How to cope with postpartum depression?


  • You are not alone
  • Relationships with loved ones
  • Relationship with the father of the child
  • Relationship with me
  • Relationship with a child
  • When urgently run to the doctor?

    How to cope with postpartum depression?You are not alone

    In the first month after childbirth, many women have hypersensitivity. Not so much depression as an explicit weakening of the nervous system. There may be tears without the reason (at the same time, if you are prone to self-analysis, it is surprised to find that tears are not accompanied by a hub, nor sadness - nothing).

    A child's night crying can bring to such an embostement that you will be shocked by our abilities. As for the feeling that all relatives now all their lives will be followed by every step, teaching life and remind that you are only a means of existence of your offspring, then only a rare happy lucky has escaped this feeling.

    Over time (from 3 months to 1-1.5 years), other symptoms may also be manifested, such as disgusting to sex, the feeling of abandonment, meaninglessness of existence, etc. - both together and separately.

    Be careful to start up that you are not alone. Many women went through this condition. And came out if, of course, it was not ordinary for them. You can give a few tips, how easier to survive this trouble, but there are cases when a doctor's intervention is necessary.

    Relationships with loved ones

    • Tell your home about postpartum depression. Explain that it is not always possible to cope with the volitional effort. The older generation understand this is complicated - they could already forget about their feelings at this time. Be convincing.
    • Every time you «Found», And you offended someone, feel free to apologize, adding «Here is such she, my depression». A person is always easier to forget the offense if he knows that she is not eval.
    • If you do not have time to do homework, then find the one who can help you. Explain the position of my husband. Will have to take an active part. Or not pay attention to the mess, eat soups from the bag and wear shirts after «Dry washing» (The shirt puts into a basket with dirty linen, and when it does not remain clean - it gets and used to the last. The method was widespread in pionerolergers). Most men prefer to learn to include a washing machine.
    • If the husband is not, look for support from loved ones or friends. And do not listen to those who say that women earlier managed themselves, and you are just an odin and lazy. Always managed the units themselves. Just women for some reason consider maternity difficult labor and often exaggerate their suffering. Hence the stories about «Battle youth». Very often, by complex interrogation, it is possible to go to the traces of neighborings running for the products, girlfriends who let go in the cinema, and even grandmothers who lived together or born baby for the summer in the village.
    • If it seems to you that those surrounding too strive to teach you to raise children, impose their opinions, give advice there, where for you and so everything is clear, or stroke for non-fulfillment of traditional requirements («Mother should wake up an hour before the awakening of the child to prepare for children's breakfast» and T.D.), then sufficiently several times very authoritatively declare that «We bring up a child by Professor Shpun-Perdykin», And also to repeat more often, the main thing for the child is loving, healthy and happy parents. If everything goes fine, then soon the grandmother will ask the book with the professor system for «Non-dunning daughter-in-law» His friend. The only problem is that you, in fact, lose the opportunity to ask for advice from those who sent. But you can only send particularly persistent. In addition, Spaun-Perdykin may not be sufficiently highlighted in detail some questions.
    • If you do not have time to cook, remember the frozen vegetables. They are, of course, more expensive, but everything is good. Rumors that there are no vitamins in them are greatly exaggerated.

    • Relationship with the father of the child

      • If you feel offended by him for giving birth, suffered, and he drank with a friend for the success of the process, then spend a educational conversation with him. You are not right. And he is not guilty that he does not know how to give birth. Imagine yourself in his place. You could sit alone and wait for the result? A man often just does not know how to tell what he worried at that moment. But most young fathers have such persons that only wife can notice it can.
      • If your sexual attraction after childbirth has become less, then there is nothing unusual. In breastfeeding mothers it is more often reduced. A very strong attraction during this period can talk about the inflammatory process in the uterus - a good reason to go to the doctor. In general, it may even have a temporary change in sex orientation. Passes. The main thing is not to start act. Most of the problems pass to the end of breastfeeding, the rest - by the year.
      • If you are experiencing a persistent disgust or you think that he doesn't like you anymore, then try, first, do not tell him about it in a rough form. It will be more useful to something like «You know, I have something with your head, of course, it will pass, but now I have the kind of any man calls irritation, I can't even watch TV, with you, of course, easier, but it would be better for me to do not touch me…» or «I need so much so that you are more often, because such a moment…». The main thing, remember that it should pass. And those words that can be talked in fuses should not interfere with the normal continuation of relationships. Of course, apologize after the quarrel - the task is almost unbearable, but try at least not «blow». And telling an inflated spouse: «Well, you, I forgot that I have no nerves in place». The most unpleasant thing is that if in such a state to dissolve yourself, it can be very difficult to return to normal life when the depression will not be left and the trace. Do not let yourself become hysterical.

