Trachoma is an infectious disease that can lead to disability. It is caused by a parasitic bacterium, which develops only in the cellular tissues. After a few years, the scars may be the cause of eyelash orientation inwards and scratches appearing on eye lens, in many cases cause blindness.
Diphtheria conjunctivitis
Treatment of trachomas
Treatment of chlamydial conjunctivitis
Chlamydial conjunctivitis
Chlamydial conjunctivitis causes microorganisms that are neither viruses neither by bacteria, but can show properties and some other. This is a separate class of intracellular parasites, which was defined only recently. Chlamydial conjunctivitis caused by the parasitic bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis, which develops only in the cellular tissues.
Chlamydia can cause two types of conjunctivities:

Trachoma – This is a severe disease of the organ of vision, which is striking the conjunctiva, cornea, tear bodies, eyelids. In the pre-revolutionary Russia, the trachom was widespread and was the main cause of blindness. Now trachoms are common in economically backward countries Asia, Africa, Latin America. It is believed that thanks to the achievements of Soviet medicine, trachom in Russia is not found. Type (strain) of chlamydia, which cause trachoma disease, can no longer exist anywhere in the human body.
Trachoma begins gradually and imperceptibly. Complaints on the feeling of gravity in the eyelids, the feeling of sand in the eyes, bonding the eyelids in the morning. Gradually, the thickening of the conjunctiva, which acquires a cherry shade. Then thick bubbles appear in the thickness of the mucous membrane, the surface of the conjunctiva becomes buggy. The thickening of the mucous membrane continues, it is protruding from the eye slit, reminding «Cocking scallops». Gradually, the cornea is involved in the process. Bubbles (follicles) are formed on it, which then turn into pits. The whole cornea thickens, becomes muddy. This state of the cornea is called the trachomatous pannus (curtain). After anemia of the acute process, the scarring occurs, which captures not only superficial, but also deep fabrics. Bornery exposed and cornea.
Light forms of trachoma, when, after the suffering disease, the vision is preserved, it is rare, more often the disease lasts years and ends with blindness. Traciasis complications are trichiasis (incorrect growth of eyelashes) or cessation of eyelash growth and the influence of the century, the education of the century (entropyon), synbrelofaron (the battle of the mucous membrane of the eyelids and the mucous membrane of the eyeball of the eye apple), impairment of glazes, producing tear liquid and the dryness of the cornea. Cerozes most often leads to blindness.
Treatment of trachomas
Laying in a conjunctival bag of ointments with antibiotics from 3 to 6 times a day for three months, or once a day is laying a dibiomycin. Sometimes you have to remove follicles using special tools.
Treatment of Ferchi Surgical Costs. Various plastic operations are performed.

Paranthoma or chlamydial conjunctivitis is called an even oculo-shaped infection. This type of conjunctivitis causes chlamydia, which affect the urinary system (urogenital chlamydia). Tirty usually people who are leading active sex life. Infection enters the eye from urinary and genital organs with unwashed hands, less often with towels, when bathing in the pool. Very often chlamydial conjunctivitis is combined not only with chlamydial infection of the urinary tract, but also with the lesion of the joints. Previously, this disease was called Reiter syndrome.
Sometimes chlamydial conjunctivitis can occur isolated. Eyes more often. The disease usually begins acutely from edema and redness. After a few days, it increases and becomes painful eye-haired salid iron. From the eye, the mucous membrane is highlighted, then purulent content. After 1-2 weeks, follicles (bubbles) of large and small sizes appear on the mucous membrane. Sometimes follicles appear on the cornea. Usually after 2-3 months, patients are recovered, but sometimes the disease takes a chronic course.
Very rare chlamydial conjunctivitis can occur heavily, reminding the fuck. Newborn children can be infected with chlamydial infection when passing through the generic paths of the mother in childbirth. Almost always in newborns suffer both eyes. Conjunctivitis proceeds acutely accompanied by abundant purulent emissions. Sometimes films that are easily removed on the mucous membrane of the eye are formed. More often, the film occurs in the conjunctival of the lower eyelid.
Treatment of chlamydial conjunctivitis
When treatment of chlamydial conjunctivitis is applied to the conjunctival bag of ointments with antibiotics 5-6 times a day. Need treatment of the main disease – Urogenital chlamydia.