Hypoglycemia idiopathic (S-M poppy curry)


Hypoglycemia idiopathic (s-m poppy curry)The mechanism of hypoglycemia, symptoms and causes of its development — Very varied. This pathological condition is accompanied and noted by a decrease in glucose concentration below 3.5 mmol / l.

First of all, among the causal factors, insulin overdose under the treatment of diabetes should be noted when focal neurological disorders may arise, epileptiform signs, loss of consciousness and even coma. Dieting errors and irrational food, insufficient or late meal, inadequate physical activity, alcohol abuse, tumor, critical insufficiency of any organ, hormonal disorders, intravenous administration of saline — All these factors can provoke the development of hypoglycemia.

Signs of hypoglycemia are concerned with concern, excitement, fear and anxiety, high sweating and rapid heartbeat. Among the symptoms pointing to the reduction in sugar levels, it is worth named muscular trembling, dizziness and a fainting condition, pallor of the skin and a constant feeling of hunger.

Syndrome Mac Curry — Synonym hypoglycemia idiopathic

Idiopathic hypoglycemia or poppy curry syndrome — These are concepts that endocrinologists consider synonyms and are considered as a hereditary disease due to a slow decay of insulin, enzyme splitting insulin. Usually this syndrome is manifested under the age of 2 and especially in boys. The first signs of the disease can be spontaneously advancing hypoglycemia, which occurs most often on empty stomach, general weakness, increased sweating, tremor, convulsions, and even coma, and the brain lesion is observed.

There is a reactive hypoglycemia that occurs regularly after meals rich in monosaccharides. In this case, differential diagnosis is based on the presence of the following criteria:

  • rapid decrease in glucose concentration;
  • signs of symptomatic hypoglycemia;
  • Reducing or complete disappearance of hypoglycemia after reuse of food.

It is worth noting that this type of hypoglycemia is not often found, but it is known that the patients complain about increased fatigue, drowsiness, irritability, anxiety, decay of strength, depression, some inhibition, headache and inner trembling. Some patients note the indicated symptoms in the morning, shortly after awakening, but they pass after a while after meals.

Hypoglycemia: symptoms and treatment

The body's reaction to the drop in blood glucose level is manifested by increased altitude of adrenaline. Why is this happening? The brain is especially sensitive to the state of blood sugar levels, since glucose is the main source of energy of its cells. It instantly reacts to a decrease in sugar and sends a signal to adrenal glands, which actively distinguish adrenaline, which stimulates the release of sugar from the accumulated glycogen — This leads to an increase in the level of glucose and the improvement of the patient's condition.

At the same time, adrenaline causes symptoms of anxiety, nervousness, sweating, trembling, dizziness, heartbeat. Heavy hypoglycemia can cause confusion of consciousness, change behavior that can be taken for manifestation of alcohol intoxication. A sharp drop in sugar can break the brain functions, lead to irreversible damage, vision disorder, cramps and coma.

It should be noted that most often this state is characterized by people receiving insulin or drugs for the treatment of diabetes. With the appearance of characteristic signs of hypoglycemia and symptoms — Increased fatigue and sweating, headache, weakness, dizziness and hand shakes are recommended to spend self-control with a glucometter. Treatment of hypoglycemia lies in the reception of 1-20 g of fast suction carbohydrates, sugar, but not fructose. Instant fast effect brings clean glucose in tablets, very sweet drink: tea, coffee, fruit juice or sea. With a critical level of sugar, the patient shows urgent help, which is an intravenous introduction of 40% glucose or glucagon.

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