      Relationship with me

      • Find a person to the role of a psychotherapist. There may be difficulties: after all, a person should understand what happens to you, facilitate your condition and, most importantly, do not make any far-reaching conclusions from your words, and better, in general, immediately forget them. Usually, husbands are coping with this (if they first explain what speech) and close girlfriends (sisters). Moms have an unpleasant feature too well to memorize (especially what concerns their son-in-law), and any man can simply kill the problems of freshwater women. You can, of course, invite a professional, but if the situation is not clearly pathological, then this is an unjustified loss of time and money, because you need a person who will just calm you, and at the time when you need, and not when it is convenient.
      • If you are easy crying, feel bad, lost your appetite, then, consulting with your doctor, start taking vitamins. Increase calcium consumption. You can drink water, infused on a crushed shell of boiled eggs (thoroughly clean from the film, rolling the shell in a pan, boiled water to insist 3 days). Simple eating calcium gluconate helps worse, but if you chose it, do not forget that pills need to chew. Calcium (any) is taken with vitamin C (lemon juice), otherwise it does not absorb. Doctor Homeopath Easily selects you a medicine that, without passing the child through the milk, makes it easier for your condition. The fact that homeopathy acts very slowly, it does not apply to this case.
      • If you have everything hurts, milk is constantly leaking, the muscles of the abdomen and the muscles of the abdomen and are badly healing the gaps, the only way out - remember that it will end the month after a half. It is impossible to cope with milk, just put the gaskets into the bra. The upper part of the back may be sick from gravity. Wear bra. With an uneven contraction of the abdomen's muscles, stop making oblique movements (sweep the floor, wash it with a mop, to carry gravity in one hand) and start doing exercises to strengthen the abdominal press. But do not overdo it. Rales should be handled to full healing. Application of ointments with antibiotics is allowed, t. To. With local suction, the drug does not affect the milk.
      • More sleep. Usually, children cry more at night and in the afternoon, so it's better to devote to sleep all morning (before lunch). During this period, you need to sleep much more than usual. And not only because you are exhausted, but also because ripped sleep brings less satisfaction.
      • You have a chubby belly, the selected face, the hair falls out, and the weight is not in a hurry to return to the norm? Well, nothing. If you draw the stomach, at least passing by the mirror, and better - to raise your legs several times a day, lying on your back, then approximately the first anniversary of the child your abdomen will decrease radically. Eveniness will disappear as soon as the normal functioning of the kidneys will be restored. Hair is usually almost not falling out during pregnancy, so after it takes place what is being able to fly. To normalize weight, you need to start actively moving, more to wear a baby on your arms. «Kangaroo» To do this, the best device. In the first months you can put it horizontally. If it seems that the child can slip out of «kangaroo», then tighten the belts stronger and stick your baby. «Kangaroo» It is not intended for the baby dangling in it, and you carried the bags in both hands.
      • If the child is about a year for about a year, and you still feel the clubs, spend a educational conversation with you. A little baby is nice to have a mom thinking only about him, but the situation will change soon. And he wants his parents and respect. You not only have the right to think about yourself, it's just your duty! Do not place a cross: leave the house, visit, cinema, club, just walk. Meet people who dream of raising children (they will remind you as beautiful). Read more. If you can not perceive anything that is not related to the child, read books about the upbringing and treatment of children (more different - the wider your horizons will be, the more interesting you will communicate with other milfs). Find or come up with yourself at home. Remember your hobby. At least an hour a day you should think about the things of abstract. Only the constant brain training will save you from the transformation into «Tetka».

      How to cope with postpartum depression?Relationship with a child

      • If you can't sleep, because it seems to you that while you sleep with the baby can happen something, you will help you with a special microphone, which is installed in a carriage or bed and allows you to keep track of a child's breath, even from another room (has a portable speaker). You can set the volume at which any change in respiration will wake you. If you, waking up, discovered that the speaker is silent, then before yelling, check the actual condition of the baby - most likely satisfied the batteries in the device or it moved from the spot. Remember that it is still «crutch», But perhaps it will be able to overcome fears. By the year the microphone will be able to give anyone.
      • If the child brought you to his plan to hysterics or you're ready to hit it, pass it to someone from home or just put it in bed (gather and do it smoothly, and not the way you want) and go to drink tea, wash or if Suitable time call girlfriend. Fall asleep can hardly. Leaving the door. Spit well. Try to release steam. Dissatisfied firmly tell me that it is better than shaking from anger, diligently performing maternal duties. Promise that this will happen again two, no more. Most likely not a modern. Imagine in detail what could happen if you were not restrained, but would beat the child, would have come out of the window, or what else did you want to do. If you imagine all this fairly fairly and figuratively, it is quite possible that such states will no longer repeat. Return to the baby when you come to yourself.

      When urgently run to the doctor?

      • child more than a month, and you do not have any kind feelings for him
      • child less than a month, and you have already hit the baby twice
      • You can not resist nonset, but evil slap
      • You are systematically yelling on a child
      • you cry all the time until you sleep
      • You can't eat
      • You can't leave the house without accompaniment
      • you have a constant insomnia
      • Your condition threatens your life
      • Your condition threatens the health of a child or his life.

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