When it comes to inflammatory age disease in children, most often we are talking about barley and blufarite, forgetting such a disease as a halazion. And, meanwhile, cases of the development of this khana in kids are not uncommon. What is a halazion? How to help a child suffering from this disease?

Walled diseases, reducing the protective functions of the children's body can also lead to inflammation of the Mabomius gland of the century. In every century there are about 30 glands, opening at its background. The secret of these glands serves to lubricate the edges of the age and constitute an outer lipid layer of lacrimal film. With the inflammation of the Mabomius hardware, the secret in the thickening of the century accumulates and education appears in the form of a pea - this is a halazion.
It is solid to the touch and when the century is twisted, it has a look of granuloma. If it is concentrated closer to the outer surface of the century, the local abuse of the century is immediately detected, the skin here is not fast with the subject to cloth and easily. In cases where the Halaiazion is localized closer to the cartilaginous department of conjunctiva, it is better viewed when the ages are twisted. At the same time, it is possible to install not only its outlines and sizes, but also the white-eyed color of the content.
May be observed both single and multiple halaysions. They, as a rule, are closer to the root edge of the century and are often due to the closure of output ducts of the eyelid. Halazion can be dissolved, open and emptied, but it increases more often. In the field of output ducts of the glands form cysts or accumulation of the grayish secret.
The appearance of a halazion can still be associated with oily skin in a child. Halazion of large sizes sometimes presses on the cornea and even causes an astigmatic visual impairment.
Self-treatment of a halazion in a child is unacceptable. No compresses with herbs, baked potatoes and bulbs. As a result of this kind of procedures, secondary infection can join.
Around the world, three main options for the treatment of a halazion are practiced.
If the disease is diagnosed in the early stages, various forms of conservative therapy are used. Most often - Appliques with yellow mercury ointment and disinfecting drops.
The following option is treatment with corticosteroids. In the cavity of the chairsion, steroids are introduced with a thin needle, which contribute to the gradual resorption of the secret accumulated in the thicker.
If a lot has passed a lot and the pea is not absorbed, then the surgical method of treatment is used. Treatment operational, in outpatient conditions. Under the local drip and infiltration anesthesia, they are superimposed by an eyelid tweezers-clamp, make a section of the conjunctiva of the century and carefully deprive the halazion with the preservation of its walls. The bed is additionally scraped by an acute spoon and lubricate the cavity with a solution of lugola or any disinfectant liquid. Seams, as a rule, do not impose. Antibiotics are introduced into the conjunctival bag (under the conjunctive). Align the monocular aseptic bandage for 1-2 days.
Cosmetically such intervention is not visible, as it is carried out by the mucous membrane. And, as a rule, such an operation passes without complications.
Children with a weakened immunity of diabetes mellitus can be recurrence of inflammation of a meibomic gland.