Diabetic vitamins


  • To support exchange
  • Vitamins-antioxidants
  • Lipoic acid
  • Zinc, chrome, selenium...
  • Medicinal plants

    Advises the candidate of medical sciences, the assistant of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology of the Voronezh State Medical Academy. N. N. Burdenko Olga Alekseevna Mubarakshina.

    Diabetic vitaminsTo support exchange

    - Is it true that not all vitamins are needed diabetics? And preventive reception of polyvitamins for them is completely inactive?

    - With diabetes, metabolism is broken. Therefore, the need for some vitamins and trace elements is increasing. In addition, many patients doctors recommend low-calorie diet. After all, a decrease in weight contributes to improving well-being in diabetes. A restriction of the amount of food inevitably leads to a lack of vitamins.

    It takes into account some manufacturers of multivitamin preparations and produce special multivitamin complexes. However, it is not necessary to think that ordinary polyvitamins are completely useless for diabetics. As a rule, representatives of pharmaceutical firms advertising their goods are with such applications. If you can buy a special complex for some reason, it is impossible, you can drink any multivitamins. The main thing is that the components are indispensable for diabetics.


    - What exactly?

    - In diabetes mellitus, the cells of the body are destroyed and agreed faster. Therefore, antioxidant vitamins are needed. The most important of them - vitamin E. It slows down aging and protects cells, and also necessary for metabolism and immune system. Recently, scientists came to the conclusion that vitamin E diabetics should be taken for life.

    It is also important and vitamin C, which is rapidly destroyed and not always in sufficient quantities. One of the problems of diabetics are «Weak» vessels. It is the insufficient fortress of the vascular wall that often leads to problems with eyes. Vitamin C increases the elasticity and strength of blood vessels. It plays an important role in maintaining the resistance of the body of the infection, increases resistance to toxic substances, overheating, cooling and oxygen starvation.

    The need for vitamin C in patients with diabetes is slightly higher than that of ordinary people, and is about 90-100 mg. But large doses of vitamin C - 1 g - diabetics are contraindicated.

    In addition, with diabetes, a sufficient number of vitamins of the group B - first of all B1, B6 and B12. These vitamins in sufficiently high doses include new drugs for the treatment of neurological complications of diabetes «Milgamma» and «Neuromulivitis». Biotin, pantothenic and folic acid are also important for normal metabolism.

    Lipoic acid

    And one more vitamin-like compound I would like to mention. This is a lipoic acid, without which the normal exchange of carbohydrates and fats is impossible.

    - Which multivitamin complexes include lipoic acid?

    - It is included in the multivitamine «Complivit». However, in this complex, lipoic acid is contained in a fairly low dosage. Therefore, this vitamin-like compound is more often used in the form of an independent drug. Lipoic acid is produced under trade names «Berlition», «Tiocutacid», «Tyogamma», «Espa Lipon». These medicines recently applied, but they have already proven themselves as an effective means of treating sugar diabetes complications.

    Zinc, chrome, selenium...

    - And which trace elements are important for diabetics?

    - Especially relevant chrome, zinc and selenium. In children and young patients with diabetes mellitus I type, the insufficient arrival of zinc can lead to a height delay. With a lack of zinc, the barrier function of the skin is reduced and resistance to infections decreases. It is dangerous for diabetic patients prone to frequent infectious diseases.

    With chromium deficiency, the insensitivity of the body to insulin can be aggravated - one of the main mechanisms for the development of type II diabetes mellitus. In addition, chrome reduces cravings for sweet products. A sufficient admission of chromium with food or in the composition of polyvitamins helps patients comply with the necessary diet.

    Selenium is one of the most important components of an antioxidant system that protects cells.

    Medicinal plants

    - In recent years, multivitamin complexes have appeared with extracts of medicinal plants. Can you recommend to diabetics any of them?

    - Yes, sure. It has been proven that blood sugar levels reduce adaptogen extracts - Ginseng, Eleutherococcus, Rhodiola Pink. For example, ginseng is part of the complexes «Revightl Ginseng Plus», «Dopperkelz Ginseng», «Dynaman» and «Gerimax». These polyvitamins can be recommended to those patients whose diabetes is not combined with hypertension, increased nervous excitability and insomnia.

    The most effective complex therapy for diabetes, comprising sugar-based drugs, vitamins and adaptogens.

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