Obesity problems at this time are especially acute and the case is not at all in the aesthetic perception of the body-covered body folds. During visceral obesity, the risk of developing metabolic syndrome, leading to impaired metabolic displacement, the development of diabetes, hypertension, atherosclerosis, and, as a result, to heart attack and stroke,.
In the modern world, obesity took the character of a pandemic. According to the WHO from excess weight, more than a billion people suffer on earth. Overweight — Not just a cosmetic disadvantage, it will be to disease diseases of the spine, joints, elevated arterial pressure, sleepy apnea, asthma, diabetes. But most importantly, it leads to the development of metabolic syndrome.
Deadly Quartet
Fat depot in the human body are represented by subcutaneous fatty tissue and visceral fat in the abdominal cavity in the gland and between the internal organs. In some cases, fat begins to be plugged in the abdominal cavity and develops visceral obesity.
Obesity is accompanied by a violation of metabolism, the totality of these violations in 1981 was called «Metabolic syndrome», The manifestation of this syndrome is not only obesity, but also sugar diabetes, arterial hypertension and ischemic heart disease. Deadly Quartet — This name in 1989 received a combination of these diseases. According to statistics, in the absence of treatment, metabolic syndrome for 10-20 years leads to pronounced atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke.
Who threatens visceral obesity and metabolic syndrome?
- Metabolic syndrome is detected in men older than 40 years, this is due to a decrease in testosterone synthesis and its activating effect on the disintegration of fats, these men often suffer from erectile dysfunction.
- In women, the risk of visceral obesity develops during menopause, when the development of estrogen decreases responsible for the redistribution of fats.
- Fat accumulation promotes high-caloride food, reduced physical activity.
- Exchange disorders appear in diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, heart and vessels.
- In people whose relatives suffer from metabolic syndrome, the probability of illness is higher.
- Women suffering from polycystic ovarian syndrome and having a low level of estrogen, more often suffer from visceral obesity.
- Metabolic syndrome contributes to the presence of violations of purine metabolism, in particular, gout.
How is the metabolic syndrome manifest?
- Insulin resistance and reduced glucose tolerance, organism cell receptors are less sensitive to insulin, as a result a large amount of glucose «Loading» in blood. Trying «Restore» to cells, increases insulin production, but together with increasing glucose spending on energy needs, its transformation into fats is activated. There is a real threat to sugar diabetes, extra weight is accumulated.
- Visceral obesity and a slight decay of the inner fat leads to the fact that a large amount of fatty acids constantly arrive in the liver. This leads to a violation of cholesterol exchange, an increase in blood levels «harmful» Cholesterol, low density lipoproteins and a reduction in quantity «Useful» High density lipoproteins. The result is the formation of cholesterol plaques, the development of atherosclerosis and its complications: ischemic brain and heart disease.
- Metabolic syndrome increases the tendency to the formation of thrombus.
- The presence of obesity and activation of the sympathetic part of the nervous system lead to an increase in blood pressure.
Do you have metabolic syndrome?
To suspect the presence of metabolic syndrome, it suffices to measure the waist circle. The main sign of visceral obesity in women is the waist circle of more than 80 cm, in men — more than 94 cm, the body mass index corresponds to obesity of varying degrees.
It is believed that the risk of cardiovascular diseases associated with metabolic syndrome increases with overweight. In the presence of obesity of the first degree, the risk can be considered high, and in the obesity of the third degree — Extremely high.
To clarify the nature of metabolic disorders, blood tests are carried out on the content of thyrotropic hormone, cholesterol and lipoproteins, glucose, tests with glucose load are performed, blood pressure is measured, based on what the presence of metabolic syndrome is being made.
What to do? How to treat metabolic syndrome?
It is necessary to solve the problem of excess weight by non-drug methods. Proper nutrition, diet, workout — need to change life to forever exclude oneself from among patients.
- Medical treatment of obesity includes the appointment of hormonal drugs, reducing agents that reduce the absorption of fats that activate metabolic processes. In extreme cases, you have to resort to a surgical decrease in the volume of the stomach.
- To correct glucose tolerance, preparations affecting the exchange of sugars are prescribed. To prevent the development of diabetes and its treatment, metformin is used.
- To reduce the concentration of cholesterol and lipoproteins of low density, fibrates are used.
- Arterial hypertension is subject to correctional medication, excluding the purpose of beta-blockers and diuretic drugs, negatively affecting the carbohydrate exchange.
If there are problems with weight and futility of attempts to control it yourself, it is better to consult a doctor.