Essential oils can significantly alleviate the condition of the child under various diseases. The main thing is to know the basic rules of application.

when her baby falls. Doctors, as a rule, advise for home treatment
very active and effective means to ensure fast
recovery, even in the absence of strict medical control over the state
kid. Nevertheless, the appointment of antibiotics and soothing funds can be
Avoid if you pay a little more attention to the means of alternative
Medicine, for example, Aromatherapy.
Smells — Main tool Aromatherapy, When to treat essential oils, contained in different plants. Children from birth
very sensitive to the most different smells and touches, their senses
capable of producing a large number of pulses that affect
The state of the body as a whole. That is why the main means Aromatherapy for children is an
Aromatheraphetic massage. Essential oils dissolved in oil-based,
penetrate the skin of the child and, exciting skin receptors, render therapeutic
action. Part of the essential oils evaporates and the little patient gets also
Inhalation that strengthens the effectiveness of the procedure.
Aromatherapy for
children at home — This is very responsible. Newborn essential
oils are contraindicated in any form. Massage is better done using
Oil basics, for example, almond or olive. Making sure that the baby
warm and cozy, you can proceed to rhythmic and gentle strokes of the handles,
legs and torso. Even if the kid first a little nervous, lungs
Touching mother's hands Soon again, the caprisulus.
When the child turns four weeks, to massage oil
You can already add ether, at the rate of 1 droplet of essential oil — on 1 Art. spoon
Basics. The weak solution of lavender or chamomile oil is harmless, soothing
child and beneficial affects his skin. During Aromatherapy It is important to keep track of oil
did not fall on the face and in the baby's eyes.
A child who has been from the family for several months for Aromatherapy at home Allowed
Mandarin essential oil, neroli and roses. Massage with oil mandarin is shown at
hyper-speaking, indigestion, constipation. Nerole oil also has a beneficial effect
to the work of the digestive organs, and the light aroma massage of the tummy will save the child from
unpleasant sensations caused by intestinal colic. Rose oil but
other things moisturizes, soothes, removes irritation from gentle skin and therefore
Suitable for children.
The older the child, the more diverse essential oils, which
You can use for Aromatherapy
At home. In fact, only those possessed are contraindicated
Strong annoying effect. Kids from year can increase concentration
Essential oil, that is, add not one, and 2-3 drops of ether on the tablespoon
Oil basics. Children 6-7 years can already be introduced 3-4 drops of ether in massage
oil, and after 13 years to bring the dose to the volume of adult.
Aromatherapy for
Children At home not
limited to massage. The use of aromatic lamps, aromatic
Pillows, aromaging — Effective medium treatment agent, hyperactivity, nervousness of children. You can just put near the children's
Cots Vessel with hot water and add a couple of droplets of essential oil there
Lavender or Mandarin — the child will sleep calmly and serene. With acute cold
Eucalyptus and roses can be used.
Essential oils should not be applied to the skin in
undisputed video. -
Children are contraindicated by the use of essential
Oils inside. -
Essential oils are easily flammable, so when Aromatherapy in children with a big
Use an aroma caution. Always pour the hot water first, and
then add essential oil to it. -
Store essential oils in places inaccessible to
Children. -
With simultaneous use Aromatherapy, Homeopathic I
Fitotherapeutic means Be sure to consult with an aromatherapist specialist. -
If you wish to use Aromatherapy and essential oils in
Home Conditions remember, that
There are diseases in which this method of treatment is undesirable. Get
Consultation of the attending physician and aromatherapy.