Symptoms of hypoglycemia during diabetes


Symptoms of hypoglycemia during diabetesWorried of increased fatigue, weakness, headache, dizziness, trembling of hands and body, increased sweating? What is the reason for the appearance of such symptoms, which can cause hypoglycemia development? First of all, it should be noted that a decrease in blood glucose concentration below 3.5 mmol / l is a sign of hypoglycemia and is a pathological state requiring immediate intervention.

The mechanisms for the formation of hypoglycemia are diverse, depending on the degree of severity of symptoms allocate different periods of illness — Light hypoglycemia, severe and pronounced or hypoglycemic coma.

Alcoholic hypoglycemia may occur as after receiving a significant portion of alcohol, and a small dose of an empty stomach. In medical practice, there is a hypoglycemia that occurred as a result of autoimmune diseases, disorders of the function of the pituitary gland or adrenal glands, after the operation on the stomach between the meals. Special variety of this syndrome occurs in the kids of the first year of life when the products containing fructose or galactose.

Causes of hypoglycemia, diagnostics

The causes of hypoglycemia can be dehydration of the body, its occurrence is noted during malnutrition and significant exhaustion with a fiber deficit, trace elements, vitamins. The emergence of symptoms of hypoglycemia in diabetes in the case of insulin overdose and drugs that reduce blood sugar are noted: the intensive insulin therapy, the most likely the risk of reduced sugar levels. In addition, hypoglycemia may occur with the unusual organism of physical exertion, intravenous administration of saline, the presence of tumors, hormonal failure, during menstruation in women, critical insufficiency of any organ, such as liver, kidney, heart.

Hypoglycemia is familiar to athletes, especially those who are engaged in bodybuilding and is concerned about the growth of muscle mass, sinters steroid preparations and insulin.

The body immediately responds to the drop in the blood sugar concentration in the increased function of the adrenal glands and the release of adrenaline, which stimulates the release of sugar from the internal reserves of the body, which compensates for the patient's condition. With severe hypoglycemia, glucose deficiency in brain tissues causes an inevitable confusion of consciousness, headache and weakness. Such a state can be taken for alcohol intoxication, it is accompanied by a disorder of vision, convulsions and subsequent coma. Most often, long-term stay in glucose deficiency leads to irreversible changes and damage to the brain function. Glucose — The main source of energy of cerebral cells, so it reacts so sensitively to a decrease in blood sugar.

Symptoms of hypoglycemia in diabetes: what to do?

Symptoms of hypoglycemia in diabetes: what to do?Sugar diabetes patients receiving insulinatherapy, familiar with signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia. It is known that the lungs and severe signs of hypoglycemia are well bought by the reception of glucose. Rapid effect can be achieved by applying pure glucose, pharmacy drug in tablets or 10-20 grams of fast suction carbohydrates, such as sucrose, but not fructose. The patient without consciousness cannot be offered a solution of sugar or very sweet tea, coffee, morse, which quickly eliminate hypoglycemia, most likely — It will be intravenous administration of 40% glucose or glucagon. At the tendency to hypoglycemia, it should often be up to 6 times a day, to eat small portions, and when insulin is introduced, it is necessary to eat before bed for reducing night hypoglycemia, preferably products containing «Slow carbohydrates». Self-monitoring of blood sugar concentrations for patients with diabetes mellitus is carried out daily with a glucometter. Evening digits of sugar concentrations should not be below 5.7 mmol / l in order to avoid the danger of night hypoglycemia, the prevention of which requires the evening injection of insulin after 22 hours. Sugar diabetes patients to prevent hypoglycemia should always have a glucose meter and «Food form kit», Which is a few pieces of sugar, lollipops, pistile glucose tablets, a bottle of sweet drink or fruit juice, cookies or sandwich, and go to the long journey — Mandatory ampoule glucagon and syringe.

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