Eye fatigue syndrome (asthenopia)


  • Who has asthenopia
  • Causes of Asthenopia
  • Suspect asthenopy
  • School loads
  • How to prevent visual fatigue

  • Eye fatigue syndrome (asthenopia)The age of the cooking computer is not only facilitated by the folk care, but also added an extra line into a list of occupational diseases. Asthenopia - this is the name of a medical jargon with a visual fatigue that occurs after a long-term work at the computer. Recently, asthenopia has increased continuously in geometric progression. Therefore, there is a reason to carefully look at tired eyes.

    The first on their eyes were ladies. They excited the loss of attractiveness. Indeed, swollen and red-minded eyelids, dull and teashed eyes are unlikely to add beauty to women. If in the morning, thoroughly washed and skillfully squeezed, women's eyes satisfied with all the attached individuals of the male race, in the evening, after many hours of work on the computer, they already fit them under Paranjoy.

    Most business ladies and rifle of the referent-secretarical composition correctly determined the essence of the problem: they get tired. However, the means of struggle, according to specialists, all the same most chooses completely wrong. For some reason, everyone starts to dig eyes with all sorts of drops. Especially since advertising strongly imposes these drugs. However, in fact, the drops not only do not save from asthenopia, but on the contrary, it increases it. As a result, the eye problem is only aggravated.

    Who has asthenopia

    Usually, asthenopia appears for those women, as, however, in men who have long to work on a computer, a lot to read all sorts of books, brochures or documents. But not only. The second indispensable condition for the emergence of asthenopia - various deviations in vision: hyperopia, myopia, astigmatism or age changes, due to which the eye loses the ability to focus on nearby objects. As a rule, such changes begin to manifest after 40 years.

    In men, the fatigue of view arises no less than in women, but the strong floor is more patient, less draws attention to its appearance, and therefore it does not go to doctors. And in vain. Because asthenopia is not yet a disease. It's just a border. However, if you do not pay attention to asthenopia, it may appear already a wide variety of more serious diseases. Therefore, there is reasoning to do this problem and eliminate it.

    Causes of Asthenopia

    Specialists counted five main reasons for the harmful effects of the computer on the eyes.

    First, the so-called pixel image structure. On the computer, the image is not fed in the form of solid lines, but in the form of microscopic points. And the eyes of such drawings are sharply reacting.

    Secondly, harms a constant straightforward glow of the screen. Reflected Light, which we usually observe the illuminated room, is more natural for the eyes. When the rays of light from the computer beat directly into the eyes, they harm the brain, because the fatigue of vision is both brain fatigue.

    Thirdly, the computer has a low contrast, which I really don't like our eyes. Because of her eyes strad up and quickly get tired.

    Fourth, on our vision affects the personnel sweep. Who at least once looked at the flashing lamp for a long time, noticed, probably, how it starts to beat on the nerves. The same action has a computer.

    Fifth, vision worsen glare on the monitor. They appear as a reflection of other luminous objects.

    It is these reasons that are the main perpetrators of asthenopia. Unfortunately, not all of them are eliminated. But it is still possible to do something so that at least mitigate the harmful effects of the computer to the eyes. For example, so put the monitor so that no items on it are reflected, as in the mirror. Pick up such a color tone that does not irritate the eyes. Be sure to adjust the brightness of the screen glow. Well, more often distracted from work, for example, on the same computer games.

    Suspect asthenopy

    Suspecting asthenopia is easy. First you need to analyze your state after a working day. If the headache and dizziness appears, the eyes are blushing, they swell the eyelids, the tear runs, it appears and the gravity in the eyes appears, - it means that the fatigue is evident. Against this background, complications may also develop complications in the form of conjunctivitis or blufarite (so called inflammation of the eyelid).

    By the way, quite often, conjunctivitis plays a fateful role in the fate of the computer. With the symptoms of this disease, many believe that their simply «blurred», The so-called witted virus got into the eye. And begins to be treated from colds, again, without a council with doctors, and thus even more «Sale» Tired eyes. And all because few people assume that the cause of conjunctivitis can be not only in the virus, but also in the fatigue of the eyes. So be alert. If the characteristic signs of this disease appeared - redness, swelling and pus in the eyes - first set the reason, naturally, by the doctor. Only he can figure out the causes of conjunctivitis.

    If the symptoms of asthenopia you have discovered - go to an ophthalmologist. Independently or on the advice of friends there are no drops and loving in the eyes, because they still will not help. You need to pick up glasses. Even if I do not want. And many ladies of this just do not want. Alas - will have to. Can be comforted by the fact that they do not have to go all day. Only during work. And one more consolation - now you can easily choose a frame that not only will not spoil the appearance, but also give her something unique. And you can choose the lenses instead of glasses - there is no shortage in them too.

    Naturally, the doctor will appoint glasses with a minus or plus, depending on what you suffer - myopia or fare. There are cases when several points may be needed - to watch near or away. But again, this problem needs to be solved only with a doctor.

    School loads

    Eye fatigue syndrome (asthenopia)By the way, cute ladies, pay attention to your children. It is possible that you will notice the same problem. It turns out that asthenopia quite often appears in children, starting from school age, and she keeps up to 18 years. The reason is not difficult to guess - school loads are too large. Permanent reading and writing are out of order accommodation. This special apparatus, which is inside the eye and helps him focus on objects near. Without withstanding huge loads, he once deplets, and the child appears fatigue.

    Most often it occurs in winter when the day is shortening. At the same time, children walk less and lack vitamins. These factors also affect the emergence of fatigue.

    Child also need to show a doctor. And that's why. If the doctor detects his tendency to myopia, then you will have to reduce the load - to read less, write, sit at the computer or in front of the TV. With a lennowica inclination, on the contrary, loads do not reduce. They are even useful in this case. Pay attention to this and remember - not every doctor in the district polyclinic knows about the latest achievements of scientific thought.

    Well, a healthy lifestyle with mandatory walks and reception of vitamins, of course, can be assigned to everyone without parsing.

    Since the proven visual loads, the child is experiencing a long time, then literally with 1-2 class of all schoolchildren, it is advisable to show an ophthalmologist to determine who has a predisposition to asthenopia, and make a more sparing schedule for him.

    How to prevent visual fatigue

    From the first days of work at the computer or with books and documents, you need to begin to take care of your eyes. First prepare workplace. It should be well lit. Seese at the table is needed with maximum comfort so that the posture is relaxed, and not intense. Every 30-40 minutes of work it is necessary to do at least a 5-minute break. It can be held again with the use of eye. For example, make a special gymnastics that strengthens eye muscles. To do this, you need to alternately look up and down, and then right-left. For the next exercise, choose a distance of some object (flower pot on the wall, dog booth on the street), put your finger in front of the eyes at a distance of 15-20 centimeters so that it is on the same line with the selected object, and now begin to translate the view from The surrounding finger on the far object and back. Do these exercises several times. Well, do not forget about vitamins, especially since the winter is coming, and the luminous day is shrinking.

    Asthenopia can happen to each. And anywhere, by the way, speaking. In the Polar, where not only the day is short, but in general, all year flies almost in the night, a huge number of people suffers from asthenopia against the background of myopia. However, both southes are not easier. There ethnic features of people cut. Doctors are kindly unknown, why in the Caucasian region most people suffer from far-sightedness, maybe it is somehow connected with genetic predisposition, but the fact remains a fact - and this fact of South, sorry, on the face is written. In general, let anyone - the fat and small, round and narrow, almond and sidelines suffer fatigue and fatigue - and in all parts of the world.

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