Child suffering from daltonism requires a completely different approach than other children. After all, he cannot normally perform school buildings and risks becoming a lief for his peers, which are often unreasonably cruel. To help such children need to know their features.

Andy loves to read out loud in class. However, today he refuses to read the teacher. Because the text written by purple letters on a blue background.
For these children, red, yellow, green, orange - just words. They perceive the color differently. Approximately 10 percent of boys suffer from daltonism, while only half-price of girls lack full color vision. This genetic deficit usually goes from the mother to his son and in subsequent generations. There is a misconception that those who suffer daltonism see everything in black and white, as if the world for them is a black and white TV. But it is not true. Such cases are extremely rare. Most children - Dalconikov see color, but they are completely different for them than for the rest of people.
Two types of cells in the eye perceive light - cones and rods. Cones are responsible for our color vision. They are sensitive to red, green-blue color. Children suffering from Daltonism lack the perception of one, two or all three cones. Those who sees each color of the rainbow can distinguish more than 100 shades. But child-suffering children are dealing with another palette. They see only a few colors.
Since Daltonism prevents the social adaptation of the child, parents and teachers should know the features of these children. Colors are used as communications tools, even when learning mathematics and music. Any workbook includes tables based on color. A child who does not distinguish colors will simply not be able to master the material. If the child did not diagnose Daltonism on time, then it is completely incorrect attitude at school. He is accused of inattention, not concentration, laziness, while a child in all these «sin» absolutely not to blame.
If parents in the children's «Inattentive» Daltonism suspected - they should show the child to children's ophthalmologist. Ophthalmologist, in turn, will confirm or eliminate daltonism.