Causes and mechanism for the development of the diabetic foot


  • Diabetic Stop as a complication of diabetes
  • Development mechanism of diabetic foot
  • Causes of Diabetic Foot Development

  • Diabetic Stop as a complication of diabetes

    Diabetic stop (diabetic foot syndrome) is a medical term that is used to designate a complex of pathological changes of the vessels, nerves and musculoskeletal apparatus of the foot arising against the background of diabetes, which can lead to the development of gangremen affected limb.

    The diabetic stop is a formidable complication of diabetes, which is observed in most patients with insufficient control of blood glucose levels (lack of treatment of diabetes). At the same time, diabetes patients should know and comply with some simple leg care rules that will help prevent the development of gangrene and limb loss.

    Development mechanism of diabetic foot

    Causes and mechanism for the development of the diabetic footSugar diabetes is characterized by an increase in blood glucose level. In healthy people, the constant concentration of glucose in the blood is maintained at the expense of a special hormone, insulin produced by the pancreas in response to an increase in blood glucose concentration. Insulin increases the sensitivity of the body tissues in relation to glucose and launches the biochemical mechanisms for its disposal. In diabetes mellitus, the insulin mechanism for regulation of the level of glucose does not work. For type diabetes mellitus 1, for example, a decrease in the total amount of insulin produced by the pancreas, and with type 2 diabetes, the tissue sensitivity is reduced relative to insulin and therefore even in normal quantities it is not able to reduce blood glucose levels.

    Such a violation of glucose metabolism is extremely unfavorable for the body - on one side of the fabric and organs begin «starve» Since without insulin, they cannot process glucose, and on the other hand, unused glucose accumulates in the blood, seeps into the walls of the vessels, accumulates in the intercellular medium.

    Due to the fact that in our body all types of metabolism are interconnected, shortly after the metabolism of glucose (carbohydrate) disorders fail the metabolism of fats and proteins. Such a global violation of metabolism disrupts the work of the internal organs, blood vessels and the nerves of the patient with diabetes.

    Causes of Diabetic Foot Development

    The causes of the diabetic foot in patients with diabetes are linked in violation of blood supply and innervation of legs. Metabolic disorders (increasing blood glucose, violation of the exchange of fats and proteins), lead to the defeat of small blood vessels and nerves that feed all the tissues of the body, including the fabrics of the legs. Due to their remoteness from the heart, the distal footprint (foot, ankle area) is badly supplied with blood even in healthy people. In patients with diabetes, the diabetic angio - and neuropathy of the foot (damage to the vessels and nerves) finally disrupt the nutrition of the tissues of this body, which will soon lead to the formation of trophic changes in tissues and significantly increases the risk of gangrene.

    Unfortunately, the diabetic stop is one of the frequent complications of diabetes. According to general estimates, various forms of diabetic foot are developing in 70% of diabetes patients. At about half of the cases, when the patient is first circled about diabetes, it already has signs of trophic changes in the lower extremities. Today, all over the world, the diabetic stop is the most common cause of the amputation of the lower limb (about 70% of all cases).

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