leading to the development of diabetes. However, some reasons have already been identified. Moreover, every person is able to avoid most of these reasons.
- Heredity. Modern medicine believes that some genes transmitted from generation to generation are responsible for the development of diabetes. The stronger the blood relationship, the greater the risk. Different studies lead different numbers. According to one observations, the diabetes of the first type is inherited with a probability of 3-7% by the maternal line and with a probability of 10% - by paternal. If they are sick both parents, risk may increase to 70%. The second-type diabetes can be inherited with a probability of up to 80% on both parental lines, and if both parents are sick, the risk is approaching 100%. Other observations argue that there is no big difference in the likelihood of various types of diabetes. Scientists of this group believe that if diabetes is sick one of the parents, the probability of the disease is approximately 30%. If you are sick both parents, the risk increases twice.
- Age. Although even small children sick diabetes, 80% of diseases fall on people over fifty years old.
Infectious nutrition. One of the most common causes of diabetes is poor nutrition: the lack of protein and fiber in the diet, excessive passion for refined products (primarily sugar and products from the top grade flour) with great likelihood lead to the development of diabetes.
- Obesity and type of fatty sediment distribution. Excess weight can lead to the fact that the organs will begin to produce insulin resistance. You are in a diabetes development risk group, if you have extra 30% of the weight, your body mass index is greater than 25 (calculate BMI here), the waist amount is more than 90 cm in women and more 140 cm in men. As for the type of figure, people with the type of figure are more prone to the emergence of diabetes «Apple», in which fat is postponed, first of all, in the field of waist, and not in the area of the buttocks and hips.
- Passive lifestyle. People neglecting exercise are very prone to the development of diabetes. If you give the body a load of all three times a week, you can significantly reduce the risk of disease.
- Stress. The chances of getting diabetes are increasing after transferred stress, be it physical or mental injury.
- Some drugs. A number of active substances are associated with a risk of diabetes: Clozapine, Olanzapin, Risperidone, Quetiapine, Zipracidone.
- Infection. Rubella, chickenpox, epidemic hepatitis and some other diseases, including influenza, can serve as a trigger that triggers a disease. Of course, in order for this happened, a person must have other factors of predisposition to diabetes.
- Hypertension. Observations showed that there is a direct connection between the high blood pressure and development of diabetes.
- Triglycerides and cholesterol. The high level of triglycerides and cholesterol is associated with an increase in blood sugar levels, which leads to diabetes.