Defining pregnancy with iodine

Racing mood, lack of appetite or, on the contrary, the desire to immediately eat everything that is in the refrigerator, making up in the morning, and ... delay. Familiar? In most cases, the cause of such a state is pregnancy.

How to determine, you are pregnant or not? Medicine Currently offers a fairly wide selection of determination: Tests ordinary, inkjet, blood tests and urine, Ultrasound. But there are cases when you want to learn right now about the long-awaited event. In this case, the MPsovtsov recommends to use the old «Babushkin» Method and determine whether you are pregnant with an ordinary iodine.

In times, when our great-grandmothers had the opportunity to attend women's advice (they simply did not exist), each woman had its own methods of detecting conception. Among them appear onions, soda, wedding rings and iodine. Each of the methods is peculiar, and to believe them all one hundred percent, perhaps, will now be wrong.

Definition of conception

Pregnancy, conceit, iodine, definition of pregnancy, application iodine

Most women have never heard of this interesting pregnancy method. Naturally, it is impossible to talk about 100% of efficiency. It is also necessary to know that the method works only for women who have a short time, but not more than ten weeks.

To pass this test, you will need such items:

  1. Your own urine. Preferably Morning. It must be clean (this concerns personal hygiene).
  2. Medical pipette. Will be better if it is absolutely new.
  3. Bubble with iodom.
  4. Glass glass (pure).
  5. White paper sheet.

Pregnancy testing methods with iodine two. Consider each separately.

First method. In a clean capacity (for example, a jar or a glass), it is necessary to collect urine (Morning). Pipette take from the bubble a droplet of iodine and carefully drop into a container with urine. Attention! You need a drop «deliver» in urine so that it sank into it smoothly and slowly. It is desirable that she does not «bought» Pipette Capacity.

Watch the iodine droplet. If she stayed upstairs and does not spread or if it divided into many small droplets, take our congratulations - you are pregnant! Also, if the drop first plunged on the bottom, and then immediately surfaced - this is also a signal to the beginning of a new life.

If the drop of iodine drowned, and then completely spread over the surface, it means that the conception did not happen. So look for another reason for your aggression and morning malaise.

Second method. Take a clean glass, paper sheet, iodine and pipette. Cut from paper striped. Now we will remember chemistry lessons. Fill the glass of the morning urine, moisten a piece of paper in it. On a wet strip neatly drip iodine droplet. And ... Attention! If iodine color with brown turned into a purple or lilac color, it means that you are pregnant. If iodine remains unchanged (or has become blue) - Pregnancy has not come.

A little about the main thing

Pregnancy, conceit, iodine, definition of pregnancy, application iodine

Doctors say that in the early stages, even urine analysis made in laboratory conditions cannot guarantee pregnancy. And what to talk about folk methods?

Therefore, it must be remembered that if you felt changes in your body, trust the specialists.

Now there are many different methods with which you can determine ovulation, cycle and phases of a female organism, and even more so pregnancy. Therefore, we can say that the method of determining pregnancy with a droplet of iodine can not be scientifically justified. It's how to play the lottery: you're lucky, and the droplet did not sink, or you were not lucky - you are not pregnant. If you want to play a cat-mouse - Welcome. Thus, making a homemade iodo-baby test, you will support your self-confidence and with proudly raised head will go to the gynecologist's office. And let your first phrase begins like this: «Doctor, I'm pregnant. My daughter \ son we call ..».

And if luck is not on your side and after iodine testing, you received a negative result, maybe you should not calm down? «Perhaps yes», - exclaims our site, because the people's method of determining conception is not effective. What if you are actually pregnant and continue to lead the former lifestyle. What if you have ectopic pregnancy And you need urgent medical care? A woman can perish, since, developing, pregnancy will provoke a break of the pipe, and in such a state of each minute.

And yet, what needs to pay attention to every woman. If you have done a few «Homemade» tests, conducted a pregnancy test using pharmacy test strips and pregnancy is revealed, and the ultrasonic diagnostic method does not reveal it - this is the first signal to think, since the gynecologist can put its own, not always a consolation diagnosis.

We trust or not

Pregnancy, conceit, iodine, definition of pregnancy, application iodine

It turns out that the test can and deceive, because the human body is unpredictable. There are cases when a woman is not in «Interesting position», and iodine drop becomes purple. Why is this happening? There are diseases when the body allocates a protein (amyloid) through the urine. It is he who can provoke the reaction and paint iodine into another color.

In addition, urine can change the color and then when in the container in which a woman «went to a small», Previously, there was any product containing starch. It turns out that the jar did not wash carefully and did not hurt with boiling water, so the test showed a false pregnancy.

Numerous reviews about dough with iodine contradictory: Some claim that the method really works, others say the opposite. In fact, if we are talking about real pregnancy, then, most likely, the reaction «positively» speaks of a reliable result.

Naturally, when it comes to the most important thing, then at hand you can hardly have a pharmacy test bar. Therefore, if you decide to experience fate and trust the method of determining pregnancies with iodine, no one bothers you. But the next time you will go to the pharmacy for iodine, it is better to buy several packs of tests to determine pregnancy instead of it. Perhaps the moment will come when they are very useful to you. Good luck!

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