The main symptoms of the fistula rectum


  • The concept of fistulas of the rectum
  • Causes and mechanism for the development of fistula rectors
  • The main symptoms of chronic paraproititis
  • Confrontation

  • The concept of fistulas of the rectum

    Sounds of the rectum (chronic paraproititis) - a chronic inflammatory process in anal crypt, intersphinestone space and a paragreus tissue with the formation of a fistula. The affected crypt is with the inner hole of the fistula.

    The causes of the fistula rectum are post-traumatic or postoperative factors. In fact, we are talking about a chronic inflammatory process (chronic paraporate), directly related to the origin of the rectum fistula.

    Causes and mechanism for the development of fistula rectors

    According to statistics, approximately 95% of patients with the fistulas of the rectum bind the beginning of the disease with a steady paraproititis. Approximately 50% of the patients of this group are performed only by opening and drainage of the abscess without eliminating the input gate of infection, which often leads to the formation of the fistula of the rectum. Permanent infection occurs from the gossip, purulent move is surrounded by a wall of connecting tissue - this is already a fistula. The outer hole of the fistula is usually opened on the crotch's skin, when not enough drainage, infiltrates and purulent cavities can be formed.

    The main symptoms of chronic paraproititis

    The main symptoms of the fistula rectumUsually the patient is bothering the presence of a fistula (wounds) on the skin in the area of ​​the rear pass, the selection of inserts, Sukrovitsy, because of which it is forced to wear a gasket, make kneading crotch or seating baths 1-2 times a day. Sometimes allocations are abundant, cause skin irritation, itching.

    The pain with good drainage of complete fistula is rarely disturbing, as it is characteristic of incomplete inner fistula. It is due to a chronic inflammatory process in the thickness of the inner sphincter, in the intersphistribution space and inadequate drainage with the rear pass. Typically, pain is enhanced at the time of defecation and gradually subsides, because when stretching the anal channel at the time of passing a hits, incomplete internal fistula is better drained.

    Very often, the disease proceeds waves, against the background of an existing fistula, there may be an aggravation of inflammation in the paragreus tissue. This happens when the poverty-necrotic sweatshirt is blocked. At the same time, an abscess may occur after the opening and emptying of which acute inflammatory phenomena verses, the amount of separated from the wound decreases, the pain disappears, the overall state is improved, but the wound does not fully heal, the wound remains no more than 1 cm in the diameter, which continues to receive sucrovic Purulent discharge - this is the outer hole of the fistula. With a short fiscaset progress, a commonly scarce, if the allocations are abundant purulent, most likely, in the course of the fistula there is a purulent cavity. Blood selection should be alarmed with respect to fistula.

    In periods of remission, pain for the rectum fistula is uncharacter. The general condition of the patient at this time is satisfactory. With careful observance of hygienic measures, the patient for a long time may not particularly suffer from the presence of fistula. But periods of exacerbations greatly violate the quality of life. The appearance of new foci of inflammation, the involvement of the rear-pass sphincter process leads to the emergence of new symptoms of the disease, the long-term inflammatory process is reflected in the general condition of the patient, asthenization, headache, poor sleep, decrease in performance, psyche suffers, the potency suffers.


    The presence of a rectum fistula, especially complex, with infiltrates and purulent cavities, accompanied by frequent exacerbations of the inflammatory process, can lead to a significant deterioration in the overall state of the patient. In addition, severe local changes may occur due to the significant deformation of the anal channel and the perineum, the scar changes in the muscles, compressing the rear pass, resulting in the lack of anal sphincter.

    Another complication of chronic paraproctitis is the Pectanosis - scar changes in the wall of the anal canal, leading to a decrease in elasticity and scar stricture. With a long existence of the disease (more than 5 years), in some cases, the fistula is observed.

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